Normally, he’d hug her right back, but tonight he paused. When he’d seen her in January, Addie hadn’t looked pregnant. Now she looked like she’d swallowed a basketball. The last pregnant woman he’d probably hugged had been his mom when she’d been expecting Addison. He didn’t want to hurt her.

“I won’t pop if you hug me,” Addie said, her voice low so no one else heard her.

“I just wasn’t sure I’d get my arms around ya.” No way was he admitting he’d been nervous about hugging his own sister.

“I’m so glad I invited you tonight. You’re always so full of compliments.” She flicked the back of his neck and then kissed his cheek.

Trent stood and extended his hand when they approached the table. “Rock, I’m glad you could join us. You probably remember my cousin Jake and his wife Charlie.” Trent gestured toward the couple across from him. “And my sister Allison.”

He remembered everyone, especially Miss Allison Sherbrooke. He’d only danced with her once at Addie’s wedding, but it had been enough to scorch the image of the woman into his brain. He’d never tell anyone, but since the wedding, Allison had made many appearances in his dreams.

“It’s nice to see everyone again. Thanks for including me.” He made eye contact with each member of the party before his eyes swung back for one extra glance at Allison. Mannaggia, Rock thought using one of his dad’s favorite Italian curses, one he’d adopted himself. The word itself didn’t translate into English, but it fit the moment because damn if she wasn’t the hottest woman he’d ever met. He suspected she’d be making another X-rated appearance in his dreams tonight.

“Trent wants me to stop working,” Addie said as the conversation at the table started back up again. “Charlie, you’re a doctor, can you please tell him it’s not necessary. It’s not like I’m climbing ladders and lifting heavy objects.”

“What’s wrong with wanting to make sure you get plenty of rest before the baby comes?” Trent asked.

“I tried to tell Charlie the same thing. She wouldn’t listen to me either,” Jake said, sounding annoyed.

Rock saw his sister and Charlie exchange a look he couldn’t decipher before Charlie said, “As long as Addie’s healthy, there’s no reason for her to stop working unless her doctor tells her to.”

He could’ve told his brother-in-law that trying to convince Addie to do something was pointless. She had a mind of her own. Most days he considered that a good thing.

“My mom worked the day she had me,” Addie said, looking in his direction. “Right, Rock?”

“Doesn’t mean you need to,” Rock said. Their parents had been in a very different financial situation than Addie and her husband. His sister could never work again and it wouldn’t adversely affect her or her family.

Trent looked at him and nodded. “See, even your brother agrees with me.”

“Thanks a lot, Rock.” Addie gave him a dirty look before she turned back to her husband. “I never said I was going to work right to my due date, just until the end of April. The baby isn’t due until June.”

“Maybe we should change the subject,” Allison said, entering the conversation. “Dad said you won’t tell him if you’re having a girl or a boy.”

Now that he thought about it, Addie hadn’t told him either. Then again, he hadn’t asked.

“That’s because we don’t know,” Trent answered.

“Seriously? How can you not want to know?” Allison asked.

“We want to be surprised,” Trent answered.

“You do realize it makes it impossible to buy gifts when you don’t know if they’re for a girl or a boy, right?” Allison asked, looking at the two married couples.

“Only a couple more weeks before you know our surprise,” Jake said.

“You don’t know what you’re having either?” Rock asked. Only a handful of his buddies had kids, but they’d all known what they were having in advance. He’d assumed most couples did.

Charlie shook her head, drawing Rock’s attention to her clenched jaw. “We decided to wait,” she said, her knuckles turning white as she gripped her water glass.

“Are you okay, Charlie?” Trent asked, telling him his brother-in-law had also noticed something appeared wrong.

Jake didn’t give Charlie a chance to answer. “You’re not fine. What’s wrong?”

“I’m––” The rest of her sentence didn’t come. Instead, Charlie took in a sharp breath.


There was no missing the worry in Jake’s voice.