“Actually, I think we found what we want.” He checked the woman’s nametag. “Can she try this one, Gabby?” He pointed to the swimsuit on display.

“Absolutely. This one came in this week. It’s by a new designer from London. All her work has been very popular this month. What size do you need?”

“Derek, we should look around more first,” Brooklyn hissed in his ear as she yanked on his arm. “There are a lot of swimsuits here.”

He already knew what her expression would be before he glanced at her. “You agreed. And I think this is the one.”

The evil glare she shot him would’ve sent a lesser man running. “Fine.” She turned her attention back to the saleswoman. “It varies. Anywhere from a size six to a ten fits me.”

“I’ll grab several sizes and meet you at the dressing rooms. They’re located in the back. We also have a sarong that matches this suit if you’re interested in seeing it.”

“Please.” Brooklyn walked away without a backward glance in his direction, leaving him to either stand there and wait or follow her.

He picked the second option.

A padded wicker couch and two chairs sat in front of the three dressing rooms, and he dropped into a chair while Brooklyn waited for Gabby to return.

“It’s going to look great. Trust me,” he said.

“Derek, if we were talking about picking out a new car, I’d trust you. This is something else altogether.”

“Here we go. I grabbed three different sizes for you to try, but if you need another one, press the button inside and I’ll get it. I also brought this one for you to try. It’s a little different than the one you picked out, but it’s been very popular.” Gabby held up a black-and-white bikini that reminded him of the one worn by the Bond girl in Dr. No, and then unlocked a dressing room.

Brooklyn stepped inside, threw him a look letting him know how displeased she was, and closed the door.

Thanks to the gap between the door and the floor, he had a good idea of what Brooklyn was doing. At first she stood there, and he suspected she was glaring at the two bikinis and silently calling him some unkind names. Eventually her feet moved, and she kicked off her sandals. Another pause, followed by what sounded like “What was I thinking.”

He watched her feet move as she changed. Or he assumed she was changing. With the exception of the one comment, she remained silent. Only the sound of rattling hangers came from inside the dressing room.

“I don’t know about this,” Brooklyn said, indicating she’d at least put one of them on.

“Does it fit?” he asked.

Under the door he saw her feet move as if she turned in different directions to check her reflection in the mirror. “Just because it fits doesn’t mean I should be wearing it.”

“I’m positive it looks fantastic. Let me in and I’ll give you my opinion.” If it wasn’t rude, he would’ve opened the door already rather than wait for an answer.

“No way.”

He prepared to remind her that he’d see her in it at some point, but Gabby joined them again.

“How are you doing? Do you need another size? A different style?” Gabby asked.

“I’m not sure.” Brooklyn’s voice drifted out to them. “It fits, but…”

“She won’t let me see.”

“Would you like my opinion?” Gabby asked.

Silence followed the saleswoman’s question, and he expected Brooklyn to decline her help. Then he heard the doorknob turn.

“Please. If you don’t mind.”

Gabby slipped inside and the door closed again.

“I don’t usually buy suits like this,” Brooklyn said, and her nervousness came through in her voice.

“It’s perfect for your figure. The color looks great on you too. Your boyfriend has a good eye. ”