He stopped, his whole body tense under her hands. “Did you hear something?” His voice remained low and the humor she’d heard in it disappeared.

She shook her head before remembering he couldn’t see her in the dark. “No. Maybe it’s the trucks down the street.” The last time she’d looked outside, two utility trucks and a police cruiser remained working on the downed pole. Since the power hadn’t returned, she assumed they still worked out there.

“I don’t think so. It sounded like it came from inside.” The mattress shifted as he moved away from her. “Stay here. I’m going to check the house. Lock the bedroom door behind me.”

Allison grabbed the flashlight from the nightstand. Pointing it down so she didn’t blind Rock with the bright light, she switched it on. “If someone broke in, the alarm would’ve gone off. Baxter probably needed some water or there’s another mouse in the attic. I had one in February right after I moved in.” When they’d gone downstairs for a bottle of wine, they’d checked the user’s manual. According to it, the battery in the system would last for twelve hours. The power hadn’t been out that long.

“Stay here, Ally.” He yanked on some jeans and an undershirt then grabbed the pistol on the nightstand. “And lock the door.”

Chapter 19

Finally. He put the lock picking set back into his pocket. He’d hoped the key would work, but he’d known it was a long shot. The new locks installed were a definite upgrade. They’d managed to slow him down but not stop him. Nothing could stop him. He was smarter than all of them.

He pushed the door open and entered the pitch-black kitchen. Before moving any further, he switched on the recon LED flashlight he’d purchased. He’d tested it out at home, and it performed as promised. It provided him with light and preserved his night vision. Not that he needed much light. He’d visited the house enough. The back stairway up to the second floor was on his right. By using it, he avoided walking past the laundry room. On his last visit, he’d spotted a dog bed near the pet crate. He assumed it meant at night the dog slept in there. The last thing he wanted was to alert the dog. From his past visits, he knew as long as the dog didn’t see him, he remained quiet.

Taking a step up, he paused and savored the giddiness making his heart pump faster. His skin itched for the feel of Allison against him. His ears longed for her screams when he punished her for choosing Raimono instead of him.

He pushed away the tantalizing vision. Go time.

Chapter 20

She paced from the bed to the windows. On her second pass, she stopped and peeked outside. Both utility trucks remained parked down the street, along with a police cruiser. Power’s probably still out, darn. Allison let the curtain fall and tried the lamp closest to her anyway. Nothing. She hoped she was right and whatever sound Rock heard had been the workers outside. She didn’t want any more mice in the attic or anywhere else in the house.

The doorknob rattled and Allison moved to open it. He told me to lock it. Why would he try opening it? The thought brought her to a standstill. Rock would call out and ask her to open the door. He wouldn’t forget his instructions to lock it and try opening the door.

Allison stepped back until her legs hit the bed’s footboard. She swept her flashlight around the room and looked for anything she could use for a weapon. The door lock would only slow a person down, not stop them. It wasn’t that kind of lock. She needed some kind of weapon until Rock got to her.

Rock. Oh God. If the intruder made it to the bedroom door, did that mean Rock was hurt? Was he dead downstairs? A hand gripped her heart and squeezed as a scream fought its way up her throat. Don’t make a sound. Rock’s fine. He’ll be here.

She searched around again for a weapon. Rock had taken his pistol with him. She didn’t see the knife he often had clipped to his belt. Hide in the closet. Again, not a solution, but just a way to buy Rock some time.

Pop. The simple lock in the doorknob released. In silence, the door swung open. A large male form filled the doorway.

She prepared to scream. Then she got a look at the intruder’s face. Her voice failed her as her mind swirled with questions.

“Hunter?” No, it couldn’t be. She was dreaming. This was some terrible nightmare again. Why would Hunter Perkins be breaking into her bedroom? They were, well, maybe not friends, but at least friendly acquaintances. They’d talked this afternoon in her office. He’d asked for recommendations for places to live in the city. He couldn’t be standing in her doorway.

She made eye contact with him before he looked toward the bed behind her. When he glanced back, she saw the surprise reflected in his eyes. She saw something else too. Coldness like she’d never seen in anyone. He expected me to be asleep in bed.

Fear gripped her. Her knees shook. She looked away from his face. Her flashlight reflected light off the large blade in his right hand and she glimpsed the pistol on his hip. He’s going to kill me.

“Allison.” The same voice she’d heard in her office whispered her name, and Hunter’s lips curled into a wicked smile. “My sweet Allison.”

Ice enveloped her body and she trembled.


Rock cleared the library. He’d checked almost all rooms on the first floor and nothing. Maybe there was a mouse in the attic. Old homes were notorious for critters getting in. He closed the door behind him. Regardless, he’d check the kitchen and laundry room while down here.

Creak. The noise stopped him dead, and he listened. Creak. No mouse made sounds like that.

Rock bolted into kitchen and up the backstairs, his bare feet silent on the thick runner. A tall athletically built figure stepped into Allison’s bedroom. Red filled his vision and he raised his pistol. One shot through the back and the SOB would be down.

He lined up the sights and went for the trigger. Stop. Enough rage cleared his mind and his dad’s words echoed in his head. Know what’s on the other side of what you’re shooting. He couldn’t see Allison. He didn’t know where in the room she stood. What if the bullet went through the bastard and into her? No, he couldn’t fire until he knew he had a clean shot.

“Hunter?” Allison’s voice reached him down the hall. She told him about her unexpected visit from Hunter Perkins at the office.

Moving his finger from the trigger, he considered his next move. So far the jerk didn’t know he was mere feet away.