A knife twisted in the vicinity of her heart.

“He’ll only see you if you agree to end your involvement with Derek.”

He’d promised her last night he’d disown her if she stayed with Derek, but she hadn’t expected him to bar her from his hospital room. “I see.” Her eyes filled with tears and she brushed them away.

“You need to decide. Derek or your father.”

She doubted a more unfair statement had ever been uttered in the hospital waiting room. In her heart she knew the right decision. It was the only one she could make. Still, it killed her to make it.


For the umpteenth time, he checked his smartphone. Other than the short message earlier, he hadn’t heard from Brooklyn. He had no rational reason to think so, but he suspected it wasn’t a good sign. Either Novak had taken a turn for the worse since last night, or she was avoiding him. Both possibilities sucked. He might not like the man or the way he treated Brooklyn, but he didn’t wish him ill either. And if Brooklyn decided their relationship wasn’t worth the consequences, well, he didn’t want to think about how he’d survive that.

Flipping to the next page in the file, he scanned the contents and tried to focus. Speculating on why she hadn’t called wouldn’t make it happen any sooner. Getting some work done though would pass the time and perhaps act as a distraction.

“Any word from Brooklyn?” Max Hale stepped inside his office.

Rather than have her worry about calling in this morning, he’d delivered Brooklyn’s news to Max and the office manager. “No, not yet.”

“Who’s her father’s doctor? Is it Dr. Gable? He treated me in the hospital. Fabulous doctor. Couldn’t ask for better.”

“He’s the one who spoke to the family last night.” When the doctor had sat Brooklyn and her mom down to explain Novak’s condition and how they were treating it, he’d seemed competent. If Max was giving him a glowing review, then he must be exceptional. Max didn’t hand out compliments. He maintained high standards and didn’t settle for anything less than the best. When Max didn’t receive the best, he let it be known.

“Then her father’s in excellent hands. And I suspect he’ll make a full recovery.”

“Good to hear. When I talk to her, I’ll pass along your reassurance,” Derek said.

“Be sure to let her know I’m here if she needs anything,” Max said, once again showing his softer side. The side he never showed in the courtroom. “I’m off to enjoy lunch with Carol.”

“Will do.”

With a nod, Max left, and Derek checked his watch. Sure enough, it was almost lunchtime. Most days his body would’ve alerted him to the time. Today the knot in his stomach took up too much space. Closing the file, he grabbed his keys and phone. He didn’t need lunch, but he’d use this time to find a better distraction. And he knew the place.

He didn’t shop in Providence often. However, he did know the best jeweler in the state was located on South Main Street. If he wanted to find the perfect engagement ring without traveling far, it would be at Howell and Sons. He just hoped Brooklyn was still willing to accept it.

Chapter 14

After her reply to her dad’s ultimatum, she hadn’t waited to hear anymore. Instead, she got in her car and drove with no destination in mind. Sometime around noon she found herself at Scarborough, her favorite beach in Narragansett. For hours she sat watching the surf and contemplating her decision. She’d made the right one, she didn’t doubt it for a minute. Knowing it didn’t make accepting it any easier. It also didn’t make the ache in her chest lessen.

Her dad was being not only unreasonable but also irrational. She could understand his dislike of Mark Sherbrooke. High school rivals were not unheard of, especially at highly competitive schools. To believe the man had deliberately injured him and then to hold a grudge for all these years, though, was absurd. Transferring those feelings to the rest of Mark Sherbrooke’s family defied all common sense. She’d never change her dad’s mind about the Sherbrookes. His hatred was too much a part of him. That meant she’d have to come to terms with her actions today, something she feared would take a long time.

When she headed down to the beach, she’d only taken the beach towel she kept in the trunk and her keys. So when the lifeguards left their posts and she returned to her car, she found a bunch of text messages waiting for her. Several were from her cousin Cheyenne and her sister Milan. She also had one from Derek, whom she should’ve called after leaving the hospital. He deserved to know what had transpired today.

Quickly she sent her cousin and sister messages, promising to call them tomorrow. Then she sent Derek one.

On my way home. Should be there hopefully in about forty-five. On a perfect day with no traffic, the drive only took a little over thirty minutes. Considering it was the summer, anything was possible.

Almost right away he sent a message back. Do you want me to meet you there?

Please. Right now seeing him and having him hold her was the only thing she wanted.

I’ll be there.

Either th

e traffic gods sensed her desperation or they figured she’d suffered enough over the past two days, because she made it home in thirty-five minutes, an unheard-of feat in the summer.

Something had to go right today, she thought, putting her car in park. She passed by the other vehicles in the garage, half expecting to see her mom’s car. An unannounced visit from her wouldn’t surprise her. Especially since she hadn’t stuck around this morning to hear her mom’s thoughts on her decision. Scarlet Novak’s trademark candy-apple red convertible wasn’t there. Thank goodness. She pulled open the stairwell door and jogged up the stairs.