“Lets decide later.” She titled her face toward him. “Worst-case we can spend some time together at my house.” Her sultry smile told him she had more than just watching movies in mind. He liked her plan.


If her heart beat any faster, it’d jump out of her chest and start dancing across the dashboard. It had more or less been doing that all day, but had doubled its efforts since they’d left DC and headed back to Alexandria. She only hoped it managed to survive the rest of the day and night. And what a perfect day it had been so far. They’d visited two of her favorite places in the city, but that wasn’t the main reason she’d enjoyed herself so much. No, what made it great was the fact Rock had obviously put so much effort into planning their day. The Botanic Garden and Bartholdi Park weren’t Rock’s type of places. He’d taken her there simply because he’d guessed she’d enjoy it and he’d been spot on.

With the first part of the day over, she intended to control the rest of their time together. For that, she didn’t need any prying eyes or possible cameras. The memory of their kiss behind the rosebush surfaced and she bit down on her lip to keep from sighing. Despite standing in a public place surrounded by people, she’d been seconds away from pulling his shirt from his waistband and running her hands up and down his bare skin when he ended their kiss. She didn’t do things like that. Ever. She avoided doing anything that might reflect poorly on her or the family. Unlike her brothers, she cared about what others said about her. Tearing a man’s clothes off in the middle of DC would definitely earn her a boatload of negative attention from the media.

In the privacy of her home though, they could do anything they desired and not worry about photographers hoping to snap a juicy picture. And Allison knew what she wanted. The very thing she’d dreamed about every night now since the fundraiser. Rock wanted it too. He’d been a gentleman and not pushed for anything, but his kisses spoke volumes, as did the erection she’d felt pressed against her. Tonight she intended to let them both have what they desired.

Her stomach flipped at the thought, and she adjusted the air vent, hoping her sudden temperature spike didn’t show.

“You okay?” Rock’s sexy nighttime DJ voice sent her body temperature up to a new all-time high.

“Great.” Don’t look at him. She’d never been great at hiding her emotions or thoughts. If he got a good look at her face, he’d guess in a second what she’d been thinking about.

“You look warm. Do ya want me to turn up the AC?”

“Um, sure.” Shoot, once again she’d given herself away. “I’m a little warm.” Unfortunately, no amount of air conditioning would help cool her off at the moment.

Colder air blasted out of the vents, causing her hair to blow around her face. Annoyed, she pulled it back and wrapped the elastic from her wrist around it. “What did you think of the park?” she asked while she watched him turn onto her street.

“Nice.” He headed for the one empty spot on her entire street. A spot that didn’t look big enough to fit a motorcycle let alone Rock’s truck. Somehow though, he maneuvered the pickup into the space on the first try.

“I’m a little jealous.”


“I would’ve looked for a spot over on Washington Street rather than try to fit my car in this one. Parallel parking and I don’t get along.”

Rock chuckled. “It’s easy. I’ll teach ya.”

Oh, she bet

he could teach her a lot of things, besides parallel parking, and she hoped to start some lessons tonight. “Maybe some other time.” Leaning closer, she kissed his cheek. “Come on, let’s go inside.” She didn’t wait for an answer before opening her door and climbing out.

He wasn’t touching her, yet she sensed him behind her as she punched in her alarm code. “Are you up for a movie?”

Reaching out, he pulled the elastic from her ponytail and ran his hand through her hair, making her scalp tingle. “Game for anything,” he said, his other hand sliding along her jaw and to her lips.

Unable to resist, she darted her tongue out and licked his index finger. “Anything, huh?”

Leaning in, she kissed him before he could answer, and at the same, she pulled the back of his shirt from his jeans and slipped her fingers underneath. The muscles beneath her hands flexed as she ran her palms up his hot skin toward his shoulder blades. Cotton rubbed against her back seconds before rough, callused hands touched her.

One of them moved toward the staircase first, although she wasn’t sure whom and didn’t care. Her leg hit the bottom step, and she lifted her foot. She didn’t get a chance to put it back down. Instead, Rock lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried up her the stairs. As he walked, he continued to make love to her mouth, because to say he kissed her didn’t do justice to what his lips and tongue were doing to her.

The bedroom door squeaked when he pushed it open, and she unwrapped her legs from around his waist, expecting them to come in contact with the floor. Rock’s arms prevented that from happening. Although it went against every cell in her body, she moved her lips away from his. “This will be more fun if you put me down.” She traced the outside of his ear with her tongue and waited.

Rock loosened his hold just enough for her to slide down the front of him. “You’d be surprised what you can do standing up.” He gave her butt a squeeze before he took a step back.

She’d be a blazing inferno right now if human combustion were a real thing. Her insides were on fire already, and all they’d done so far was kiss. “Maybe you can show me later.” Okay, where did that come from? She didn’t say things like that. Of course, she didn’t sleep with men she’d only been dating a few weeks either, yet here she was about ready to tear Rock’s clothes off and pounce on the guy.

The corners of his mouth hitched upward and he undid the top button of her shirt. “Will do.”

No doubt about it, the guy was a deadly force when he smiled. She watched his hands while he unbuttoned her shirt, anticipation building inside her. Already her nipples strained against her bra and she ached to have him touch her.

He released the last button and pushed the shirt off her shoulders before cupping both her breasts and giving them a little squeeze. “Perfect size.” He pulled the fabric down, exposing one nipple and took it into his mouth.

Holy wow! Pleasure exploded and traveled though her entire body. For a second, Allison gripped his shoulders and enjoyed herself; then she moved her hands toward the buttons on his shirt. Her hands shook a little as she undid the first button. When she started on the second, Rock pulled her other breast free and rolled its nipple between his fingers and she gasped.