“Do ya want to check the door?” He squeezed her ass before sliding a hand in between them so he could touch a breast.

“Nope,” she said, her lips inches from his neck.

The faint sound of her brother’s ringtone traveled up the stairs from where she’d left her phone in the foyer and Allison froze. She didn’t need to look. She just knew Derek was ringing her doorbell. And since he saw her car in the driveway, he was calling to see why she hadn’t answered the door. Darn it. If she didn’t answer the phone or door, he’d worry.

Scrambling off the bed, she grabbed her leggings and yanked them on.

“What’s going on?” Rock asked, his voice both confused and surprised at the same time.

“Derek’s here.” She pulled on her shirt and at the same time tossed Rock’s jeans on the bed. “It’ll be easier if I just let him in.” Man, oh man. Of all the times for Derek to visit, he had to pick now.

By the time she finished buttoning up her shirt, Rock had his clothes back on too.

“Talk about friggin’ déjà vu,” Rock said as they walked downstairs together.

Allison paused. Did he make it a habit to greet all his girlfriends’ family like this? “What?”

“I showed up at Addie’s place to surprise her last fall. Ended up interrupting her and Trent like your brother.”

Right now she wished she were a little

more like Trent. He wouldn’t have been at all embarrassed. She shouldn’t be either. They were all adults and it wasn’t her dad waiting to come in. Maybe she’d get lucky and Derek wouldn’t suspect they’d been doing anything but watching a movie.

Don’t give yourself away. Derek glanced up from his smartphone the moment she pulled open the door. “Hey, you. Come on in,” she said, pasting on a smile.

Stepping inside, he looked past her at Rock and then back, a smirk on his face. “Bad timing I see. Guess I should’ve called on my way over.”

So much for a little luck tonight. “We were just hanging out.” A little lie in this instance wouldn’t harm anyone.

With a laugh, he hugged her. “Bull. You’ve got a rat’s nest on your head and your shirt’s buttoned wrong. You weren’t just hanging out.”

She looked at her shirt. Sure enough, in her rush, she messed it up. So much for playing it cool. Clearing her throat, she reminded herself again how much worse it’d be if her dad was there instead.

“Nice to see you again.” Derek moved past her and shook hands with Rock. “Since I’ve already interrupted you two, do you mind if I stick around and visit?”

Oh, man how she wanted to slap him. “Mi casa es su casa,” she said with a hint of sarcasm. “Let’s go in the other room.” She loved Derek but the sooner they finished their little visit, the sooner he’d leave. “What are you doing here anyway?”

Derek put an arm around her shoulders as they walked toward the kitchen. “What, I can’t visit my lil sister?”

“See what I mean?” She looked over at Rock, but he only grinned back at her. “Five minutes between us and he acts like it’s five years.” She rolled her eyes and turned her attention toward Derek again. “I talked to you two days ago and you didn’t say anything about coming down.”

“Decided at the last minute. Figured I’d visit you and then go see Jake and the baby. Then head home on Monday morning.” Derek went straight to the refrigerator. “I didn’t stop to eat on the way down. Do you have anything good in here?”

“Help yourself,” she said, although there was no need. Before the move down here, Derek had always treated her apartment in Providence as if it was his own, so it made sense he’d do the same thing here. Of course she more or less did that too whenever she visited his condo. “Where are you staying?” She already knew the answer to her question, but asked anyway.

“With you.” He put the pizza she hadn’t finished the night before and a sparkling water on the table and looked over at Rock who’d sat next to her. “Unless that’s a problem, lil sis.”

“If you don’t stop calling me that, it will be.”

“Has she been this grumpy all day?”

“She was very happy until you arrived,” Rock said, leaning back in his chair as if he hadn’t just hinted at what they’d been doing when Derek interrupted them.

“Guessed as much.”

Her brother’s answer sent the heat in her face up to her scalp.

Derek pulled a slice of pizza out and smiled at her before he nodded in Rock’s direction. “After I eat, I’ll disappear for a few hours.”