Don’t do it. Don’t do it.

He gave the weapon a nudge with his toe and it skidded toward them, leaving Rock defenseless.

Everything after that happened in a blur. One minute Hunter had his gun pressed into her side and the next he’d raised it. On instinct, she pushed Hunter’s arm so the gun no longer pointed straight at Rock’s chest. Another deafening shot split the silence in the room and then suddenly Hunter pitched backward, his arm around her loosening enough so she could roll away.

Both men struggled on the floor. A third shot rang out and bits of plaster from the ceiling rained down. She raced for Rock’s gun. They’d never made it out to the range, but she could do this. She had to do this. Rock’s life depended on it.

Shaking hands and damp palms were not a good combination when trying to get a proper grip. She mouthed a little prayer and tried to remember everything Rock had told her about aiming. She only wanted to hit Hunter. She’d never forgive herself if she shot Rock instead.

It looked like something out of a movie. One minute the men were grappling on the floor, and the next, Rock plunged a knife into Hunter’s neck. Blood spurted from the wound and Allison dropped to her knees, her eyes closed. Her head swam as if she’d spent an entire afternoon on a spinning ride at an amusement park.

“Ally.” Rock sounded in pain.

She opened her eyes. Both Rock and Hunter lay on the floor. Blood covered Hunter’s neck and puddled under him. His eyes remained open, but she couldn’t tell if he was alive or not. She didn’t care either.

Allison stepped around Hunter and kneeled down. “I need to call for help.” Although Rock remained breathing, he looked in rough shape. His white undershirt looked like someone had tried tie-dying it red, and she could see the bullet hole in it. His left thigh was also drenched in blood. Her phone should be near the bed. “I’ll be right back.” She kissed his forehead.

Rock took her hand before she stood. “You okay?” He grunted. She couldn’t even imagine the pain he was in.

“I’m fine.” Physically anyway. She’d deal with the mental ramifications later. Right now, getting him help was all that mattered. “You need help. I’m just going to grab my phone.” Despite his injuries, Rock gripped her hand as if he never intended on letting go. “I’ll be right back. Promise.” She pulled away and he grimaced.

“Love ya.” The deep sexy voice she’d enjoyed listening too contained only pain when he spoke, which was something she never wanted to hear in his voice again.

“I love you too.” Hot tears burned her eyes, blurring her vision. Cry later. She sprinted for her smartphone. She dialed 911 and walked back to Rock’s side and took his hand. He’d closed his eyes, but his chest rose and fell. He’s going to be okay.

“911 what’s your location?” the dispatcher asked.

“45 Cameron Street, Alexandria. I need the police and two ambulances. My boyfriend was shot and someone else stabbed.” If Hunter was alive, he’d need help too.

“Are the victims responsive?” the dispatcher asked, her voice calm and cool considering the information she collected.

She gave Rock’s hand a squeeze. For a moment, he opened his eyes and looked at her. “One is.” At least for now, she thought but didn’t repeat. “I’m not sure about the other.”

“The police and paramedics are on their way. I’m going to stay on the line with you until they arrive.”

Please get here fast. Until they did, she needed to do something. Try to help in someway because every second that ticked by, more blood flowed from his wounds. She’d gotten her first aid certification. She could help him.

“Are you willing to administer first aid until they get there?”


“Okay, here is what I need you to do. Grab some towels or shirts,” the dispatcher said before she rattled off more instructions.

Allison listened as she grabbed T-shirts from her drawers so she could apply pressure. I can do this. Rock had saved her life. Now she had to help save his

Chapter 21

The door opened but she didn’t turn around. What if it was the doctor coming in to tell her Rock hadn’t made it? When the paramedics took him out of the house, he’d matched the sheet on the stretcher. Not to mention all the blood. The bedroom floor had been covered with it. She kept reminding herself it hadn’t all been Rock’s. Some belonged to Hunter.

Hunter. He was her stalker. She still couldn’t process the truth. He’d seemed normal, like any other college-aged man. In many ways, he’d been like his older brother, Charles. How had he gone off the deep end like that? She rubbed her temple and pushed away the image of him lying there, his eyes staring at the ceiling and his shirt soaked. When the two sets of paramedics arrived, one descended on Rock and got to work. She overheard the second team say Hunter was gone before a police officer managed to escort her from the room. She didn’t see what the paramedics did after she went downstairs.

The same police officer later drove her to the hospital where she’d been shown to a private waiting area with hospital security officers posted in the hall so nosy reporters left her alone. That had been a while ago.

“Allison?” The door clicked closed and her cousin called out to her.

Turning around, she rushed toward Jake and flung her arms around him. When the hospital suggested she call someone to stay with her, she’d immediately contacted him. When he didn’t answer, she’d left a message sharing bits and pieces of what happened and hoped he checked it soon. He’d called a short time later and promised to be right there.

For a few minutes, neither spoke as the tears she’d held back so far exploded. Jake rubbed her back as she sobbed, her entire body shaking. Even when the tears subsided, she clung to him, her anchor in the crazy night.