“Derek?” Her gaze met his again, the same baffled expression still on her face. “You’re not making any sense. Maybe you need more sleep or coffee.”

He needed sleep, but it wasn’t his problem now. “I didn’t want it to end. You pulled away, remember? Not me.” Her cheeks went from pink to scarlet and the color spread down her neck. “There’s something between us. You know it too.”

She took several steps away from him. “Yep, it’s called friendship. It happens when two people enjoy spending time with each other and share similar interests.”

“We both know it’s more than friendship.” He’d expected a much different reaction from her. He watched her bite down on her lip and wanted nothing more than to kiss it instead.

“Derek, we…. I—” She moved back again, only stopping when the kitchen island got in the way.

“I love you.” He’d never said those three words to a woman before. “And I think you feel the same.” If he’d learned anything from all the women he knew, it was that telling a woman what she felt was the wrong thing to do no matter the situation. Today he couldn’t stop himself.

A small, unpleasant-sounding laugh escaped her. “We both know you love me like a sister or maybe a cousin. Guilt because of last night’s kiss has you confused. Tomorrow or the next day, you’ll realize it. Go home and get some more sleep. Then have some coffee and go for a swim.”

“Brooklyn, I know the damn difference. Trust me, what I felt last night and what I’m feeling now is not at all brotherly.” Instead of giving her an opportunity to argue, he moved in, ready to show her. His arms circled around her waist. With a not-so-subtle tug, he pulled her against him, molding her body against his, loving the way her curves fit against his hard planes. Bending his head, he took her mouth. Last night he’d started their kiss gently. Not today.

When her arms wrapped around his neck, he tugged on her lip, demanding entrance. The moment she parted her lips, he made his move, dipping his tongue inside to meet hers. His hands moved down lower, cupping her ass and pressing her more firmly against his erection.

Fingernails scratched his scalp as she raked her fingers through his hair. The minor distraction caused him to release her mouth and move his attention to her neck. Brooklyn’s sigh reached his ears and he smiled against her skin. God. Why hadn’t he done this sooner?

“Derek,” she suddenly said, sounding breathless. “Please. Stop.”

Not the words he wanted to hear.

Her fingers left his hair and dropped to his shoulders.

He kissed the erratic pulse in her neck one last time before he looked at her. “What’s the matter?” He already knew the answer. He’d moved too fast for her again.

“This… this isn’t right.” She pulled away from him.

He suspected his chin rested somewhere down near his chest. Not right? He’d never experienced anything like what they’d just shared. How could she say it wasn’t right?

“You can’t love me.”

“Why the hell not? Did you not feel what kissing you did to me? Do I need to show you again?” He gave her arm a yank, intending to pull her against him so she could feel for herself his current aroused state. She held her ground and refused to budge.

“This is me, Derek. We’ve been friends for over ten years, and I know your type. It’s not me. And if you really loved me, it wouldn’t have taken you this long to figure it out.” She jabbed him in the chest with her finger. “Maybe this is your way of getting me to stop seeing Trevor. You’ve been against it all along.”

“You want to know why I’m against you seeing him?” He backed away from her before he either kissed her or strangled her. He couldn’t decide which he wanted to do more. “Because every time I think of you with him, I want to hit someone. The thought of him or anyone else kissing you makes me physically sick.”

She gaped at him. Not just stared, but honestly and truly gaped at him, her jaw slack and her eyes wide.

“I love you. Yeah, it took me a while to realize it. So what? Let’s not waste anymore time arguing about it.”

“Derek, I don’t know.” The stunned expression disappeared only to be replaced by a more serious one.

“Have I ever lied to you? Come on, Brooklyn. You feel something more for me than friendship. I know you do. I can tell.”

“You’ve never lied, but what if you’re confusing love with something else? Are you willing to risk our friendship?”

“For the last time, I’m not confused. I know what I want. You.” He’d laid it all out there. She had the next move.

“It’s not that simple, Derek. I wish it was.”

A hard, cold fist tightened around his heart. “Because of Trevor.”

“Please don’t go there. He’s only a small part of it. Did you forget my dad hates you?”

“We skip your family gatherings.” He’d never figured out why Donovan Novak disliked him so much, and until now, it never seemed much of a big deal. Perhaps he’d have to do some digging.