Man, she’d forgotten just how gorgeous Gray was. Sure, she’d seen pictures of him in the past few years, but the pictures didn’t do him justice.

“Are you ready to order?” a waiter asked, appearing at their table and disrupting her careful examination.

“Did you already decide on something?” Gray looked up from his menu.

“I always get the same meal here.”

“Then I guess we’re ready.” Gray handed over his menu. “For an appetizer, we’ll have the aloo chaat, and for my entrée, I’ll have the chole bhature.”

“Excellent choice, sir.”

Kiera placed her order, and once the waiter walked away, she turned her full attention back to Gray.

“Did you hang around your father’s and gorge yourself on my dad’s cooking yesterday?” She’d known Gray her entire life and had never been uncomfortable around him—at least until this afternoon. She didn’t know why she was now, and she didn’t like it.

The smile Gray gave her before answering didn’t help matters. “Tempting idea, but no. I’m staying at Trent’s apartment since he’s on his honeymoon. I’m stopping at my dad’s for dinner on Thursday and I’m looking forward to it.”

“I can’t get used to the words Trent and married in the same sentence.”

“A few months ago, I would’ve agreed with you, but he seems happy. My family adores Addison and my dad’s excited that he’s about to become a grandfather.”

She hoped her mouth wasn’t hanging open too much. “Trent’s going to be a dad?” Her voice came out louder than she’d intended.

Gray laughed. “Hard to believe, but yes, Addison’s pregnant. They haven’t told many people.”

The short engagement now made more sense. “My lips are sealed. She doesn’t look pregnant.”

“She’s…” Gray frowned “I’m not sure how many months along she is.”

“When’s she due?”

Gray cringed. “I don’t know.”

The Sherbrookes were a tight family despite the distance that separated some of them. “You don’t know when your niece or nephew is due?”

“When Trent told me, I was about to board a plane for Spain. Or maybe it was Greece. I don’t remember.”

She didn’t miss the annoyance in his voice. “Fair enough. So are you still living in New York City?”

“Technically, yes. But I don’t think I’ve slept in my own bed in weeks.”

Kiera should resist the temptation to ask, but he’d made it to easy. “So whose bed have you been sleeping in?”

The question hung in the air, and Kiera wished she’d asked him if he’d seen any good movies recently because who he spent time with wasn’t any of her business.

“Forget I said that, Gray.”

Gray shrugged. “We’ve known each other too long for that question to bother me. Work has kept me from home. I even missed my dad’s Christmas party last year.”

“I know. Everyone missed you.” Her question might not bother him, but she needed to be more careful. She couldn’t ask him every question that popped into her head.

“You went this year?”

Kiera didn’t answer until the waiter set their appetizer on the table.

“Yup and it was great. As always.”

Over the years, she’d attended several of Mark Sherbrooke’s Christmas parties and even a few of the Sherbrookes’ New Year’s Eve parties, but last December’s had been the first one in three years.