“Miss Sherbrooke, you have a visitor,” Denise said from behind the reception desk. “He arrived not long after you left.”

Before Allison managed a word, Connor stepped closer, the fingers on his right hand flexing. “Did he give you a name?”

More than ever, she appreciated Connor’s presences. She didn’t have any meetings scheduled today, so who waited for her?

“He said his name was Hunter Perkins,” Denise replied, reaching for the phone. “Should I call building security?

Hunter here? While odd, it didn’t require a call into building security. “Don’t worry about it, Denise. I know Hunter.”

“A friend?” Connor asked, his posture telling her he still didn’t like the idea of someone showing up unexpectedly.

“More like an acquaintance. I used to date his older brother, Charles. I’ve known him a while.” She walked toward the office waiting area.

When Hunter spotted her, he stood and stepped forward. The movement only caused Connor to move so he walked a step or two in front of her. “Connor, really, it’s okay. I know him.” She kept her voice low so neither Denise nor Hunter heard her comment. Her constant shadow remained where he stood directly between her and Hunter

Hunter made as if he intended to embrace her when she got closer, but then his arms fell by his sides. “Allison, I hope I’m not disrupting anything. I was in the area and wanted to say hi,” Hunter said with a smile.

“Nah, we just stepped out for coffee. Come on in my office.” She’d seen Hunter numerous times when she’d visited Charles and his family. She’d always found Hunter a little odd, although she couldn’t explain why. That didn’t mean she had to be rude and ask him to leave. Besides, a visit with him provided a nice little distraction from her earlier thoughts.

Connor’s tightlipped expression let her know his thoughts on the situation, but he didn’t argue. Instead, he followed them back toward her office and to his seat outside the door.

“What are you doing in Alexandria?” Allison asked once they both sat.

“Interviewed for a summer internship at Novo and Sullivan. I have another with Griffin, White, and Crosby next week.”

She’d heard of the well-known law firm located a few blocks over. With one of her questions answered, she posed her other one. “How did you know I worked here?”

“Charles mentioned it when we talked. He said he saw you with Trent and your sister-in-law.”

Duh. Charles, she should have thought of him. Hunter and Charles talked a lot, or at least they had when they’d been together. “They were down for a fundraiser.” With her questions answered, she searched for some conversation starters. School came to mind first. Hunter attended Georgetown University. “How’s the semester going?”

“It’s a breeze. Wish the fall semester had been as easy.”

“Football must take up a lot of your time in the fall.” She didn’t recall what position he played, but she remembered Charles telling her his brother played for the Hoyas.

“Yeah and I tore my ACL last season,” Hunter answered, then went into way more detail than she needed about the play that caused the injury and the rehab afterward.

Twenty minutes later, Connor knocked on the door saving her from any further football plays. “Miss Sherbrooke, you asked me to remind you when it was four.”

“Thanks Connor,” she said, playing along. Honestly, she’d had enough football talk for one day, but Hunter hadn’t given her a chance to interrupt him. “I’ve got this bad habit of losing track of time and I’m meeting my dad and stepmom for dinner tonight.”

“Gotcha. Saw your dad when I visited Providence last month.” He stood but didn’t make a move to the door. “If I get the internship at Novo and Sullivan, I’ll need a place in Alexandria. Any areas you recommend?”

“I’m over on Cameron Street. Everything around there is nice.”

Hunter nodded and smiled. “Thanks. I’ll check it out. Talk to you later.”

She waited until her guest left before she went for the door herself and opened it. “How did you know I needed a break?”

Connor lowered the coffee he still nursed and looked at her. “Just wanted him out of your office. Didn’t like the guy.”

“He’s harmless. But thanks anyway. I thought I’d hear about every play from last season.”

“Not a football fan?”

“How’d you guess?” Although perhaps if it had been someone else giving her the season recap, she wouldn’t have minded so much. Rock could give her a lesson on the proper way to wash dishes in his sexy voice and and she’d enjoy it. “I’m not going to get anything else done today. As soon as I close out my computer programs, we can go.”

“Ready when you are, Miss Sherbrooke.”