Richard Marshall had been a friend of his father and Uncle Warren since boarding school. Gray and his siblings considered the man an uncle.

“If I stick around, I’ll try.”

Gray doubted he’d venture even to Richard’s neighborhood unless he knew for certain that Richard’s youngest daughter, Tasha, was far far away. For the longest time, she’d been infatuated with his brother. Then, she’d set her eye on his cousin. After his cousin’s engagement, though, she decided he was the Sherbrooke for her. Much like his brother and cousin, he had no interest in Tasha.

“How long will Trent be gone anyway?” If he did choose to stick around longer, he doubted his brother would want to return from his honeymoon and find him still in his guest bedroom.

“Addie and Trent will be back on the twenty-seventh,” Allison answered. “Trent pressed for a three week honeymoon, but Addie refused. She said she had too many projects to complete before the baby came.”

Good. That gave him more than a week to crash at his brother’s if he wanted.

“I take it she doesn’t let Trent call all the shots.”

“No. She keeps Trent in line better than I ever did.” His dad laughed. “I only wish they’d met sooner. I might have fewer white hairs.”

Since Trent had called and dropped the news on him, he’d wanted to get to know the woman who’d won over his playboy brother. His father’s comment strengthened that desire. Maybe, with a little luck, his work schedule would cooperate over the next few months and he’d get the opportunity.


First thing Friday morning, he called the fl

ight crew and informed them of his change in plans. New York City would still be there in a few days. With that phone call out of the way, he hung around his brother’s apartment, simply enjoying the down time and the quiet—neither of which he got much of anymore. Sometime well after breakfast, he’d showered and headed out, unsure if the destination he had in mind was a good idea or not.

Regardless of his indecision, fifteen minutes later, he found himself knocking on Kiera’s apartment door.

Without so much as a, “Who is it?” first, the door opened.

“Gray.” His name came out as half statement, half question. “What... I thought you were headed home today.”

“Changed my mind.” He feared he’d wake her. Thanks to their conversation earlier that week, he knew she was scheduled to work every night that week. Since she answered the door immediately, and stood before him in well-worn jeans and an oversized sweatshirt, he guessed she’d been awake for some time.

She titled her head “How did you get in? The people in this building aren’t big on letting strangers inside. Some won’t even let my parents in, and they’ve been visiting me since I moved in last year.”

“It must be my charming personality. I just said hello to the woman walking out and mentioned I was here to see you.”

Kiera rolled her eyes at him and laughed. “You’re not that charming. More likely, they recognized you and figured you were harmless.” She pulled the door open wider. “Come on in before Alexa hears you’re in the building and offers to do a pole dance for you.”

“I hoped to run into you neighbor while I was here and that does sound entertaining. Which apartment is hers again?”

Kiera pretended to close the door on him. “She lives right next door in apartment twenty-five.”

Gray took a step forward, crossing into her personal space. “Good to know. Maybe I’ll stop over later. Does she really have a pole in her apartment?”

“Men. You’re all the same.” Her tone bordered on annoyance, but the smile he glimpsed before she walked away hinted at amusement.

“You’re not busy, are you?” He followed her into the loft apartment.

“Actually, you’re interrupting my very important date with my DVR.” Kiera plopped onto her sofa. On the television, a woman remained frozen, about to clean up spilled milk.

“Well then, I can always come back after Alexa gives me that private show, if you want.”

Kiera made a great show of considering his words, and then switched off the television. “She’s probably still in bed. She gets home later than me most nights. You might as well stay here and stop by her place before you leave. That would be the considerate thing to do.”

“Always thinking about others.” Gray sat next to her and patted her thigh. “I’m glad that hasn’t changed.”

Kiera pulled her legs up and rested her arms on her knees. “So, how much longer did you decide to stay?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe just a few more days. I haven’t taken time off in a while.”