“Think about it. I’ve seen her looking at you tonight. She’d say yes if you asked her.”

It panged him to do it, but Rock looked away from Allison and at his sister instead. “Let. It. Go.”

Like a good annoyed little sister, Addie rolled her eyes and sighed. “Poor Trent. He looks miserable over there. I should go and save him.”

His brother-in-law looked as though he was about to face a firing squad as he spoke with an older gentleman. “Looks like he just got reinforcements.” He watched a couple join Trent.

“That’s Trent’s cousin Sara and her finance Christopher. They were at the wedding.”

He’d recognized the woman. After all, she was the President’s youngest daughter. Not to mention, there was no mistaking her for a Sherbrooke, yet he couldn’t honestly say whether or not he’d spoken with her back in January. Other than Allison, all the Sherbrookes he’d met that night had blended into one fuzzy memory.

Rock stored the information and went back to a more enjoyable activity, watching Allison walk back, envious of the damn dress she wore and the fact it got to cling to her body the way he’d dreamed about doing.

“Sorry I was gone so long.” Allison slipped back into her seat and a subtle floral fragrance teased him. “I haven’t seen AJ in a long time. He doesn’t visit the U.S. much. He’s not a big fan of the long flight.”

“Don’t worry about it. I kept my brother company for you,” Addie said.

“Looks like Senator Clark cornered Trent and Sara,” Allison said.

He should have known the guy with his brother-in-law was a senator or congressman. This was DC.

“Nah, he trapped Trent. Sara and Christopher went over to rescue him,” Addie joked as Trent shook hands with the senator and walked away, leaving his cousin and her fiancé behind.

“The older Senator Clark gets, the more he talks.” Trent joined them again and immediately kissed his wife.

Rock couldn’t deny that Trent constantly showered Addie with affection no matter the time or place.

“Allison, I saw Charles sitting with the Marshalls when I passed by them. I didn’t realize they knew each other,” Trent said.

He’d expected Mr. Teeth—he couldn’t stop thinking of him that way—to seek them out tonight, yet they’d made it through dinner without a visit from him.

“Mrs. Marshall is good friends with his mom. On our first date, he took me to a 4th of July party at the Marshalls’ home in the Hamptons.”

The woman attended parties in the Hamptons, and Addie wanted him to ask her out. Yeah, that wouldn’t end well.

“In case you didn’t notice, he’s headed this way,” Trent said.

He assumed everyone at the table heard Allison’s groan.

“Do you want to dance?” Rock dropped the question and two pairs of eyes looked at him. Unless left with no other option, he stayed away from dance floors.

“Fantastic idea.” Allison half led, half dragged him past Charles and onto the dance floor.

They’d danced once at the wedding. That night she’d kept both her hands on his shoulders and maintained a polite distance away from him. Tonight she pressed her body into him, her breasts crushed against his chest, and put her arms around his neck. While his head knew it was all an act, his body didn’t. Unable to do anything about his growing arousal, he put his arms around her and went with it.

“Is he looking this way?” she said near his ear, her breath a sensual whisper against his skin.

More like sending death threats with his eyes. “Yep.”

She wiggled closer, something he’d thought impossible. “Put your hands on my butt.”

“What?” He didn’t do high society, but groping a woman like Allison at this kind of event seemed like a no-no.

“Put your hands lower like a real boyfriend would.”

He’d wanted to touch her ass all night and now she’d given him the green light. Ooh-rah. Rock dropped his hands and almost groaned. He’d expected her ass to be firm. He hadn’t expected it to fit perfectly in his hands. Behind his fly, his erection grew, pressing against the front of his pants. Under no circumstances could she miss it.

He moved them in time to the music, eventually turning them, making it impossible for him to see Charles any longer.