She brushed some hair away from his ear, the intimate gesture brushing away some of his anger.

“If you say so.” If they’d been in a relationship, he might agree. They hadn’t. All they’d done was share a couple meals and some phone conversations. But if Brooklyn believed it was the best way to handle the situation, he’d leave it. “Since we both have plans already, looks like tomorrow is out. How about I pick you up in the morning and we drive in together. Your car isn’t here anyway. And it’ll give us a little time together.” Since the limo had picked her up at work and then brought her home after the spa, her own car remained in the parking garage near the office.

“Huh, forgot about my car. I don’t know how. Anyway, sounds perfect. If you want, get here early and I’ll make you breakfast. Something besides cold cereal or whatever else you eat when you don’t stop at Gray or Trent’s before work.”

“Hey, I can make an omelet or pancakes if I want to.” Just because he opted to eat something out of a box or grab something with a family member didn’t mean he couldn’t take care of himself.

“Sure you can.”

“How about I prove it to you this weekend? Let’s take the Affinity down to the Cape and stay the weekend at my dad’s beach house. No one else will be around. I’ll cook you every meal if you want. Even serve you in bed. You can consider me your own personal servant for the weekend.”

She shifted on his lap and touched the bridge of her nose. When her finger landed on skin and not eyeglasses, she dropped her hand on top of his again. “When you put it like that, how can I refuse?”

“Pack the new swimsuit. If I see the one you wore on Sunday or something similar, it might have an unfortunate accident and disappear.”

Brooklyn sighed in defeat. “Not getting out of wearing it, am I?”

“Nope. But nothing says you have to keep it on. The beach on the property is private. No one will see you. If you want to relax naked, I won’t complain.” He hoped to see her both in and out of her new swimsuit during their mini getaway.

“No way, buster. I don’t care how secluded the area, I am not lying around with nothing on. The silly bikini is bad enough.”

He pulled his hand out from under hers and ran it up her side until it cupped her breast. “Whatever you say.” Eventually she’d get comfortable enough to be naked around him. He just needed to help her get there. Something he would enjoy doing every step of the

way. “But feel free to change your mind at any time.”

Chapter 10

Derek walked inside and handed her a paper cup from the café down the street. “Why haven’t I been coming here for breakfast every day?”

Brooklyn took a sip; vanilla latte with 2 percent milk and extra sugar. “Because I usually go in to work early, which is why Max likes me more than you.”

“Max Hale likes you more because you’re a woman. He likes all the women in the office more. What smells so good?”

“Waffles and bacon.”

“Bacon too. God, I love you.” He kissed her hard on the mouth and pulled her toward the kitchen.

He’d said the words a bunch of times now, but her stomach still did a backflip each time she heard him.

“Both Trent and Addie detest bacon and never cook it. Gray prefers ham, so they usually have it instead. Can I help with anything?”

Breakfast was covered. She’d done everything including slicing up fresh strawberries. But there was something he could do for her. “One thing.”

Since she no longer had to pretend not to notice how good he looked, she let her eyes roam across his body. Thanks to all the time they’d spent on the beach and in the water, she knew just what his dark gray suit hid. In her mind, she pictured peeling off his white shirt. Her fingertips tingled as in her vision they passed over his defined pecs and down his six-pack abs. Her imagination had her reaching his waistband and pulling apart his belt. Her mouth grew dry at the mere thought.

“What’s that?”

His question broke Brooklyn free from her fantasy and heat flared on her cheeks. “A kiss. And not like the one you gave me when you walked in.” He’d dropped a kiss on her so fast, she’d barely felt his lips on hers.

“I’m warning you. If I kiss you the way I want, we might both be late to the office.”

Well, she was always early. If she came in a few minutes late today, it wouldn’t be the end of her career. “I’ll risk it.”

Derek advanced on her, reminding her of a predator stalking its prey. When he reached her, he pulled her close, his hands spanning her back. Then his open mouth came down on hers, hot and demanding, taking her breath away.

The guy had a doctorate in kissing or something. Each time they kissed it was a little different, as if each one they shared was their first one. Now was no exception and she hung on tight, afraid her legs might decide to give out.

Gradually the kiss turned less possessive and became gentler. Not that it made any difference to her legs or the rest of her body. Her breasts continued to tingle, her nipples wanting his lips on them again, and other parts of her body ached for him to finally touch them.