Throughout the game, he’d touched her. Sometimes, just a light hand on her knee; other times, he held her hand. Occasionally, he’d kiss her neck. If he hadn’t planted himself in her heart already, his behavior since yesterday would’ve done the job. She’d been speechless when he told her parents she meant the world to him. She’d expected her mom to pass out when he’d made the declaration. Her dad appeared more pleased than shocked.

Then there was his reply tonight about being content. She’d read between the lines. He was content now that they were together. Kiera shared his sentiment.

The buzzer went off for halftime, and she looked at him. Sure enough, he was watching her. “Have you watched any of the game?”

“I had something more enjoyable to look at.” He smiled.

“Gray, you spent a fortune on these seats, so you could see the game.”

“You’re wrong, love. I got these seats so you could watch the game. I’m only here because you are.”

He’d suggested basketball; she’d assumed that he wanted to go. “We could have done something else tonight.”

“Are you enjoying yourself?”


“So am I.” He put a whisper of a kiss on her cheek. “It just so happens that I like watching you more than basketball.” He pushed the curls that’d escaped her ponytail away from her face. “Most men would agree with me if they had you sitting next to them.”

Kiera chuckled. “Okay, now you’re laying it on a little thick, my friend. I’m not that pretty.”

“You don’t believe me? How about I ask some of these guys for their opinions?”

“Excuse me, sir.” Gray turned to the man behind them. “My girlfriend and I need your help settling a disagreement.”

Holy fudge. He wasn’t joking. “You know what, Gray? You’re right. I believe you.” Kiera smiled at the older gentleman. “Thanks anyway.”

Next to her, Gray laughed.

“I cannot believe you were going to ask him that.” She slapped his thigh, which brought an immediate end to his laughter.

“Ouch, that hurt.” He rubbed the spot she hit.

“That wouldn’t have been funny, Gray.” She crossed her arms.

He reached for her hand. “Hey, I was joking. I wouldn’t have really asked him. I’m sorry.” He rubbed her palm with his thumb, easing away her irritation. “You know I would never embarrass you in public.” The corner of his mouth went up. “Now, in private…? That’s another story.”

“Remember: what goes around, comes around.”

“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. Before the game starts again, do you want anything?”

“Water would be great.”

Gray let go of her hand. “Anything else?”

Kiera shook her head and started to stand.

“Stay here and relax. I’ll be right back.”

Gray kissed her before she could argue, then left. She watched him walk away and then glanced across the aisle where several other women watched him as well. They could watch him all they wanted, but he would be leaving with her.

Kiera looked back up the stairs in time to see Gray disappear into the crowd. With him no longer in view, a few of the women looked at her, their envy obvious. She didn’t blame them; Gray Sherbrooke had it all. He was a perfect gentleman, thoughtful, funny, and hotter than hell. Every woman deserved a man like that. Other women would have to find their own version, though, because he loved her and she returned the sentiment.


After the game, they went back to the hotel suite Gray had gotten them. It had two bathrooms, a kitchenette, two bedrooms, and a living room, more square footage than her apartment, and a one-night stay probably cost close to a month’s rent. She almost said as much before Gray distracted her by introducing her to the most comfortable bed she’d ever laid on. He only gave her a moment to think about how much she would like the same mattress in her bedroom before thoughts of anything but Gray’s body and the way he made her burn for him took over.

Now with her body satisfied thanks to their most recent round of love making, she watched the way the moonlight washed over Gray. He hadn’t bothered to pull a sheet up, and she was enjoying the unobstructed view of his naked body.