A tear slide down her cheek, and Gray wiped it away with his thumb.

“I can promise you there will never be any secrets between us again. Will you please give me the chance to prove that to you?”

She’d known what her decision was before she’d walked in the building if he said he was finished.

“Yes. I love you, Gray. I’m sorry I doubted you before.”


ray’s whole face spread into a smile that made Kiera glad she was sitting down.

“I love you too.”

Happiness welled up inside her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Gray’s lips came down on hers before she got another syllable out.

His kiss started out urgent, as if he was worried she’d disappear. Gradually, it changed and became more of a sensuous caress that she felt through her entire body.

Gray tore his mouth away. “God, Kiera. I’ve missed you so much.”

“I’ve missed you too.”

His mouth covered hers again.

Kiera lost herself in Gray’s embrace as she returned his kisses with equal intensity. She never wanted to relive the past few weeks without him. They’d been the worst days of her life.

After a while Gray pulled away again. “I want to marry you. Will you take the engagement ring back?”

The dam holding her tears back gave way.

“What’s wrong?” Concern and fear laced his voice. “If you want to wait, that’s okay.”

“Nothing,” she said between sniffles. “I’d love to take the ring back.”

Gray stood and pulled her up with him, then led her into the master bedroom.

“We really need more furniture.” Kiera looked around the room while Gray opened a bureau drawer. Other then the bed and the bureau, the huge bedroom was empty.

Coming back to her, Gray slipped the ring on her finger. “We’ll go shopping next week, love. I’m not sharing you with anyone this weekend.”

“I have—”

Gray cut her off with a kiss as his hands slipped under her shirt.

Oh, well she’d tell him later that she had to work tomorrow. Right now, she had much more important things to do.


Gray ran his hand up Kiera’s thigh beneath the kitchen table. In response, Kiera planted her hand over his and leaned toward him.

“Be good,” she whispered so that no one else would hear.

“Where’s the fun in that?”

Kiera pinched him. “Half your family is right here.”

“Fine.” He pulled his hand away. No one was paying much attention to him, but if Kiera insisted, he’d behave. For now, at least. Once they went back downstairs to their apartment that was another story. Too bad dinner hadn’t even started yet.