Since he didn’t have a key to her apartment, Brooklyn assumed Derek would be hanging out with one of his brothers. So when she stepped off the elevator, the sight of him sitting on the bench lifted the weight pressing down on her chest.

Derek crossed the foyer as soon as he saw her. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He wrapped his arms around her and the tears she’d held back threatened to spill over. “Have you been at the hospital all day?”

She shook her head while she struggled to keep from bawling like a baby. “I drove down to the beach. I’ve been there since late this morning.”

Rather than ask why, he took the keys from her hand. In silence he unlocked the door and held it open for her.

“Sorry I didn’t call earlier,” she said, stalling. He deserved to know what had happened at the hospital, and she wanted to share. Get it off her chest. At the same time, she knew talking about it would only make it more real.

Cupping her face in his hand, he rubbed his thumb across her cheek. “It’s okay. I understand. Go sit and I’ll get you some iced tea. Then we can talk if you want.”

Oh, she’d so made the right decision. Hot tears slipped down her cheeks and she saw the concern flare in Derek’s eyes. “I don’t need anything.”

He swallowed and allowed her to lead him into the living room. “Something is wrong. What happened today?” he asked. “Did your father have a setback?”

“He wasn’t awake when I saw him, but I guess he’s okay.” Her dad might not want anything else to do with her, but her mom would call if something terrible happened. At least she wanted to believe she would.

“You went to the beach to think about something.”

Derek knew her so well. “He forced me to make a decision. Him or you. Afterward I found myself at the beach.”

His fingers tightened around her hand, causing the ring on her middle finger to dig into her skin.

“That….” Derek stopped and looked down at their hands. “No one should be asked to do that.”

She wiggled her hand free and flexed her fingers. “You’re right. And I made the right decision. The only one I could, but it still hurts.”

Either the light was playing tricks or she was imagining things, because it looked like some color left Derek’s face. Considering the day she’d had, she was leaning toward imagining things.


“I don’t think I’ll ever forgive him. He’s my father and I love him, but I won’t let him control my life.”

Actual relief spread across Derek’s face, and this time she knew it wasn’t some trick of the light. “Did you think I picked him over you?”

“It wasn’t like he was asking you to give up your car. Family is important.”

“Yep, but when it acts the way he did, it’s not healthy. And I made the only decision I could.” She moved forward and kissed him. “I love you. And I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life without you.”

Derek removed a box from his pants pocket and pressed it into her hand. “I hoped you’d say that, so I went shopping today.”

Almost afraid she’d wake from whatever dream she’d fallen into, Brooklyn took her time opening the lid. Nestled inside was the perfect engagement ring, an exquisite round diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds, accented by a geometric bezel frame.

“You told me you wanted me to pick it out and surprise you. I hope you like it.”

“It’s perfect.” She slipped it on, not surprised to find it fit.

“Don’t suppose I can change your mind about having my dad marry us this week?”

Brooklyn laughed despite the pain still in her heart. “Sorry. My answer is still no. But we can do it soon. Promise.”


He inhaled deeply, the scent of citrus filling his senses, and ran his fingers through Brooklyn’s hair. Since she’d come home, he’d left her only once to go up to Trent’s and get clean clothes for the next day. Considering the past few days she’d had, he couldn’t leave her alone. The day hadn’t been a cakewalk for him either. When they’d sat down to talk, he hadn’t known what to expect. And if she’d told him to get lost, he didn’t know what he would have done. Thankfully, he never had to find out.

“Did you know my dad went to school with your father and Uncle Warren?” she asked, breaking the silence in the room. “He told me after you left. I didn’t know it until then.”

“And he hates me because of it?”