Tony gave her a look of disbelief. “That’s an original one.”

“Ella’s cousin is a doctor, so it’s possible.”

“Still his loss.”

Cora returned with Tony’s beer and looked in Cat’s direction. “Have you decided on anything?”

“No, sorry, not yet,” Cat answered.

“What about you, Tony? Can I get you anything else?” Cora leaned forward with a calculating smile, and Cat wondered just how well the two knew each other.

“All set for now, Cora. Thanks.”

The pretty bartender pulled back, her smile gone. “Let me know if you change your mind.”

Cat glanced at the menu again as her stomach


“Since we’re both alone, what do you say we finish these drinks and find a better place for dinner? Other than the buffalo wings, there’s not much decent on the menu here.”

“Saturday night and Tony Bates doesn’t have a date? Is the world coming to an end?”

Over the years, Tony had become known as North Salem’s resident playboy.

“Even I need a break from time to time. What do you say?”

Tony reached for his beer mug, the movement drawing her eyes to his long, tanned fingers and the scar that ran across the top of his right hand. She’d seen Tony more times than she could count and had never noticed it.

“Sure, why not.” Cat put down the menu, and right away, Cora came back over.

“Did you decide?” Cora asked in a less friendly tone than the one she’d used when Cat sat alone.

“I’m going to pass tonight, thanks.”

Cora shrugged and turned her gaze back to Tony. “What about you, Tony? Change your mind about eating?” The bartender’s curt tone softened as she spoke to him.

“Not tonight, Cora.” Tony handed the bartender the money for his beer.

Cat and Tony made idle chitchat as they finished their drinks, and Cat couldn’t help but notice the looks the bartender kept sending in Tony’s direction. She figured the two had either gone out a time or two, or Cora hoped he would ask her out. She wouldn’t be surprised if the first was true. Cora looked like Tony’s type. She was pretty and had a knock-out body, something Cat couldn’t help but notice thanks to the sprayed on jeans and tight black O’Leary’s Pub T-shirt Cora wore.

Actually, Cora seemed like her brother’s type too. Striker didn’t go for conservative women either. He’d never admit it, but in many ways, Striker and Tony were a lot alike. Both were carefree bachelors who based their dating decisions on the way a woman looked rather than her personality.

“All set?” Tony asked as he put his empty beer mug down.

She’d finished her drink five minutes ago. “Ready.” Cat hopped off the stool and waited as the bartender spoke to Tony again.

“Cora seems to like you,” Cat said as they walked toward the exit.

Tony pushed open the door and held it for her. “We went out a few times in the spring. Tonight’s the first time I’ve seen her since June.”

Judging by Cora’s behavior, she wanted to see more of Tony. “I think she’d like you to take her out again.”

Tony shrugged as they stepped outside. “It’s a nice night. We could walk to the Seaside Steak House,” Tony said, referring to a restaurant about a block over.

“I don’t like red meat. Never have.”

“Are you serious?” Tony looked at her as if she’d admitted she worshiped the devil. “Okay, how about Turin? It’s just down the street.”