Down on the ice, number thirteen went into the boards and dropped like a stone to the ice as the referee blew his whistle. Allison held her breath and watched, waiting for the player to move as whom she guessed was a team trainer and the coach came out to him.

“He’s not moving, is he?” Suddenly the game wasn’t as much fun anymore.

“Doesn’t look like it. Guys get knocked out sometimes.” He said it as if they were discussing the weather rather than another human’s well-being.

A stretcher appeared and the player was moved onto it. Before he could be rolled away though, the player gave the crowd a thumbs up, letting ev

eryone know he was at least awake.

“I hope he’s okay.” Almost as soon as the stretcher left, a player came off the bench and took number thirteen’s place.

“The guy probably has a concussion. Happens a lot in hockey and football.”

Football was another game she didn’t know much about, but she could see how concussions would be common. The game did involve grown men routinely banging heads. Even if they did wear helmets, that couldn’t be good for you. In fact, her parents had forbid any of her brothers from playing football in school.

Less than a minute later, the buzzer sounded, signaling intermission, and “Rock You Like A Hurricane” filled the arena as people headed for food or the restrooms.

Unable to stop herself, she sang along with the chorus until she looked over and saw Rock staring, not just looking, at her. “What? My singing isn’t that bad, is it?” She realized she’d never land a recording contract, but she hadn’t thought her singing was terrible either, despite what Derek said.

“No. Just surprised you know this. Guessed you’d be more into whatever’s hot on the radio.”

They hadn’t discussed music, so his assumption made sense. “Usually I am, but I like the Scorpions. I have ever since I danced to a version of this song in a recital one year.”

“That’s wrong.”

Was he teasing her? She couldn’t tell. “The recital had an 80’s theme to it. All the dance numbers, even the ballet ones, were done to songs from the 1980s. I danced to four different 80’s songs that year. I only liked this one though and bought some of their best hits CDs. I think I still have them somewhere.” She wouldn’t admit to anyone, but she hated to throw things out.

“There’s a local tribute band that plays their music. I’ve seen them play a few times. They’re not bad.”

“I didn’t know that. What’s their name?”


“I’ll look them up. If they have a show soon, let’s go.”

“Their concerts get rowdy sometimes.”

Okay, she thought he was interested in getting to know her and spending time with her. Had she read him wrong? Had he agreed to this date to be nice? Allison dismissed her thoughts right away. If he’d only said yes to be nice, he sure as heck wouldn’t have brought her flowers and kissed her the way he had. So how should she interpret his statement? “All concerts get a little crazy sometimes. It doesn’t bother me.” She’d attended tons of concerts as a teenager and in college. This band’s couldn’t be that much different.

“The last one I went to, three fights broke out inside and the cops arrested a few drunks in the parking lot.”

That sounded a little rowdier than she was accustomed to, but nothing she couldn’t handle, assuming she wasn’t alone. “I’d be fine.”

Down on the ice, the players took their positions, but Rock didn’t seem to notice as he leaned closer. “You’re serious.”

It hadn’t sounded like a question, but she couldn’t stop herself from nodding anyway.

He smiled and whatever chill she’d had before disappeared, replaced with enough heat to melt the entire rink.

“Okay.” He moved closer still and kissed her lips, making her wish she hadn’t pulled her jacket on.

Before she got the chance to really get into the kiss and enjoy it, he pulled away. Rather than turn his attention to the game, he scanned the crowd. “Someone’s watching us.”

The man with the camera pointed in their direction was difficult to miss, and she mentally kicked herself. She should’ve warned him that going on a date or anywhere else with her meant your picture might end up on the Internet or some magazine cover. Especially lately. In the past, the media had been content to shadow her cousins and brothers. Now though with Jake and Trent happily married and both Sara and Gray engaged, the media needed new blood. Hence they’d turned their sights and camera lens on her.

“Sorry. I should’ve warned you that might happen.” Please don’t let it bother you. With the exception of one guy she’d dated a few times in college, the men she went out with were not bothered by the media attention that sometimes found her. A few even clamored for it. However, she could see it annoying Rock. She just didn’t know if it would annoy him enough to say adios or not.

Rock’s eyes darted in the direction of the photographer again before he met her gaze. “Dude didn’t get much of a pic, did he? What do ya say we give him a better one?”