He smiled and kissed the top of her hand again. “Do you need anything from the car?”

Her common sense perhaps, because she’d definitely left it behind. “I have a bag with my stuff in the trunk.” Since he’d mentioned a possible day on the water, she’d come prepared.

“Pop it open and I’ll get it.” He let go of her and walked to the back of the car.

She’d been with Derek when he first looked at the condo three years ago, and she’d visited countless times since. However, thanks to the extra-snowy winter, her busy work schedule, and then all the preparation for Paris and Seth’s wedding, she hadn’t visited since January. As soon as she walked inside, she noticed the changes he’d made.

“Someone’s been busy.”

“I needed a change. What do you think?”

Brooklyn took in the newly painted walls around her. On her last visit, they’d all been a light cream. Now dark blue paint covered the living room walls and all the black furniture had been replaced with dove-gray pieces instead. He’d also added in a third sliding glass door leading out onto the deck, increasing the amount of light s

treaming into the room as well as giving visitors an even more incredible view of the water. The kitchen had also undergone some renovations. From here it appeared as though the stark white walls had been painted a deep red and the once beige tiles had been ripped out and replaced with slate-colored ones.

“It looks great. Did you do anything upstairs?” She loved color. Plain cream and white bored her. When she’d purchased her own apartment at the Hillcrest, painting had been the first thing she’d had done, before moving in a single piece of furniture.

“Addie went through the whole place.”

“Maybe I should give your sister-in-law a call in a few months. I’d love to see what she could do in my apartment.”

“Do you want to see upstairs? The master bedroom came out incredible. I had the balcony expanded and new french doors installed.”

Other than when they’d toured the condo before he’d purchased it, she’d never stepped foot in the master bedroom. She’d never had any reason to. Today didn’t seem like the time to visit it. “Maybe later.” She crossed the room and walked out through the sliding glass doors.

The view from the back deck never failed to take her breath away and de-stress her at the same time. This afternoon was no exception. Something about the untamed ocean mesmerized her. Made her want to give up everything and spend her days sailing around the world.

“Can I get you anything?”

Brooklyn jumped and turned.

“Hey, what’s the matter?”

She swallowed and shook her head. “Nothing.”

His palms covered her shoulders while his thumbs rubbed the skin along her collarbone. “Something’s bothering you. Your expression reminds me of the first day we met.”

His gentle caress had her wanting to lean in to him, circle her arms around his neck and kiss him the way he’d kissed her yesterday. “And how did I look then?” Conversation and not kissing struck her as the safer way to start their visit.

Derek’s hands stilled. Then they moved, his fingertips grazing up and over her neck until both palms cupped her face. “Lost.”

“I was lost the day we met. I didn’t know where anything on campus was except my dorm.”

“Unsure. A little scared.” He kissed her. “Please try not to be either. What I told you yesterday is the truth. And I plan on proving it to you.” Derek’s hands cradled her face as he kissed her again. “Relax and enjoy our time together. Okay? If I do or say something you don’t like, tell me. If I make you angry, let me know.”

The combination of his tender touch and verbal reassurance chipped away at the apprehension drowning her. “I always have.”

“You’re one of the few. You may not have noticed, but most people go out of their way to make me happy.”

She’d seen firsthand how so many people tried to impress him in the hopes of getting in good with him or his family. “And you hate every minute of it.” She tickled a spot just below his rib cage. A spot she’d tickled countless times, so she knew just how sensitive it was. “Admit it. You’d rather have me criticizing you instead of kissing your butt.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.” He grabbed her hand, making it impossible for her to torture him any more. “But I do want us to always be honest with each other. No matter what.”

Every word and gesture made it a little harder to recall the reasons being here with him like this was a bad idea.

“Stop thinking so much, Brooklyn. Go with it.”
