“He knows what he wants.” Allison grabbed the dog’s dish from the floor and filled it with food.

Before she moved away, Rock stepped behind her and grabbed her around the waist. “He’s not the only one.” He pushed her hair away from her neck and kissed the skin just below her ear.

“I once read husbands and wives take on each others personality traits after being together for a long time. I guess it applies to men and their dogs too. Just promise you won’t start howling to get my attention like Baxter.”

He kissed the same spot again before he slipped a hand under her blouse. “There are better ways of getting your attention.” Her stomach muscles contracted as he ran his finger across her skin and up toward her bra. When his hand covered her breast, her head fell back against his shoulder.

“What do ya think? Do I have your attention?”

“Mission accomplished.”

“Good.” He’d discovered weeks ago how much she enjoyed it when he teased her nipples. He dipped his fingers into her bra, intent on touching them now. Baxter’s jump into the air stopped him as the dog’s head bumped into the bowl, sending pieces of food everywhere.

“Another personality trait you both share, impatience.”

With the moment ruined, he moved his hand and grabbed the now half full dog bowl. “Thanks a lot, buddy. I owe you one,” he said to the dog, who at the moment was too busy inhaling the food scattered around the floor to even look in his direction.

“At least he’s cleaning up the mess.”

Rock gave the dog a dirty look before moving and putting the dish down. “How thoughtful of him.” The tap the metal dish made when it hit the floor caught Baxter’s attention, and he looked up then trotted over to it. “Let’s see if the alarm system will activate.”

Allison beat him to the control panel near the back door. When she punched in her code and it beeped, she threw him a thumbs up, closed the panel, and sauntered back over to him. “Nice and safe for the night.” Her fingertips skimmed up his torso. With slow movements, she unknotted his tie and pulled it off. “I think we should go upstairs and find a way to amuse ourselves.”

He watched her undo each shirt button. When she finished, she pushed the fabric away and kissed his chest. The heat from her lips seeped though his undershirt, branding his skin. “Unless you have a better idea?”

Better idea? He had one.

Picking her up, Rock sat her on the edge of the barstool near the counter, shoving her skirt higher in the process. Going down to his knees, he kissed her knee and worked his way up her inner thigh. When he reached his destination, he pushed her damp panties aside but didn’t touch her. Instead, he stared, drinking in the sight before him, committing it to memory for those months ahead when half a world separated them.

On the stool, Allison wiggled closer to the edge. She grabbed his hand, and he allowed her to guide it. He touched the slick, wet skin and his penis pressed against the front of his pants, demanding to join the fun. “Damn, you’re so ready.” He let one finger dip inside.

In response, Allison closed her eyes as her head fell back and she moaned.

Damn, he wanted her. First, he’d make her come with his mouth. He’d fantasized about pleasuring her like that for a long time. Afterward, he’d take her upstairs and bury himself in her and make her come again.

Rock moved his finger back and forth, enjoying the feel of her muscles contracting around him. Before he lost all control, he stopped.

On the stool, Allison moved and opened her eyes. “What’s wrong?” she panted, her chest rising and falling quickly.

Not a damn thing. Rather than answer, he replaced his finger with his tongue.


Warm lips brushed against her forehead. The memory of where those oh-so talented lips had been earlier tonight rushed forward, setting her face on fire. She’d never been on the receiving end of oral sex. Her ex had loved when she pleasured him that way. In fact, he’d encouraged it so much, she’d gotten the impression he preferred oral sex. Despite all the times she’d fulfilled his desires, he’d never reciprocated. Until tonight, she’d not known what she was missing.

“You’re quiet.” Rock’s voice rumbled in her ear, distracting her from her current thoughts. “Something wrong?”

“Nope. Just thinking.” Wrong? If she could freeze time, she would. Right now everything felt perfect.

“About?” He played with her hair. Before they went out, she’d tied it back in a twist, but Rock had pulled out all the pins holding it up.

Her face burned hotter at the mere thought of admitting she’d been thinking about what transpired in the kitchen and hoping he’d do it again

. They’d both enjoyed themselves. There’s no reason to be embarrassed. “Earlier in the kitchen.” Allison considered the temporary blackout a plus. She suspected her face resembled a bright red raspberry.

Rock leaned over her, his face mere inches away from hers. “Me too,” he whispered the words and she caught the briefest of scent of cherries. The man loved to suck on those hard cherry candies. She noticed he kept a whole bag stashed in his truck and he’d added several bags to the kitchen panty.

Despite the darkness, she closed her eyes in anticipation for his kiss. She sensed his movements as he came closer. Ready for him, she parted her lips.