She skipped down to twenty-seven across, the clue she’d gotten stuck on. She hated to cheat, but if she didn’t figure it out soon, she’d have to use the Internet and search for a possible answer. Otherwise, she’d be stuck waiting until next month’s edition to complete the puzzle. She wasn’t at that point just yet. If she could figure out twelve down, she’d have the first letter to twenty-seven across. Maybe it would be enough. Scanning down the page, she located the clue for twelve down. Type of TV show, the clue read. “Reality,” she said, picking up her pencil. Before she filled in the first square, the doorbell rang.

“Not again,” she groaned, closing her eyes. Her parents had said they were driving back to Connecticut this morning. Neither had mentioned another stop at her apartment f

irst. Dealing with them at midnight when she’d felt more alert had been difficult enough. Considering her brain remained asleep despite her upright position, the task would be next to impossible now.

With another groan she stood, grabbed another swig of coffee, and shuffled to the door. “Don’t let anything either of them says bug you.” The night before, she’d let her dad’s words get under her skin, and as a result, she’d stayed awake obsessing about them. This morning, no matter what he or her mom said, she’d brush it off.

“I hope I didn’t wake you.”

Her head gave a little shake, but her mouth took longer to work. Trevor and not her parents stood there, holding a cup tray and a bakery box from Ambrosia. “Um, no. I’ve, uh, been up awhile.” She glanced at Trevor’s clothes. Dressed in a short-sleeved golf shirt, navy blue Bermuda shorts, and a pair of boat shoes that looked as if they’d never been anywhere near water, he looked awake and put together. Unlike her.

She touched the loose ponytail hanging over her shoulder and wished she’d added dressing to her routine this morning. While her pajamas covered everything, she didn’t make a habit of entertaining in them.

“I’m just being a little lazy today. Come on in.” Visitors hadn’t been part of her plan today, but she couldn’t leave him in the hallway either. Why had she left his name with security as a regular visitor they could allow upstairs without calling first?

Coming forward, he smiled before kissing her cheek. “I stopped and picked us up mini quiches and some muffins from Ambrosia. I figured you got home late last night and might not want to go out this morning. Grabbed some lattes too while I was there. Vanilla latte with whole milk and no extra sugar, right?” He pulled one large paper cup from the tray and held it out.

No, vanilla latte made with 2 percent milk and three extra sugars. But it’s the thought that counts, I guess. Brooklyn smiled and accepted the cup. “Great. Thank you. I did get home on the late side.” No point in mentioning the friendly visit her parents paid her after the fundraiser.

Even though she didn’t want any guests at the moment, she couldn’t ask him to leave either. Especially after he’d made such an effort this morning. She led him into the kitchen, all the while wondering how long he planned on staying.

“I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I picked up a few different quiches. One has ham, two have spinach and tomato, and two more are mushroom and cheese. I asked for an assortment of muffins too.”

“I’m not too fussy and all three sounds delicious. You really didn’t have to do this for me.” She retrieved some plates and forks before sitting down at the kitchen island.

Trevor served her first before adding a mini quiche and what looked like a banana nut muffin to his plate. “I wanted to. Besides, we haven’t seen much of each other, and I’ve missed you.”

Considering how thoughtful and kind he was, she wished she shared the sentiment. She didn’t. When they weren’t together, she tended not to think much about him at all unless her parents or Derek mentioned him. “Wasn’t Katelyn supposed to be with you again this weekend?” During their last conversation, she thought he said his ex-wife asked him to take Katelyn until the following week.

“She’s spending a few nights at her friend Heather’s house. I thought I told you?”

Maybe he had, she honestly didn’t remember. During their last get-together, issues with her current trial and the darn auction had dominated her thoughts. “No, I don’t think so. But that sounds like a fun weekend for her. I remember you saying how close they are.” Brooklyn sipped the latte and wondered if he’d notice if she slipped some extra sugar into it. The whole milk she could get past. The lack of extra sugar was something else.

“Pictures from the fundraiser were all over the news this morning. And a large one of you and Derek took up much of the society section of today’s paper. I take it the event was a big success.”

The fundraiser remained at the bottom of her things to discuss with anyone.

“Evidently my sister Maggie went too. She called me this morning to tell me about it.” Trevor turned his attention to his food so she couldn’t see his face, but his tone let her know which picture of her and Derek the paper had printed.

“Seemed to be. But I’m glad it’s over, and if they do it again next year, I won’t be going.” She swallowed down another sip of her latte. Then gave in and went for the sugar in the cupboard.

“I’ve never met your sisters. Are they both younger than you?”

Trevor nodded and watched her spoon the sugar in. “Didn’t get it right, did I?”

“I prefer it with some sugar. No big deal. It’s easy to add some. So did both your sisters go last night?”

“No, only Maggie. Patty hates social events.”

“I can understand her sentiment.”

For several minutes, they ate in silence. Only when Trevor finished his muffin did he speak again. “I realize you have your obligation to Derek to fulfill. Any idea when you’ll be through with that?” His voice contained the same bite as it had when he’d mentioned the picture.

Should she explain all the couples had kissed on stage or let it go? She doubted her picture had been the only one in the paper. The photographer had captured all the couples before they walked off stage. At least a few of the others must have gotten printed too.

“Soon. He’s supposed to call me so we can arrange everything. We both want to get it over with as soon as possible.”

“Really?” He cast a side glance at her, one eyebrow cocked in disbelief.