“I think your sister is here,” Allison said, pulling Brooklyn away from her unpleasant thoughts.


ross the main foyer, Milan accepted a champagne flute from a waiter walking by. Although Brooklyn hadn’t spoken to her mom or dad in weeks, she’d remained in contact with her sisters. They’d both been happy for her and agreed to serve as bridesmaids in the wedding along with Derek’s sister. Milan had also kept her up to date on their father’s condition.

“I’m going to say hello.” She kissed Derek on the cheek. “I’ll be back.”

Milan met her halfway across the foyer.

“I’m glad you’re finally here. Cheyenne is around somewhere too.” She’d spoken with her cousin earlier but hadn’t seen her in a while, not surprising considering the number of family members present and the size of the house.

Milan hugged her and kissed each of her cheeks, the same greeting their mom used. The familiar gesture momentarily dulled the happiness high she’d been floating around in.

“My baby sister’s engagement party; wouldn’t have missed it.”

The un-Milan-like statement left her speechless.

“I guess Derek’s family never does anything small?”

“Actually, this is small. Except for you, Cheyenne, Aunt Felicia, and the President’s Secret Service detail, only his family is here.”

“Secret Service detail, okay, yeah, let me digest that one for a moment.”

Seeing the President’s motorcade arrive had left Brooklyn’s mouth hanging open too.

Derek watched Brooklyn and her sister together. He’d never been a big fan of Milan, but as of late his opinion had changed. Since Brooklyn’s falling-out with her parents, Milan had been nothing but supportive. She’d appeared genuinely happy when she’d learned of their engagement. She’d called several times to see how Brooklyn was doing and kept her updated on their dad’s progress, since their mom didn’t. Even Paris had disagreed with their parents’ decision. While she didn’t call as often, she’d offered her expertise on wedding planning, her words, not Brooklyn’s, an offer Brooklyn had graciously declined.

A hand dropped on his shoulder and Derek turned his head. “Congrats,” his cousin said. “Suspected you and Brooklyn would get together someday.”

Scott wasn’t the first person to say something along those lines. It made him wonder why it had taken him ten years to figure out.

“Where have you been hiding?” He hadn’t seen Scott since the auction weeks earlier, which was unusual. Although Scott spent much of his time in New York City where he worked, he owned a place in Newport where he spent many of his summer weekends. Frequently, when he was in the area, he’d call and they’d get together. Not once so far this summer had his cousin called or messaged him.

“New York and London. Other than the weekend I took Paige on our first date and today, I haven’t been back since the fundraiser.”

“You’re slow. Colton already fulfilled all four of his dates. He couldn’t get rid of Tyanna fast enough.” He’d expected his friend to throw a party after he took Tyanna out for the final time.

Scott gave a slight shrug. “Our schedules have conflicted. No big deal. I’m not in a big rush. Paige isn’t either.”

The change in his cousin’s voice when he said Paige’s name was slight, but Derek caught it. “Who is she? Before the fundraiser I’d never heard of Paige Foster.”

“Her grandfather is Michael Foster. As in Foster Oil.”

He’d heard of the Texas millionaire. “I thought he only had daughters.”

“It’s complicated, but Foster’s son Jeremy and his daughter-in-law live in Scituate.”

“Brooklyn and I are taking the Affinity to either Block Island or Martha’s Vineyard tomorrow. If you’re around, join us.”

“Appreciate the offer, but I have plans with Paige.”

“Getting your second date taken care of?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

Derek caught Scott’s smile before it disappeared. Maybe his Aunt Marilyn’s wish was becoming a reality.

The End