Pushing away from the window, he paced. He would’ve made her happy, if she’d just given him the chance. Now, they both needed to die. Raimono first. This time he didn’t care if she witnessed his death or not. And he’d handle it himself. He didn’t want some dumb punk messing up again. Besides, he wanted the satisfaction. No, he deserved the satisfaction after what Raimono did. With him gone, he’d take Allison up to his house in Maine and show her what she could’ve had if she’d picked him instead. Once he finished with her, he’d get rid of her too.

First he had a few more things to get in order. This weekend though, he’d get what he wanted. He’d waited long enough. Yes, he’d have everything he needed by the weekend.

Chapter 14

“Can you teach me to use a gun?”

Rock’s hands stopped on his belt buckle. “What?” It sounded like Allison said the word gun.

“I want to buy a gun and learn how to shoot it. I already checked. In Virginia, you don’t need a special license to purchase and own a gun. So will you teach me?” she asked again from where she sat cross-legged on her bed.

“What aren’t ya telling me?” They’d never discussed her views on gun ownership and she never commented on the pistol he often carried. However, Allison owning a gun made about as much sense as him owning ballet slippers. If her thoughts had turned in that direction, something had to have happened today because yesterday she’d been ready to call Elite Force and get rid of Connor and Neil.

“I think someone has been in the house.” She gripped her hands together and played with the heart-shaped emerald ring on her finger. “This morning after you left, I went to check my email before Connor and I went to the office. The browser was open. I always close the browser when I finish on the computer.”

That wasn’t much evidence. Her expression however said she had more.

“And you know how the deadbolt wasn’t locked on the back door last night when we came in? I asked Connor, he said he checked all the doors before we left yesterday and it was locked. So how did it get unlocked? And the lights were on when we came in last night. The only explanation is if someone was in here after we left yesterday.”

She made a damn good argument. If Connor said he’d checked the doors, then he had. “What about the alarm. It should’ve gone off if someone came in.” He’d watched her turn it off when they entered the house. “Does anyone have the code besides you?”

“Derek and the security technician who came out to check the system when I moved in.” She shrugged. “And I guess the woman who used to clean my apartment when I lived in Providence because I used the same code here. But Francine doesn’t know where I live. When I moved, I didn’t tell her where I was going.”

He doubted some cleaning lady from Providence would be breaking into Allison’s house, but it didn’t mean she hadn’t sold the information, because someone else out there had the number. That was the only explanation if someone had entered the house and not set it off. “Are you positive no one else has it? What about an ex?” Mr. Teeth, the ex-boyfriend, he’d met the night at Siena came to mind. She’d mentioned how reluctant he’d been to accept their relationship was over. It wouldn’t be the first time a guy had gone off the deep end when the woman he loved didn’t return his feelings.

Allison went from wringing her hands to drumming her fingers on her legs. “Yeah, I guess him too. We were together a long time and he had a key to my apartment. But he wouldn’t know how to pick a lock and get in.”

He disagreed. With enough patience and practice, anyone could learn to pick a lock, even a guy like her ex-boyfriend.

“Besides, my cousin Leah said Charles is seeing her friend Miranda Bergman.”

Her announcement didn’t cross Allison’s ex off his list, but evidently it did hers. For now, he’d keep his thoughts about Mr. Teeth to himself. “That it? Nobody else?”


Although unlikely, someone could have guessed the number. “First lets change the code. Then we’re calling the cops.”

Allison’s lips parted, and he just knew an argument was about to follow.

“Sorry. It’s time we get ‘em involved. If someone is coming into the house, they need to be in the loop.”

Her sigh almost knocked him over. “You’re right. I know you are. I just hate calling them.”

The sadness and fear in her voice melted into his heart, becoming a part of him. “Don’t worry, Ally. I won’t let anything happen to ya. Promise. Soon we’ll get the bastard stalking you.”

Her smiled wobbled, but she didn’t cry or give any other indication of the fear he knew she felt. “We’ll do our first gun lesson after we call the cops.” Rock grabbed her hand and pulled her up. “Do ya know how to change the alarm code?”

“The user’s manual is in my desk. The technician who came out changed it for me but said it was easy if I needed to do it again.”

“It’s usually easy.”

They grabbed the manual from the office and trekked down to the basement. Although a different model than the system his parents had, the directions for changing a code were the same. “What’s the code now?” Rock asked, opening the control box mounted on the wall. In order to make any changes, they had to enter the current code first.


“Your birthday is your alarm code. Didn’t the tech tell you not to use a number like that?” Mannaggia, anyone with a computer and Internet access could find her code.

“He said to pick four numbers. So I did. I never told him it was my birthday.”