“Allison,” Hunter’s voice barely reached Rock. “My sweet Allison. It’s time.”

Everything around him stopped. He charged down the hall, prepared to tackle the jerk to the floor and put a bullet between his damn eyes.

Hunter turned and raised his knife. He’d lost the element of surprise, but it didn’t matter. Only protecting Allison did.

Rock moved and Hunter’s blade made contact with air.

He caught sight of Allison directly behind the SOB. He couldn’t fire now. Not with her so close.

Before he could swipe at him again, he grabbed Hunter’s forearm and dug his fingers into the pressure points. He’d sent men to their knees with this move. Hunter’s blade hit the hard wood floor, but he remained upright.

Pain radiated through Rock’s cheek and blood filled his mouth.


He dropped the knife. She heard it hit the floor and shined the flashlight toward the men. She’d never seen anything like it. Both men were about the same size, and it was obvious they’d both learned some hand-to-hand fighting techniques. While Rock appeared the more skilled of the two, Hunter looked to be holding his own.

Suddenly, Hunter got the upper hand and smashed Rock’s head into the wall. Somehow she needed to help. She passed the light across the floor in search of Hunter’s knife. Once again, the light bounced off the lethal-looking blade. Should she try for it? All Hunter had to do was move a little and he’d be able to pick it up again and stabbed Rock. Maybe she could get to it first.

Near the wall, one of the men grunted before a deafening bang exploded in the room. Her ears rang with pain, but she didn’t stop to consider why. Instead, she dove for the knife. A heavy foot came down on her hand just as her fingers touched handle. Allison cried out as Hunter grabbed her around the waist and pulled her against him.

“You’re mine. You moved here to be closer to me.” Hunter’s arm tightened around her waist, making it hard to breathe. “It’s your fault, Allison. He has to die tonight because of you. How could you let that piece of trash touch you?” He jabbed something hard into her side. “Only I have the right to touch you.”

Muted light suddenly filled the room as electricity flowed through the lamp she’d tried switching on earlier. She wished the power had stayed out.

Rock faced them. He had his pistol drawn and pointed at Hunter. Already his right eye had turned an ugly purple and blood trickled down his face. It was nothing compared to the blood soaking his undershirt.

She gaged at the sight and her head swam. Keep it together. She couldn’t pass out now.

“Drop the gun.” Hunter pressed the pistol further into her side, and she bit down on her tongue rather than cry out.

How was this possible? She’d always thought Hunter a little odd, but not batshit crazy. Whatever hold the man had on reality had completely left him. He planned on killing

Rock and it was her fault.

“If you don’t, it’ll be your fault when the princess starts suffering.” Hunter kissed her temple. “Don’t worry. We’ll still have our fun together, Allison. Nothing will get in the way of what I have planned.”

The wine she’d drank rushed up into her mouth and she swallowed it back down.

Slowly, Rock lowered his gun.

“I said drop it.”

Rock’s eyes never strayed from Hunter’s face when he spoke. “Move yours away from her.” His voice remained calm and authoritative. She couldn’t detect a hint of fear. Nice to know at least one of them wasn’t ready to pee their pants before passing out.

“You’re not in control here.” Despite his reply, he pulled the gun away a little. “I am.”

“Kill me. Leave her alone. I forced her. She wanted to be with you. I wouldn’t let her.” Rock took a step forward as he spoke. “She begged me to let her find you. Get rid of me and you can have her.”

“I knew it.” He kissed her temple again, the slight touch making her skin crawl. “But she still needs to pay too.” The arm around her waist loosened enough for her to breathe. “Stop moving,” Hunter shouted when Rock took another step forward. “Put the gun on the floor and kick it away or she starts paying right now while you watch.”

It looked like his mouth had stopped bleeding, but the spot on Rock’s shirt continued to get bigger. He was going to die and it was because of her. There had to be something she could do. “Hunter please—”

“Shut up.” He squeezed her again. “This is between him and me. I’ll take care of you later.”

No. She watched in stunned horror as Rock followed Hunter’s orders and put the pistol on the floor.

“Last chance. Kick it over here.”