“He said something to Trent and now he’s walking back toward the exit,” Allison whispered near his ear.

Rock waited, expecting Allison to put a little breathing room between them now. If Mr. Teeth had left, then they no longer needed to pretend. Instead, she leaned her head against his shoulder.

I should move my hands. Deep down he recognized it was the right thing to do. They’d done their little acting stint. Her ex was gone, at least for the moment. His hands should move up to her waist. Knowing and doing were two completely different things. You don’t get your hands on a perfect ass like this everyday, his erection reminded him as the song continued and her body moved against his. Hell, it was likely he’d never had his hands on a woman as sexy as Allison before and wouldn’t again. Since she’d given him permission and she wasn’t complaining, why should he deny himself a few moments of pleasure?

When the final chorus of the song ended, Rock led her back to their table where Trent sat alone.

“Very convincing out there.” Trent’s arched eyebrow and expression suggested he knew how much Rock enjoyed having Allison pressed up against him. “I doubt Charles will be calling you again,” Trent said, turning his attention back to his sister.

At least their little dance had done something besides give him a boner that he didn’t see going away any time soon.

“I can hope,” Allison answered, sitting back down again. “Where did Addie go?”

“She and Sara went to talk to Aunt Elizabeth.”

Two hours later, Rock pulled into Allison’s driveway, still aroused from the single dance they’d shared. If his body didn’t cool off by the time he got back to his apartment, he’d be hitting the shower.

“Thank you for coming tonight.” She touched his arm as they walked toward her front door. “I hope it wasn’t too boring for you.”

He’d certainly found himself in worse places; however, if tonight’s fundraiser remained the last high-society event he ever attended, he’d be okay with that. “Not a problem. I hope your ex bought it.”

“It’s not too late. Would you like to stay and have some coffee?” Allison asked as she opened the door and stopped. “The alarm’s not on,” she said before he could answer, “and I thought I turned off all the lights upstairs.”

Bright light streamed out of a room on the second floor. When he’d picked her up, he hadn’t looked at anything but her, so he was the wrong guy to ask. “Maybe you forgot it.” His mom periodically forgot to set the alarm system his dad had installed.

She glanced around again before she looked at him, her eyes filled with uncertainty. “Maybe.”

“Do ya want me to look around?”

“You’re probably right, but would you mind?”

Allison stuck by his side as he went from room to room downstairs. “Anything look wrong?” The place appeared pristine to him.

“Everything’s fine.”

He caught the nervous quiver still in her voice and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as they continued their search on the second floor.

“I guess I just forgot to set it. I’ve never done that before.”

They entered the last room upstairs. A decorative ceiling fixture bathed the raised bed in soft light. Like all the other rooms, this one looked untouched except for the slightly wrinkled comforter. In any other bedroom, he wouldn’t have even noticed. However, after seeing how perfect everything else in the townhouse appeared, the minor wrinkles seemed out of place.

“This room is okay too.”

Was there uncertainty in her voice? “Ya sure?” He couldn’t expl

ain it, but his gut told him something was off.

“It looks fine. Let’s go back downstairs.”

Rock eyed the entire room again, his eyes drawn to the large bed. For a heartbeat, he pictured Allison stretched out on it wearing nothing but a smile.

“Do you like flavored coffee? Or I can make you some espresso instead?” she asked from behind him.

Switching off the light and the image in his head, he followed Allison downstairs. “Whatever you’re having is fine.”

Taking a seat at the table, he watched Allison glide around the kitchen. To say she walked just didn’t do justice to her graceful movements.

“How long have you lived here?”