Thanks to Connor, he’d been expecting a call from Elite Force Security ever since he met him for a beer. When Thursday and Friday passed but no call came, he assumed the security firm had rejected Connor’s recommendation. He was good with that. Then Coleman called this morning.

He hadn’t given Rock a ton of specifics over the phone, but he’d read between the lines. The firm definitely did more than provide bodyguards. Exactly what else they did still remained a secret. Intrigued by the little bit of information Coleman gave him, he’d agreed to a face-to-face meeting in a few weeks. Well, the firm’s director called it a meeting. Rock got the impression it was more of an interview and most likely a waste of his time. He loved what he did and saw no reason to make any changes at the present. Elite Force would have to offer him something irresistible to get him to leave the Marines. No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn’t think of anything Coleman could say or offer which fit the bill, except perhaps Allison Sherbrooke naked and in his bed.

Mannaggia, she was the living, breathing definition of irresistible. But it was safe to say the director wouldn’t be offering her up as an incentive to change careers.

The single thought of her brought back the memory of his hands on her ass while they’d danced. Damn, the thing had been perfect. He hadn’t fully recovered from the experience when she planted a kiss on him. Thanks to her, he suffered with a boner the entire ride home. Only an ice-cold shower before bed had helped enough for him to fall asleep.

He hoped he got a chance to touch her ass again and maybe find out if it was a smooth as the skin on her back and arms. The woman must bath in baby oil or something. He’d never felt skin so smooth. Without a doubt, he could’ve stood in her townhouse all night and just ran his hands up and down her back.

Get your head on straight. He stood a better chance of getting hit in the head with a puck at the hockey game than he did of getting his hands on Allison’s ass or anywhere else tonight. He’d met and dated enough women to know she wasn’t the type to sleep with a guy she barely knew.

Turning off the car vacuum, Rock hung the hose back up on the wall. He had another hour to kill before he headed toward Alexandria. It wouldn’t take him long to shower and dress, but he didn’t really have enough time to do anything else right now either. He might as well go home.

One of his favorite 80’s rock songs came on, and he cranked up the volume as he tried a new route back. He’d lived in the area for eleven months now, and until last week, the bridge near the carwash had been closed for construction. The guy in the apartment next door claimed it was a better route with fewer traffic lights. Now seemed as good a time as any to give it a try.

He turned the music up another notch as one of his all-time favorite guitar solos started, the very one that had sent him begging his parents to let him take guitar lessons. It had taken him a solid month to convince them, but eventually they gave in. He hadn’t stopped playing since, although he still couldn’t do this solo justice.

In the parking lot behind his building, he killed the engine and heard his phone beep.

Call me before you go out tonight, the message read.

It was from Addie; that confirmed his suspicion. Allison had called her before planning out their evening. He still had time on his hands. A convo with his little sister, although she wasn’t looking too little these days, would shave some more minutes off the clock. Crossing the lot, he pulled up his sister number. She answered before he opened his building’s front door.

“I didn’t think you’d call me back,” she said in lieu of a greeting.

“Don’t say it.”

“Say what? I was right.”

He glanced toward the ceiling as he unlocked his apartment door. His sister could be insufferable sometimes. “There’s a first for everything.” He loved pushing his sister’s buttons, probably more than she enjoyed doing it to him. “Enjoy it while you can.”

“After that insult, I need to reconsider asking you to be the baby’s godfather.”

Her comment left him without a good comeback. Addie got along well with all of them; however, she’d always been closer to him than their older brothers. Despite that, he’d assumed when the time came, Addie and her husband would pick one of Trent’s brother’s to be the baby’s godfather. If anyone could provide for their son or daughter, it was one of them.

“It’s a good thing I didn’t want to talk about it tonight,” she said in her ‘I’m pretending to be mad’ voice. “What are you guys doing tonight? Game? Concert?”

“Dinner and a hockey game. She called you, didn’t she?”

“Allison wanted to know some things you enjoyed. I gave her a few suggestions. And now I have one for you. She loves flowers. Bring her some tonight.”

He didn’t even know where the closest florist was located. “I’ve been out with women before, I don’t need dating advice.”

“I’m only trying to help. I really like Allison and want you guys to have a nice night. I think she’d enjoy getting some roses or something from you.”

Grabbing some flowers wouldn’t kill him. “If I see a florist, I’ll think about stopping.” Allison had made an effort planning the evening. Maybe he should too. “Anything else you think I should know?”

“Avoid belching at the table. Oh, and don’t use your pants as a napkin either.”

“Shove it, Addie.” He didn’t need her wise-ass comments tonight.

“You’re uptight. I’m only joking with you.” She paused, and he heard her take in a deep breath. “This baby is going to be soccer player. Either that or a kicker on a football team. He never stops.”

Rock didn’t miss the pronoun in her sentence. “You’re having a boy? Didn’t ya just tell us at dinner you and Trent don’t know.”

“We don’t. Honest. Something keeps telling me we’re having a boy though. It’s weird. Either way, I’m looking forward to not being sick every morning,” she answered. “Anyway, have fun and enjoy yourself tonight.”

He had a smart, beautiful woman to himself for the next several hours. He definitely planned on enjoying every minute of it.