He sensed his sister behind him before she spoke. He’d known she’d come searching for him again tonight, but he’d hoped their nephew would keep her distracted for a bit longer.

“I thought you planned on checking in with Dad.” She stopped next to him and rested an elbow on the bar.

Before he answered, he accepted the drink from the bartender. “Already did. Then I needed a drink.” He held up his glass as if to reinforce his statement.

Allison eyed him critically. “That was a quick conversation.” She turned her attention toward the bartender and said, “I’ll have whatever he has, please.” Her order placed, she set her sights on him again. “So what has your panties in a knot tonight?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Derek took a long swig from his glass. Perhaps later, after he’d eaten, he’d have something stronger than club soda, but for now, this would suffice.

“Please. You have this aura of grouchiness around you.” She accepted her drink and then linked her arm through his and started walking, making it impossible for him to get away. “Trent says you’re in a bad mood because of the fundraiser next week.”

Derek allowed her to lead him across the room and away from the family members because trying to escape her was pointless. She’d only hunt him down again.

“He’s right. I’m dreading it.” He wasn’t looking forward to the auction, so he wasn’t lying to Allison. “I noticed Tasha Marshall on the guest list. It’ll be a nightmare if I end up with her at the end of the night.”

Pushing open a door, she stepped outside. “Not buying it. You’ve got something up your sleeve to make sure that doesn’t happen. I don’t know what, but I know you do.” Allison brought them over to the patio chairs and dropped into one. “Besides, you didn’t get super testy until Addie mentioned Brooklyn.”

He took another long swallow from his glass and wished he’d ordered a Scotch or something instead. At times like this, he wished Alliso

n didn’t know him so well.

“If she’s found someone she enjoys spending time with, you should be happy for her. That’s what good friends do. Or are you jealous because, for perhaps the first time ever, she’s with someone instead of you?”

“Jealous? Come on, Allison. We both know if I wanted a woman next to me right now, I’d have one.” His comment might sound pompous, but that didn’t make it untrue. He never lacked for female companionship when he desired it.

“Wow. I don’t know how you fit your head through doorways.” She gave his arm a little nudge and sent him a small smile. “Seriously, what’s the problem then? You’ve been friends for what, ten years? Did you have some kind of falling out?”

He needed to give her an answer because Allison shared the same Sherbrooke stubbornness as the rest of the family. “Brooklyn’s father set her up with Trevor because he’s hoping it will help with a business deal. She promised she’d see where things went with him.”

“Talk about a little old school there. But if they get along well and Brooklyn enjoys spending time with him, so what? Maybe it’ll work out for them. Even if it doesn’t, you shouldn’t get so angry about it. Her father didn’t ask you to date Trevor.”

“He’s not the right person for her. I’ve tried telling her, but—”

“Who says Trevor’s wrong for her? You? How would you know? You don’t know much about him except he’s a professor at Brown.”

“He’s not.” He gripped his glass tighter, the condensation on the outside making his hand damp.

“Okay, Mr. I Know Everything, who would be right for her? I don’t think she’s ever had a boyfriend, has she? So how would you know what type of man she wants? Has she shared her heart’s secret desires with you or something?”

His sister had a valid argument there. He’d tried more than once to come up with the names of men Brooklyn had been in relationships with; he’d had no luck. So perhaps he didn’t know exactly the type of person Brooklyn was attracted to. However, he knew enough about her to know Trevor wasn’t it. “What do you think?” Derek narrowed his eyes and glared at his sister. “But I know her well enough to know who might make her happy.”

Allison crossed her arms, which was never a good sign during a serious conversation like this one. Had he really been looking forward to this party tonight with his family? What the hell had he been thinking?

“Since you know her so well, tell me who should she be with? You?”

Him? His sister’s question was like a sucker punch to the gut. For a moment, he couldn’t breathe, never mind answer Allison. They were close friends. Buddies. Nothing more. Brooklyn needed someone like…. His thoughts faltered. At the moment, not a single name came to him. That didn’t mean he was the one for her either.

“God, no. Of course not.” For a moment, he remembered the way she’d looked the night of her first date with Trevor. The dress she’d worn had hugged her body in all the right places. “She’s like a sister to me. You know that.” Heat climbed the back of his neck and he hoped Allison didn’t notice.

“Mmm, yeah, not buying it, brother dearest. I know you too well. You’re acting jealous, and the only reason I can see for you to be jealous is if you loved her yourself. Or I guess maybe if you loved Trevor and wanted him. We both know that’s not the case.”

Sometimes he hated having a twin. Of course he loved Brooklyn. He considered her one of his closest friends. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her. Love like that and the type his sister referred to were worlds apart, though. “You’re wrong, Allison. She’s a friend, nothing more. End of story.”

He tossed back the rest of the club soda in his glass as the image of her standing with Trevor’s hand on her back while they spoke rose back up. Immediately, the desire to track Trevor down and plant a fist in his face overtook him.

The corner of Allison’s mouth went up. “Sure, whatever you say.” His sister stood and grabbed her glass from the table. “I’m going to look for Charlie and Jake. I haven’t seen them at all tonight.”

Derek watched his sister walk away. Where did she get her nutty notions from anyway? Jealous because he wanted Brooklyn for himself? Yeah, right. Now that was funny, and he’d prove it. He could play matchmaker too. He’d think of someone perfect for Brooklyn. He knew a lot of single men. There must be someone among his acquaintances right for her. Tomorrow, he’d give it some considerable thought. Jealous? No way.