“Still don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

Hope you’re right, Derek thought before starting on the breakfast Trent had brought him.

Across the table, Trent drained his coffee mug as he stood. “I need to go.” He picked up his breakfast dishes, but before he walked away, he clapped Derek on the shoulder. “Congrats, by the way.”

Before Derek replied, his smartphone beeped.

Headed to the hospital. Talk to you later, the short message from Brooklyn read.

Call if you need anything. Love you, he typed back, relieved the message didn’t contain any bad news.

Love you too.

“News?” Trent asked.

“Nah, she was letting me know she’s headed to the hospital.”

“You’re welcome to stay here again tonight so you’re close by. Just remember the earplugs.”

He appreciated the offer, but he hoped Brooklyn’s mother would check in to a hotel today. Assuming she did and Brooklyn would have him, he planned on staying with her for as long as she needed him. “Thanks. I’ll let you know.”


Okay, the emotional roller coaster had permission to stop because she needed a breather. In less than twenty-four hours, she’d gone from over-the-moon ecstatic to ang

ry as hell followed by scared to death. The last had gradually faded into worry after they’d spoken to the doctor. While her dad wasn’t out of the woods, his prognosis was good.

She wished she could say the same about her relationship with her parents.

The hours sitting around waiting for news hadn’t stopped her mom from voicing her opinion the whole ride back from the hospital. She’d done the same this morning over coffee, and Brooklyn came within inches of telling her to get a hotel room for however long she needed to stay in Providence. She’d been saved from having to. Instead, her mom announced she planned to get a room in the city. Milan, who’d arrived earlier this morning from Greenwich, planned to do the same.

Unfortunately, Brooklyn couldn’t escape her mom in the waiting room. They’d arrived at the hospital an hour earlier, and they’d both sat with her dad, who’d been sleeping, until her phone vibrated. Since the call had been from work, she retreated to the waiting room outside the CCU, grateful for a chance to get away from the angry glances her mom kept sending her way. The arrival of her mom now meant break time was over.

“Paris arrives at noon.” Her mom put her smartphone back in her shoulder bag. Finally Scarlet had managed a sentence that didn’t either heap more guilt on Brooklyn or make her angry. Perhaps the day was looking up. “Is Seth coming too?”

“Yes, but he’ll fly home tomorrow. Paris promised to stay until Donovan gets released.”

What’s the point? Couldn’t her brother-in-law take some time and be there for her sister? If she asked, Derek would be right by her side helping in any way he could. And she wished he were there now, but subjecting him to her mom’s snide and ugly comments wouldn’t be fair. He’d received enough of those last night.

“She reserved a room at the Rhodes too.”

“That’s good.” As long as no one planned on staying with her, she didn’t care where her family booked rooms. “Is Dad still asleep?”

“He woke up not long before your sister called.”

It made sense her mom had come out when Paris called. “How’s he feeling? Did he say anything?”

Last night they’d been allowed to visit with him for a few minutes, but he’d been asleep then too.

“He feels as well as you’d expect. Milan’s in with him right now. She got here a little after you got the call from the office.”

“Since he’s awake, do you mind if I go in and say hello.” Hospital policy for the CCU limited only two visitors at a time. If her mom went back in now, Brooklyn would have to wait until Milan came out.

Her mom frowned. Perhaps afraid frowning caused wrinkles, she rarely exhibited the expression. If her mom did it now, it didn’t bode well.

“What’s the matter?” Brooklyn asked, positive she didn’t want to know the answer. “Did the doctor not mention something last night?”

Her mom didn’t meet her eyes. “He doesn’t want to see you.”