“Can I ride with him?”

The taller of the two paramedics nodded.

“I’ll meet you at the hospital.” Derek squeezed her hand tightly. “Are you taking him to Rhode Island Hospital?”

“Yes,” the second paramedic answered as he headed out the door.

“It’s going to be okay.”

Man, she hoped Derek was right. She’d never forgive herself otherwise.

“Do you want me to call your mom?” he asked as she exited.

Her mom needed to know, but it’d be better if she got the news from her, not Derek. “No. I’ll call from the hospital.”


Twenty. That was how many plastic chairs filled the waiting room. Ten of which were filled with other people either waiting to be seen or waiting for news. Something she really needed. Something her mom needed too. She’d called her right after entering the emergency room. In true Scarlet Novak fashion, she’d remained calm and emotionless. She hadn’t broken down crying or even gasped. Instead, she’d demanded answers. Wanting to know where they’d taken him and what his status was. Brooklyn hadn’t been able to provide much information except the name of the hospital and its address. Actually, she almost hadn’t gotten that out before her mom announced she would be there as soon as possible and hung up. With some luck, the doctors would have news soon and she could call her mom and give her some relief. Brooklyn could only imagine the emotions her mom was experiencing, even if she chose not to exhibit them.

With the chairs counted, she started on the floor tiles.

“Is that who I think it is?” a woman behind her asked in what Brooklyn guessed was supposed to be a whisper, although the nurse at the ER intake desk probably heard her.

“Looks like it. Wonder what he’s doing here?” her companion said, her voice almost as loud.

Brooklyn stopped counting and looked up, expecting to see Derek. She wasn’t disappointed.

“Hey.” Ignoring the stares from the people around her, he took a seat and pulled her into his arms. “How are you holding up? Any news yet.”

She buried her face against his shoulder, the scent of his clothes detergent and soap reassuring, and shook her head.

“It probably takes time.” He caressed her hair, the gestures chasing off the chills that had started when she entered the emergency room. Chills not caused by the air conditioning.

“They’re going to show us to a private waiting area,” he said quietly. “When your mom arrives they’ll escort her there. How did she handle the news when you called?”

“Hard to tell, but she promised to be here as quickly as possible.” With her face still pressed against Derek’s shoulder, her voice came out muffled.

“Come on, we can talk more later.”

She pulled away at his comment and found a hospital employee had joined them.

“Mr. Sherbrooke, Miss Novak, please follow me and I’ll show you to a more comfortable room.”

She’d witnessed his refusal to accept preferential treatment on more than one occasion, so she knew how much he hated it. If he’d asked to be shown to a private room tonight, he’d done so for her benefit not his.

The woman seated behind her huffed loudly. “Must be nice,” she said.

“You know what they say. Money talks,” her companion said equally as loud.

She ignored them both and followed the employee, grateful for Derek’s arm around her.

The employee led them down a few hallways and through several doors marked No Admittance before stopping. “There’s a phone on the table as well as a cafeteria menu. Please let us know if you need anything at all. Once Mr. Novak’s wife arrives, I’ll escort her down.”

The room they’d entered was nothing like the waiting room by the emergency room. Not a single plastic chair or a year-old magazine in sight. Instead, comfortable-looking furniture was placed around the room as well as a small dining table with four chairs around it. Curtains decorated the windows and soft lighting filled the room, giving it a homier feel. The waiting room even had its own private restroom located past the entertainment unit, which held a television and video game system. But best of all, there were no rude individuals loudly sharing their opinions.

“Do you need anything?” Derek asked while pulling out a chair for her.
