“Are you sure you’re okay? He didn’t hurt you?” Jake asked, unable to hide the worry in his voice.

She sniffed several times as she nodded her forehead, rubbing against his shirt. “I’m...I’m okay. But Rock...” Her voice failed as she pictured him on the floor again, blood soaking his clothes. “There was so much blood, Jake. What if the paramedics didn’t get to him in time? If he dies, it’s my fault.”

“He’s where he

needs to be. The doctors here are excellent.”

Using her palm, she wiped the tears from her cheek. “I know, but I’m scared.” Reluctantly, she moved out of Jake’s embrace and went for the tissue box. “What’s taking so long?” She wiped her nose and eyes before noticing her cousin’s shirt. She’d drenched a large section of it. “I’m sorry. I didn’t intend to give you a bath.”

In true Jake fashion, he gave her a nonchalant shrug. “Don’t worry about it. Garret does worse after each feeding. Have you heard anything?”

“Nope. Shouldn’t they have some kind of update?”

Grabbing the tissue box and her hand, he led her over to the cheap sofa. “Sit. When they have an update, they’ll tell us.” He plucked out several clean tissues and shoved them in her hand. “Did you call his family?”

“I tried his parents. They didn’t answer.” She’d been more than a little relieved when the call went to voicemail. She’d rather talk to them when she could tell them Rock was okay. Or even better, let Rock call and tell them himself. Unfortunately, she recognized the possibility that she might have to tell them the exact opposite. “Addie went into labor tonight. Actually, I guess it was last night.” She’d lost track of time but knew it was now sometime early Saturday morning. “Rock’s parents went to the hospital to be with her and Trent. Since they didn’t answer, I guess they’re still with them.”

“I didn’t know Addie went into labor. Trent didn’t call me. What about his brothers? Did you try any of them?”

“No. I don’t have their numbers. I only have Marta’s because I helped her plan Addie’s bridal shower.” What a lifetime ago the event seemed. “And I can’t call Addie and ask her for them.”

“It’s possible the police have informed them already anyway. They must have procedures for handling situations like this.”

Stupid, stupid. She should’ve realized the police would inform his parents. When the police officers questioned her, they asked about Rock’s family. Why else would they ask if they didn’t plan on contacting them? “I gave them his parents’ names and address. But if they’re still with Addie, the police might not have reached them yet either.” She didn’t know which would be worse, getting news your son had been shot from a police officer or from someone who loved him.

Again, the waiting room door opened. A tall, lanky man perhaps in his early fifties with wire-rimmed glasses and dressed in hospital scrubs entered. His expression remained neutral.

Please tell me good news, Allison prayed, wringing her hands together.

Jake stood and shook the doctor’s hand. “Bradley,” he greeted. “Allison, this is Dr. Bradley Ford,” Jake explained before speaking to the doctor again. “How’s he doing?”

Okay, Jake knew the doctor. Fabulous, now get on with it.

“Jake, Miss Sherbrooke.” The doctor extended his hand in her direction before he sat. “Rocco’s out of surgery and in stable condition. He’s lucky. Neither bullet struck any vital organs. The bullet to his thigh passed straight through muscle and missed the femur. Both injuries could have been much worse.”

Stable condition. She heard what she considered the most important part of the sentence and couldn’t control the sound that escaped. It wasn’t one of gut-wrenching sobs like earlier but more of a strangled gasp.

“Is something wrong, Miss Sherbrooke?” Dr. Ford paused in his explanation of Rock’s injuries.

“Allison.” Jake put his arm around her shoulder and gave them a squeeze. “It’s good news.”

“He’s going to be okay?” She knew stable condition didn’t always equal a successful recovery. Complications could creep up and cause unexpected outcomes.

The doctor’s neutral expression faded and a more compassionate one replaced it. “Some risk comes with any surgery. However, he’s healthy and young. I expect him to make a full recovery.”

“Can I see him?”

“Once he’s moved and settled into a room, you can visit. In the meantime, try to relax. Maybe go downstairs for a tea or a snack, it might be a while before you can go up.”

Relax? The doctor’s surgical cap must be too tight or something, if he thought she could relax. Maybe after she saw Rock, she’d relax but not until then. “Thank you but I’ll wait here.”

Doctor Ford looked at Jake who still held her hand. “Don’t worry, Bradley. I’ll stay with her and make sure she gets whatever she needs.”

“Excellent. I’ll have someone inform you both when he’s settled and ready for visitors.”

When the door closed behind the doctor, Allison sagged back against the sofa. Rock was alive. He’d be in pain when he woke up, but he would wake up.

“Can I get you anything?”