His mom frowned, torn between staying and getting sleep.

“When you get back, I’ll be right here.”

“I imagine everyone here could use some rest. When I come back, I want to know exactly what happened,” his mom said with some reluctance.

“Get some rest. We’ll see you in a few,” his dad said, clapping him on the shoulder.

His parents and Abby headed for the door, leaving Allison and Mark behind. “Why don’t you stay with us tonight,” Mark said his arm still firmly around her shoulders.

Allison did a perfect imitation of a deer in headlights and licked her bottom lip. “Jake invited me to stay with him.”

“Oh, then we can drop you off there on the way to the hotel.” Despite his obvious disappointment, he didn’t argue. “I know you want a minute alone. I’ll wait outside with everyone.” He kissed her cheek and left to join his wife and Rock’s parents.

“I like him,” Rock said.

“Told you so.” Taking his hand, she kissed his bruised knuckles. “I hate to leave, but you need rest and I’m beat. And I’m going to need all the energy I can get. Dad’s going to want the entire story. Do you need anything before I go?”

More pain meds and some sleep in that order. “All good.”

“Be back soon. I love you.” She leaned over and gave him a gentle kiss.

“Love ya too.” He hated watching her leave, but at least she was safe. He’d protected her from harm. She could walk around and not worry someone followed her. Assuming she’d have him, he planned to spend the rest of his life protecting her.


I’m looking forward to a hospital visit. There’s something wrong with that. Over the past two days, it seemed the hospital was the only place she got any privacy. If it wasn’t one of her relatives visiting her at Jake’s house, one of them was calling to check on her. She appreciated their concern, but she needed them all to back off. Her family wasn’t the worst of it though. When the media got wind of what happened, they descended on her. They called her phone. They camped outside the entrance to Jake’s gated community. A few even tried to get into Rock’s hospital room for an interview. Thankfully, the security guard her dad had stationed outside the door sent them packing.

Even though the media hadn’t spoken to her or Rock directly, it hadn’t stopped them from running various stories. A few had gotten most of the facts correct, but a handful had been pure fiction. One even claimed she and Hunter had been in a relationship and he lost it when he discovered her and Rock together. Then there had been the stories about Hunter. They’d painted him as a college student with a bright and promising future who’d snapped. While she didn’t mourn Hunter, she felt sympathy toward his family. Charles and his brother had been close, and losing a child, no matter their age, must be difficult. Charles had even called her, but she didn’t answer. What could she say to him? His brother had tried to kill her and Rock. He’d come close to succeeding. Maybe in the distant future, she could carry on a conversation, but not now.

“Good afternoon, Miss Sherbrooke,” the guard outside Rock’s room said when she approached.

“Hello, Kent. Any more reporters today?”

“Nice and quiet so far today.”

She hoped it stayed quiet.

The scent of fried food hit her when she walked inside. A tray of untouched mashed potatoes with some congealed gravy over them and what vaguely resembled meatloaf rested on a chair. In bed, Rock worked his way through a large burger. The takeout box in front of him was overflowing with onion rings and a large soft drink completed the meal. “I was going to go out and get whatever you wanted. Looks like you’re all set.”

His dark eyes swung in her direction. “Connor brought this with him. He left about fifteen minutes ago. Help yourself.” He indicated toward the box. “This is my second burger. I wish he’d brought a beer too.”

Eating food from outside the hospital was one thing. Drinking alcohol while confined to a bed and getting pain medication was another. “I’m glad he didn’t. Anyone else visit?” He’d had numerous visitors from the base. So many at times she’d left the small room due to the amount of male testosterone floating around.

“Eric Coleman came with him. He wanted an answer about the job with the firm.”

“Seriously? What a creep. He wanted an answer while you’re sitting in hospital bed with gunshot wounds.”

“Coleman has his reasons. But it doesn’t matter. I told him no.”

“Then when I start looking for a new house, I’ll look for one closer to you and the base.”

He didn’t look surprised by her announcement. In fact, he looked like he expected her to say she planned to move out of her current townhouse. “Don’t bother. Come live with me. It’s small, but when my lease is up, we can look for something you like better.”

She’d hoped he’d suggest they get a place together. “I’d love too. Do you think Baxter will mind?” The dog had been moping, if a dog could mope anyway, around Jake’s house since he got there. She’d considered trying to sneak him in the hospital for a visit.

“Nah, he likes ya. Give him a few extra treats everyday and he’ll be your best friend.”

Rock cleared his throat and seriousness oozed from his body. Whatever he intended to say, she wasn’t going to like.