“Ya like that.” It wasn’t a question but a statement, one she didn’t feel any need to answer. Instead, she concentrated on getting the rest of his shirt unbuttoned.

The lips that had a moment ago been wrapped around her nipple, kissed the side of her breast and moved upward. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to kiss this spot.” His warm breath spread over her already heated skin, sending another bolt of excitement to her core.

Looking away from his shirt, she watched him kiss the birthmark on her left breast, the one she usually forgot was even there. His lips lingered long enough for her to push his shirt off his shoulders before they came down hard on her mouth. With his shirt gone, she ran her hands up his taut corrugated stomach, enjoying the way his abs contracted beneath her touch. Reaching his chest, she brushed her hand over his flat nipples and started to reverse her path, the button on his jeans her ultimate destination.

She didn’t get far.

The hands he’d buried in her hair moved, and before she could consider what that meant, Rock tugged down her leggings before slipping a finger inside her panties to touch her.

Two can play that game. Allison didn’t bother with the button or zipper; instead she slipped her hand inside his jeans and touched him.

With a growl, Rock pulled away and tore off his jeans and boxer briefs.

Can you say big? For a second, she couldn’t look away from his erection. She’d been with men before, but none of them had looked like him.

Before she could really enjoy the naked view he provided, he reached for her bra clasp. Then he pushed her down on the bed and removed her leggings, which were still bunched around her calves. Starting at her ankle, he placed kisses up her shin and along her inner thigh. Sucking in a deep breath, she waited for him to touch her again when he reached the top of her leg. Instead, the weight of him pressing against her thighs disappeared.

“What’s wrong?” Propping herself up, she watched him grab the jeans he’d dropped on the floor.

Opening the wallet he’d retrieved from a pocket, he pulled something out of it as he looked over at her. “Nothing.” He tossed everything on the floor again and leaned over her. “Needed to grab these.” He pressed a condom into her hand before tearing open the one he still held and slipping it on, his eyes never straying away from her face.

Good thing one of them was still thinking clearly. Protection hadn’t even entered her mind when she’d come upstairs with him and it should’ve. She was on the pill, but they weren’t 100 percent foolproof, and she didn’t have any condoms in the house. Rock was the first person she’d been with in several months and the only man she’d brought back to her house since she moved to Virginia. She’d have to grab some this week.

Rock leaned over and kissed her before he hooked a finger under her panties and pulled them down, tossing them over his shoulder.

Allison all but squirmed on the bed as he stood there staring at her. If he didn’t do something darn soon, she’d have to grab him and toss him on the bed.

“You’d make a terrible poker player.”

They were naked and he wanted to talk about cards?

“Your expressions give ya away.”

Guilty as charged. “What am I thinking then?”

Rock gave her a wicked smile. “This,” he said before he slipped a finger inside her, rendering her speechless for the foreseeable future.


She couldn’t stop from touching the pulse in her neck. The silly thing remained almost as out of control as it did when she finished the intense fitness challenge training class at the gym. Maybe she should give up her gym membership and have sex with Rock everyday instead. It was definitely much more enjoyable. No, enjoyable wasn’t the right word to describe it. Incredible and mind-blowing were much better adjectives. At least it had been incredible for her. Hopefully it had been for him too, not that she’d ever ask him such a question. What if he said no? Talk about the ultimate in embarrassment.

Rolling onto her side, she propped herself up on her elbow. With his eyes closed and an arm tucked under his head, he appeared the most relaxed and easygoing she’d ever seen him. And since he seemed unaware of what she was doing, she let her gaze roam down his chest and over his stomach, her eyes drawn to the scar on his right side. She hadn’t noticed it when he’d first undressed. Other parts of his anatomy had held her attention. “What happened?” she asked, touching the scar and tracing it with her finger.

Without opening his eyes, he covered her hand with his, making it impossible to move. “Bullet grazed me a few years ago. No big deal.”

In her book, bullets and bullet wounds were a big deal, but he said it as if he was talking about a piece of paper giving him a papercut. Maybe to do what he did, you had to think that way.

“It must have hurt a lot.”

“Like I said, it was no big deal.” He moved her hand away from the scar and up to his chest.

She got the hint. He didn’t want to talk about it. “Can you stay tonight?”

At her question, Rock’s eyes opened and he pulled her head closer to his face. “Definitely.” His lips closed over hers before she could respond.

From the hallway, the doorbell chimes echoed, but she ignored it. The only guests besides Rock she’d had since moving in were Jake and Charlie. With a new baby at home, neither of them would be ringing her doorbell tonight. Her Uncle Warren and Aunt Elizabeth didn’t do last-minute visits and she didn’t have any other relatives in the area. That only left some door-to-door salesman like the cable guy who rang her bell last week. No way was she getting out of bed for a salesman.

Rock pulled her on top of him, his hands moving to her butt, as the chimes echoed again.