Were Rock and Derek really having this conversation?

“Much appreciated.”

The groan slipped out before she could stop it. “Will you two please stop.”

Her brother and Rock exchanged some kind of look she couldn’t decipher, and she held her breath. What are they going to say next?

“I saw Trent and Addie on Tuesday,” Derek said.

Thank you.

“I got the impression they know the baby is a boy. They both denied it when I asked. Have they said anything to you guys?”

“Got the same answer,” Rock answered. “But I think you’re right.”

Allison listened as the men switched from one topic to another, the whole time wishing her brother would do less talking and more eating. The faster he finished eating, the sooner he’d be gone

“Allison, you’ve got to work on that,” Derek said, his sudden switch in topics jarring.

“Uh? What?”

“Not letting the world know what you’re thinking.” Her brother pointed a finger at her. “You’re wondering how much longer until I leave.”

Did she really give herself away that much?

“Told her she better never play cards,” Rock said, offering his opinion on the subject.

Great, another one from the peanut gallery.

“She’s better than when we were kids. We used to play a modified version of poker. She always lost. Couldn’t bluff to save her life.” Chugging the rest of his water, Derek pushed his chair back. “I’ll see you guys later. Maybe around ten or so.”

“Thanks for the warning, brother dear.”

“Do you have a key I can use to get in when I come back so I don’t disturb you again?”

Nope, don’t respond to that one. Allison grabbed the spare key she kept in a kitchen drawer. “Don’t worry about rushing back,” she said, dropping the key in his hand. “And if the alarm is on when you come in, the code is the same as the one I had at my apartment.”

“Have fun tonight,” Derek called out as he walked away.

Allison relaxed in her chair when she heard the front door close. She’d thought her brother would never leave. She still couldn’t believe he’d alluded to the fact he’d interrupted her and Rock in the middle of sex so many times. Talk about embarrassing on a grand scale. The only way it could’ve been worse would’ve been if he’d actually walked in her bedroom. She owed him big time. But she’d figure out her revenge later. Right now, they again had the house to themselves and several hours to do whatever they wanted.

Reaching under the table, she touched Rock’s thigh and moved her hand upward. She smiled, her own libido kicking back all the way on when she hit his zipper and the erection behind it. Slowly, she rubbed her hand against him.

“Upstairs now.” He grabbed her hand, making it impossible for her to move it, and kissed her.

Chapter 9

He wasn’t a violent person. Really he wasn’t, but he had no other choice. He’d watched them kissing today at the Botanic Garden. Even now the creep’s truck remained parked outside her house. He’d seen her disheveled appearance when she opened the door for Derek. He knew what they’d been up too.

No man had any right to touch her but him. Yep, his mind was made up. The Marine had to die. Once that happened, she’d be his.

He knew the perfect person to contact too. Kane. A guy like him would know people. People who would take out Raimono and not ask any questions. Across the street, Derek exited Allison’s house and drove away, and he slammed his fist into the wall. Damn, they were alone again. Blood trickled down his fingers, but he barely noticed as he pulled his second cell phone from his pocket. From memory, he dialed Kane’s number and waited.

Soon, he’ll be gone forever. And she’ll be all mine.

Chapter 10

“I should’ve let him come up again,” Allison said, changing lanes on the highway again. She’d felt bad though. Over the past two and half weeks, Rock had made the trip from Dumfries to Alexandria several times. He never complained; then again, she doubted he complained about much. Still it hadn’t seemed fair he always went out of his way. Now, she wished she’d given in last night when they’d talked. Actually, they’d talked on the phone a lot, which surprised her because Rock didn’t seem like the type to have phone conversations on a regular basis.