“When we came home yesterday, I noticed the deadbolt on the kitchen door was unlocked.” Allison filled the two men in on every thing from her conversation with Connor to the fact that she found her internet browser open when she went to use her computer. In response, they began with the same question as Rock, who else knew her alarm code. And just like Rock, they immediately mentioned her ex-boyfriend as the possible stalker.

“Detective MacLean, I’ve known Charles Perkins for a long time. We share mutual friends and I know he’s moved on. He’d never do something like this. It’s not him.”

Both detectives exchanged an unconvinced look with Rock.

“We can check for fingerprints, but there’s a good possibility you smudged any the intruder may have left. That’s assuming he didn’t use gloves.” Detective Wilson spoke up this time. “Have you already changed the alarm code?”

“Did it before we called ya,” Rock answered. So far he’d remained on the quiet side. The only time he’d spoken had been when she’d told the detectives about the shooting at his apartment.

“Under the circumstances and considering who your family is, you shouldn’t be living alone, Miss Sherbrooke. I recommend you either have your bodyguards here around the clock or stay with someone?”

“Detective Wilson, she’s not alone. I’m here.”

The detective’s expression didn’t change, but he nodded and added the information to his notes. “I suggest installing some surveillance cameras. I’m surprised the security company that installed your system didn’t recommend them considering your uncle is the President.”

“The system was here when I moved it. The company who verified it worked properly suggested I upgrade and add some cameras, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.” At the time, upgrading seemed low on her priority list, and adding cameras was just another thing to make her different from her neighbors. Already her family name and list of relatives did that enough.

“We’ll look into it tomorrow,” Rock answered before she said anything.

“Is there anything else we should know? Even what seems like an insignificant detail might be helpful,” Detective Wilson said.

“I’ve told you everything.”

Detective Wilson closed his notebook. “It’ll take a while to dust for fingerprints. Let me get the gear from the car, and we’ll get started. We’ll also need to search the entire house. It’s not unheard of for a stalker to hide in an attic or a crawl space.”

Even Rock’s warmth couldn’t prevent the tremor that went through her body when he mentioned the possibility her stalker had been living in the house all this time.

“It’s gonna be okay,” Rock whispered in her ear.

Oh, how she wished she shared his confidence right now. “Please do whatever you need, Detective Wilson. And if you need something, just ask.”

“We appreciate it, Miss Sherbrooke,” he said before he looked

in his partner’s direction. “Be right back, Liam.”


He didn’t lie. It took forever. Allison watched Rock close and lock the door behind the two detectives. When they’d arrived, the sun had remained on the horizon. Now a full moon hung in the sky.

“Still want a lesson or do ya want to wait?”

What she wanted was to wake up from this terrible dream, but since that wasn’t an option, she nodded. “The sooner the better.”

Rock cupped her face and looked her in the eye. “Nothing is going to happen to ya. I won’t let it. Don’t forget that,” he demanded in a voice that left no room for argument. “Come on, let’s go in the kitchen.”

I love you. More than anything she wanted to say the words. He deserved to know how she felt about him. If she told him now though, would he believe her or would he think she only thought she loved him because of everything going on. They hadn’t known each other long. He might not believe two people could fall in love so quickly. Wait for a better time. Tell him when there is not some crazy person breaking into the house and following you around.

She watched him pull the pistol from his holster and place it on the table. She didn’t have anything against weapons. They served a purpose. She’d just never had any need or desire for one. The events of the past few months made her reconsider that. Still she couldn’t believe she stood in her kitchen about to have her first gun lesson.

“First rule and, according to my dad, the most important one: always treat any gun you come across as loaded. Second rule: don’t touch the trigger unless you intend to shoot. Third rule: never point at something you don’t want to shoot.”

Allison nodded in agreement. He hadn’t asked a question, but it seemed like the thing to do.

“There are a lot of different models, but the basics are the same.” He picked up the dull black pistol again. “Unless it’s a revolver, bullets are held in a magazine. The number of bullets in a magazine will vary depending on the size of the gun and the bullet.” Rock pointed to a tiny little button not far from the trigger. “This is the magazine release. It lets you take the magazine out. Every gun has one, but they’re not all in the same place.” He handed her the magazine.

The weight of it and the knowledge of what it contained sent a shiver up her arm.

“This one holds seventeen rounds. Then you got the one in the chamber.” He racked back the slide and another bullet dropped onto the table. “Don’t assume a weapon is safe just because it doesn’t have a magazine. As long as there is one in the chamber, it can fire.” Next he pointed to the black square bumps on the top of the gun. “These are your sights. You use them to line up your shot.”