“Wow, you have great taste.” Kiera jumped into the conversation again. “I had one of their deep tissue massages a few weeks ago. Amazing. If you’re trying to convince her you love her, it’s a good start.”

When had Kiera added mind reading to her list of skills? “She already knows how I feel. But she needed a day of pampering. She doesn’t do those kinds of things for herself.”

“Brooklyn may have heard your words, but she didn’t fully accept them.”

“How do you know?” Derek asked, baffled by Kiera’s correct assessment.

“I kind of experienced the same thing with Gray. When you’ve been friends with someone for a long time, it’s hard to let the relationship change. Scary too. If things don’t work out, you’ve damaged or perhaps even ended the friendship you did have.” Kiera looked at Gray and then him again. “Maybe it’s different for a guy.”

Brooklyn had made a similar statement. Coming from someone else somehow made the words even more profound. And he realized just how much harder he might have to work to drive away her fears.


A few hours later, he rode the elevator down, annoyed with himself. Since she’d left him the previous night, he craved her company again. Wanted her wrapped in his arms and her lips near his. He could’ve spent several hours with her tonight. Instead, he’d sent her off to the spa and visited with his brother and his fiancée. Not necessarily the smartest idea he’d ever had. Now he’d get maybe an hour with her if he was lucky. Then tomorrow he’d be in court all day again while she was at the office. Spending any time with her tomorrow night was out too. He’d promised to meet Colton for a round of golf after work. They’d already rescheduled twice. He didn’t want to cancel on the guy again.

Yep, not your brightest moment. If it made her happy though, it’d be worth it. Especially if it left her receptive to the proposition he had for her.

She greeted him at the door in shorts and a snug-fitting tank top, letting him know she’d changed the moment she walked in. Before he uttered a word, she hugged him and he noticed her usual citrus scent was missing. Instead, she smelled a bit like coconut oil. Then he no longer noticed her scent as she pressed her open mouth against his.

He took advantage of the situation. Using his foot, he nudged the door shut and walked them toward the living room, never letting his lips leave hers. When they reached the sofa, he sat, bringing her down on his lap.

“I can handle a greeting like this every time I come by,” he said, pulling away so he could see her. “I missed you.” He worked to pull the messy bun from her hair. When he got it undone, he ran his fingers through the soft strands and spread them over her shoulders.

“Missed you too.” She kissed him again. “I considered skipping the manicure so I could get home sooner.”

It didn’t escape him that tonight was the first time she’d kissed him rather than the other way around.

“I know you don’t love me quite enough to skip a manicure,” he teased, hoping she’d finally tell him she loved him too. She’d hinted at it, but not spoken the words.

“I couldn’t get myself to leave. The whole evening was wonderful. I’ve never been so relaxed. I’m going to make another appointment. Maybe for next month.”

He ignored the sting in his chest when she still held back the words he wanted. “Glad you enjoyed it. I noticed on their website they do a couples’ massage. Maybe we should schedule one.”

“Would you want to? I think it would be fun.”

“Make us an appointment. Or I can. Either works.” He pictured her lying facedown, her skin glistening with oil, only in his vision a stranger wasn’t the one with their hands on her body. He was. “I’m always willing to give you a full body massage too.” He ran his hand up her thigh and just under the hem of her shorts. “You might be surprised how good I am at it.”

Her tongue darted out and licked her bottom lip. At the same time, her hand came down on top of his, making it difficult for him to move it any higher. “I’ll take you up on your offer soon. But not tonight.”

He sensed she wasn’t talking about massaging. Still he asked, “Will you return the favor?”

Brooklyn’s other hand rubbed his neck and dipped inside the collar. “Definitely.”

His brain conjured up the image of Brooklyn running her hands across his skin and he wished he had on a loose pair of sweats rather than jeans.

“Thank you for tonight. Part of me wishes you hadn’t done it because now I’m going to want to go all the time. It was as amazing as the reviews say.”

“No need to thank me. I want to pamper and spoil you.” He meant it too. He’d bought gifts for girlfriends in the past and taken them on vacations, but he’d done it more because they’d expected it, not because he’d wanted to make them happy or spoil them in any way.

She leaned in closer and placed a whisper of a kiss on his neck. “I wish we could spend time together tomorrow.”

“If you want, I’ll reschedule my golf game. Colton wouldn’t hesitate to do the same if he had a beautiful woman asking to spend time with him.” After he said the words, he realized she must mean something else, because she didn’t know his plans.

“No need. I won’t be around anyway. Trevor called and asked me to meet him after work.”

“What the—” He bit down on the inside of his mouth. Damn it. He’d told her she could keep her promise and continue to see Trevor while he worked on convincing her that his feelings were genuine. After the way she’d responded to him yesterday, he’d believed she wouldn’t do it. And what about the way she’d greeted him tonight? “How can you—” he started, then stopped and looked away from her. “Never mind.”

The fingers rubbing his neck stopped moving, and she turned his face back toward hers. “It’s not what you think. I’m going to tell him I can’t see him anymore. You don’t like him, but he’s a nice guy. He deserves a face-to-face conversation, not a phone call.”