“This has been much more fun than I expected. Don’t you agree, Brooklyn?” her mom asked.

She wished she shared the sentiment. Instead, each bachelor who walked across the stage brought her one step closer to Derek, and the very thing she’d dreaded for weeks. “It’s been unique.” Perhaps under different circumstances she would have found the whole thing entertaining. “The foundation has raised a substantial amount of money, which is great.” And they were about to raise even more. Only one bachelor remained, and she had a blank check to guarantee he found himself sitting at her table.

“I’d like to introduce everyone to our final bachelor for the evening.”

Brooklyn swallowed and gripped the auction paddle in her lap tighter as she watched Derek walk onto the stage. Like all the other men tonight, he wore a black tuxedo and looked as handsome as sin.

Rose glanced down at the cheat sheet she’d been reading from all evening before she spoke again. “Derek Sherbrooke was born and raised in Rhode Island. Today he lives in Newport and works here in Providence for Hale and Associates. For the winning bidder’s first date, Derek has a romantic day on the ocean planned.”

If that was indeed what he had planned for them and not simply what he’d said because he needed to come up with something, at least they’d be away from prying eyes and cameras, a definite bonus in her opinion.

“Again we’ll start the bidding at five thousand dollars.”

She lifted the paddle from her lap. Before it cleared the table, her hand froze. This is crazy. Brooklyn took in a deep breath. She’d promised him. He was depending on her. No matter what, she couldn’t let him down tonight.

“I have one bid for five thousand.”

Rose’s statement had Brooklyn looking around the ballroom for the first bidder. She didn’t need to look far. A few tables over, Tasha sat with several other women, a large smile on her face.

“Can I get eight?” Rose asked, causing a much older woman near the front to raise her paddle in the air.

Tasha didn’t wait for Rose to raise the asking price before she lifted her paddle again and called out, “Fifteen thousand.”

Not once during the auction had anyone announced a dollar amount and a look of confusion crossed Rose’s face as she cleared her throat, the sound echoing through the speakers. “We have a bid for fifteen. Can I get eighteen?”

Raise your hand, a voice shouted in her head, but somehow her brain refused to send the message onward.

A third woman seated at the next table over raised her paddle.

“We have eighteen—”

“Twenty-five,” Tasha called out before Rose finished her sentence.

Brooklyn saw Derek and Rose exchange a look before she readjusted the microphone and prepared to speak again.

“We’re up to twenty-five thousand, is anyone willing to go to thirty?”

Do it. Brooklyn didn’t stop to think. Clutching the auction paddle, she sent her arm into the air. Three sets of eyes turned on her, sending heat to her cheeks, but she kept her eyes trained on Derek. Later she’d deal with her mom’s interrogation. Right now, she just needed to survive the battle ahead. And judging by Tasha’s enthusiasm so far, it was going to be one heck of a fight.

He’d located Brooklyn and her family as well as Tasha Marshall the moment he walked out on stage. In his opinion, it was a good idea to know where your allies and enemies were at all times. When the bidding started and Tasha sent her paddle into the air faster than a bolt of lightning, he’d expected Brooklyn to follow suit. Instead, Susan Abington, a woman old enough to be his mother, countered Tasha’s bid. Unable to stop himself, he’d glanced over at Brooklyn. Despite the dim lighting in the room, he saw her well enough to spot the indecision and panic on her face. And for the first time since she’d agreed, he feared she wouldn’t go through with his plan. On cue, Tasha came back with yet a higher bid and Brooklyn still sat there. Come on, Brooklyn. Please.

Next to him, Rose again asked for a higher amount and a cute redhead he’d never met sent her hand up. Derek knew the woman didn’t stand a chance. And he was correct. Before poor Rose could finish her next sentence, Tasha interrupted her, causing Rose to look at him. In return, all he could do was give a little shrug and clench his jaw tighter.

“We’re up to twenty-five thousand, is anyone willing to go to thirty?” Rose asked, getting back down to business despite the interruption.

Brooklyn’s hand shot up like a rocket, and he relaxed his jaw. About damn time. Even from up on the stage, he saw her mom and sisters turn their gazes on her. Later they’d grill her, which he truly did regret. He already knew she didn’t have the closest relationship with her family, and if there had been any other way tonight, he never would’ve asked her to get involved. He owed her, and at some point soon, he’d make it up to her.

At the podium, Rose smiled out at the audience. Considering Tasha’s behavior so far, he suspected Rose already knew the bidding would go even higher, making the fundraiser more of a success than it already was.

“Thanks to bidder number eighty-two, we are now up to thirty thousand dollars. Is there anyone willing to go for thirty-five?”

Did she have to sound so cheerful about the situation? Couldn’t she close the auction and let him escape?

“Forty,” Tasha called out, her voice loud and clear in the ballroom.

Down at her table, Brooklyn lifted her paddle, but before she got it high enough for Rose or anyone not watching carefully to notice, the cute redhead from earlier jumped back into the fun. “Forty-two.”

Next to him, Rose gave a quiet squeal of delight. At least the night was turning into a grand success for someone. In a way, he was pleased for her, since this was the first fundraiser she’d organized for the foundation. He would have preferred if her success hadn’t involved his participation.