Brooklyn moved so she faced him on the couch, making it impossible for him to keep an arm around her. “More like because of things that happened in high school.”

He listened as she shared Novak’s reasons, both disgusted and amazed. Most adults could put such events in the past and move on. It was a shame Donovan Novak couldn’t, not even for his daughter.

“I know it’s not the same, but my dad’s going to treat you like another daughter.” Derek had seen how his dad treated his sister-in-law, as well as Gray’s fiancée. “And once we tell them, my family will consider you a Sherbrooke even before the wedding.”

She gave him a sad smile, causing him to wish he could pay Novak a visit and beat him over the head until he saw reason.

“It’s not, but I’m looking forward to it. And my whole family hasn’t abandoned me. Aunt Felicia and Cheyenne are going to want to help with the wedding. Milan sent me a few messages. She and Paris think Dad is being an ass.”

He’d never thought he’d agree with her sisters. Today he did.

“And my grandmother never liked my dad anyway. She told me a bunch of times how she didn’t want Mom to marry him.”

Derek didn’t know Matilda Knight, but evidently she was a good judge of character.

Brooklyn leaned back against him, once again resting her head on his shoulder. “Let’s talk about something else. Where do you want to get married?”

“Up to you.” He didn’t care where. “But make it soon.”


Three Weeks Later

They exited the library and walked straight into Derek’s sister and Aunt Marilyn, two of the many family members filling Mark Sherbrooke’s house for their engagement party.

“About time Derek asked you to marry him,” Allison said in lieu of a proper greeting. “And I’m so glad you took pity on him and said yes.” Allison hugged her.

Her happiness grew, and she feared her cheeks would explode from all the smiling she’d done since their arrival.

When Allison let her go, she reached for Brooklyn’s left hand. “He might be slow, but he at least has good taste. Have you set a date?”

“Labor Day weekend,” Derek grumbled, earning him a glare from both his sister and aunt.

“Impossible. You can’t plan a proper wedding by then. It takes at least a year,” Marilyn said with authority. “It took me even longer. Your uncle and I were engaged for a year and a half.”

“Derek wanted the wedding sooner. It took considerable effort to get him to wait until September, Mrs. Belmont.”

Marilyn frowned at them both. “Hmph. Well, if you need any help, let me know. And we’re family now. No Mrs. Belmont. Please call me Aunt Marilyn or just Marilyn, whichever one you’re most comfortable with.”

She received a similar statement from Derek’s dad and stepmom, although she knew it would take some time before she was comfortable addressing them in a less formal manner. “Thank you. If we need anything, I’ll call.” Brooklyn appreciated the offer but doubted she’d make use of it. If she let Marilyn get involved with the planning, before she knew it the wedding would be a huge elaborate affair. Something neither she nor Derek wanted.

“Oh, good. Scott’s here,” Marilyn said, her attention at least momentarily off their wedding and on the other guests. “Does anyone know how his dates with Paige Foster are going? Who knows, maybe things will work out between them like they did for you two.”

Brooklyn didn’t know anything about Paige Foster, the woman who’d put in the highest bid on Scott at the auction. She’d seen a picture of them together before her father’s heart attack, but nothing since.

“He hasn’t talked about the dates with me,” Derek said. “But I wouldn’t get my hopes up, Aunt Marilyn. We knew each other a long time before the auction.”

“Perhaps, but if it wasn’t for me, you never would’ve gotten together.” She glared in his direction. “And don’t tell me you didn’t set that whole thing up. I didn’t say anything, but as soon as Brooklyn started bidding I knew you’d put her up to it.” She paused as if daring someone to correct her. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to find Harrison,” she said, referring to her husband.

“I told you she’d never buy it,” Brooklyn couldn’t keep from saying once Derek’s aunt left.

“None of us did,” Allison added.

“Only the women in the audience had to, and they did,” Derek said.

“And you royally ticked off Tasha. Courtney shared what she overheard Tasha saying in the ladies’ room. Wow. I wonder who she’ll set her eyes on next. She’s determined to become part of the family.”

Brooklyn didn’t blame the other woman. The Sherbrookes were a wonderful, loving family, the opposite of her own in so many ways. Don’t go there. Dwelling on her family problems wouldn’t change them.