Colton sat up straight, and Derek could practically see the lightbulb go on over the guy’s head. “You’re together.” Colton grimaced. “Damn, man, I didn’t mean what I said before. Forget about it. Still, can’t you take her someplace besides the Cape?”

When they had more time, he planned on it. This weekend he didn’t want to waste a lot of time traveling. “When did you become a travel agent? Did Merrimack Investments fire you?”

“Like they’d ever do that.” Colton’s cocky smile was back in place. “I know how to make a woman happy. Always thought you did, but I guess not. I can give you some pointers if you need ’em.”

“Colton, if I needed help, you’re the last person I’d ask. But trust me, I know how to make Brooklyn happy.” And he was looking forward to doing it again soon.


Her smartphone chirped a reminder she had messages she hadn’t listened to. She checked her missed caller list. In addition to Trevor’s number, both her dad’s and Milan’s numbers showed up. A knot of tension developed at the base of her skull. Trevor had mentioned some pictures of her and Derek. Had her dad seen them too? He only occasionally checked social media, but her mom kept up with it. If she’d seen anything, she might show it to her husband.

Her dad’s last message played over again. Although he’d asked her to call him back, she hadn’t. He’d been angry enough when he left his first message. Combine the fact she’d never returned the call and whatever pictures were floating around, and he’d be all-out furious now.

The tension shifted upward and a dull throb started. A throb that intensified when her phone rang.

Milan appeared on the screen, and she let out a whoosh of breath. Her sister didn’t care what happened between her and Trevor or anyone else.

“Way to go, little sis,” Milan said.

“What did I do?”

“Knock it off. You know what I’m talking about. That little ruse of bidding on Derek because it was for a good cause. I never believed you saw him as just a friend. Not that I blame you.”

Evidently another person had seen some pictures of them. Maybe she needed to check the Internet and social media sites more often.

“He’s hot. I’d sleep with him or any of the men in his family. To hell with Dad’s opinion. How long have you two been hooking up? Details. Come on, share. I want to know everything.”

Wow, did they even come from the same planet, Brooklyn wondered.

“There are no details to give.”

“Please.” Milan drew out the word. “I saw the way he kissed you on stage. And those pictures on the Star Report’s website from the weekend. You’ve been screwing him, and if you haven’t, then you’re an idiot.”

Sometimes her sister had all the refinement of a barnyard animal. “What was on the website?”

“A few nice shots of you two getting hot and heavy in Newport. The caption mentioned a shopping center. I don’t recall the name. Check for yourself. They were part of yesterday’s celebrity sighting section.”

Wonderful. And they’d always be there. That was the wonderful thing about the web. Once something went on the Internet, it never disappeared.

“Dad saw them too.” Milan’s voice became serious. “I only heard Mom’s side of the convo. She insisted he had nothing to worry about. Said you knew what you needed to do.”

Brooklyn closed her ey

es, the light in the room making her head ache even more. Soon the nausea would come. It always did when she got a migraine.

“I assumed they were talking about Trevor and you. Am I right?”


“Listen, screw Dimension and Dad. If you don’t want to be with Trevor, don’t be. Life’s too short not to have fun and be happy.”

She’d laugh if she didn’t fear her head would topple to the floor. It didn’t happen often, but today she agreed with Milan’s assessment.

“Considering what I overheard, Dad’ll be calling you soon. Thought you’d like a warning.”

“Thanks. He left a message. I’ll deal with it later. When my head isn’t trying to rip itself in two.”

“Don’t give in. Dad can renegotiate with Lawrence Jones,” Milan said with conviction. “And have fun with that prime piece of man you caught.”