“Would you mind coming with me Sunday night?” She touched his arm as she spoke, sending a bolt of desire straight to his crotch.

He’d come tonight so he could visit with his sister and get to know his brother-in-law, not so he could get roped into attending some la-di-da dinner surrounded by people he had no desire to hang around.

Her fingers curled around his wrist. “If you can’t, I understand.”

Say no. He’d fit in at an event like the fundraiser about as well as a bull in a china shop. The anxiety in Allison’s voice kept the two-letter word from coming and turned on his protective instincts. “Give me the time and location and I’ll be there.”

Two hours later, Rock followed everyone outside, somewhat bummed the evening was over. With the exception of now being stuck playing the role of a fake boyfriend, he’d enjoyed spending time with his sister, her husband, and her sister-in-law.

“Allison, where did you park?” Trent asked.

“Down near the lot entrance.”

“I’ll walk you. We’re parked right here.” He pointed to a silver Mercedes and used his key remote to unlock it and then pulled open the door for Addie.

His sister had mentioned Trent always did that for her. She’d told him in the beginning it had taken a lot of getting used to. Now, she no longer thought about it. She’d even recommended he start doing it when he took a woman out. As if the woman he dated would care either way.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine. There are plenty of lights around. Take Addie back to Jake’s. She looks tired.”

Anticipating Trent’s response, Rock spoke before his brother-in-law had the chance. “I’ll walk Allison to her car. I parked down there too.”

“Thanks, Rock. I appreciate it,” Trent said as he closed the passenger side door and walked around the car. “I’ll see you both on Sunday night.”

He’d already suspected Addie was in good hands with Trent. However, Trent’s treatment of Addie all night and the fact he didn’t want his own sister walking in a parking lot alone verified Rock’s beliefs. “See ya then.”


Inside during dinner, he’d done more listening than actual talking. Now that it was only the two of them, Rock didn’t know what to say. Judging from their vastly different backgrounds, they wouldn’t have much in common, and he’d rather shoot himself in the foot than ask her about the weather.

Allison saved him from having to speak first. “Thanks again for agreeing to come Sunday. If I’d known Charles would be at the fundraiser, I never would’ve said we’re dating. He doesn’t seem to get the message. I thought maybe telling him I had a boyfriend would help.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Still, I owe you one.” She stopped under one of the parking lot lights. “This is me.” She pointed over her shoulder. “If you have trouble finding my house or change your mind, call me.” She’d given him her cell number and address before they walked outside. Both were now stored in his smartphone.

Rock looked at the car behind her, one side of its front end was slightly high than the other. “You’ve got a flat.”

“What? Again?”

Allison turned, giving him the opportunity to once again appreciate the view she provided. Seated inside the restaurant, he’d been denied seeing the sexy legs her skirt revealed. Outside under the light with her back to him however, he could admire all he wanted. Her legs weren’t the only thing he admired. His palms itched to reach out and cup her shapely ass.

“I had a flat tire last week too.” She dropped her shoulder bag on the hood and searched inside. “I’ll call the auto club and have them come change it.”

He’d have it changed and she’d be home before the club got anyone there. “Don’t bother. I got it. Pop the trunk.”

She pulled her smartphone out and looked at him. “You’ll get your clothes dirty. It won’t take them that long to get here, and you don’t have to stay. I promise to sit in the car with the doors locked and wait.”

“Allison, pop the trunk. I’m not leaving ya here to wait.” He’d only heard everyone address her by her full name, yet in his head it didn’t fit. She struck him more as an Ally. When she didn’t comply right away, he took the key remote from her hand and unlocked the trunk himself. “It’ll only take me a few minutes.”

A gentle mist started up and sprayed his face as he put the spare tire on the ground near the flat one. The weather forecast predicted light showers through most of the night and ending sometime after midnight. He had no complaints with that. He’d never been a big fan of running in the rain, and he planned to meet his buddy Brayden for a run at five o’clock in the morning. Walking past the driver’s side door on his way back to the trunk, he pulled it open. “Why don’t ya sit inside so ya don’t get wet?”

“It’s just mist. I’m fine.”

Rock grabbed the car jack and walked past her again. If she wanted to stand outside and get wet, that was her business. Sliding the jack under the car, he raised it. The click of heels walking across pavement had him glancing in Allison’s direction for a brief second before he refocused on his task.

Mannaggia, that woman shouldn’t go out without her legs covered. They could stop a man dead in his tracks and make him beg for a minute or two of her time.

Once he had the car high enough, he grabbed the cross wrench on the ground and attacked the nuts on the tire. The sooner he finished, the sooner he got them both out of here.