“My grandfather speaks very highly of you,” Isabel said as she took in the luxurious setting, trying to get her bearings.

His voice was cool and didn’t give her any clue if he welcomed her visit. “It isn’t often that Alberto Neri asks for a favor.”

Marc Santoro noticed the young filmmaker seemed nervous. Her beautiful image was still ingrained in his mind from the unexpected encounter in Boston. But he wouldn’t allow his interest in her to soften him. She would have to convince him of her ability, as he would not permit a filmmaker into his quarry without a strong feeling that she was up to the task, even with her grandfather clamoring for her in the background.

He took her to his study off the main foyer. He noticed her eyes were drawn to the view of the water and rocky coastline.

“The unobstructed view of the Atlantic Ocean and deserted beaches are what draws people to the Vineyard.”

She smiled at him briefly before turning her attention back to the view.

Looking at her fully, he thought even though she gave the appearance of being slight, she was stunning. Her body seemed to be sculpted out of fine porcelain. Every muscle from her graceful shoulders to her flat belly and flawless hips seemed to be exquisitely toned.

He easily recalled small details given to him by Alberto. For some inexplicable reason, she fascinated him. “Alberto told me you were a nurse before becoming a filmmaker.”

She turned away from the view and came over to the seating area. He noticed her natural grace and friendly, open demeanor and felt his stomach muscles tighten——but reminded himself that she was off limits. By trade, she was inquisitive and curious and he didn’t need that complication is his life.

“Yes, I’ve recently completed a degree in film. I’ve been very fortunate to work on several compelling projects. I brought samples for you to view.” He watched as she removed a tablet from her bag and placed it on the table.

Marc sat down on the modern white sofa and indicated with his hand that she should sit as well. He wanted to put her at ease, but truth be told, he had no desire to become her next subject.

“I think

it is only fair to warn you that your proposal will need to stand on its own merit. Your grandfather may have made the introduction, but I can’t give this project to you based on that alone.”

He watched as she smoothed down the fabric of her dress along her thighs. “I secured a foundation grant to document the life of the quarry worker in Carrara.” Her tone seemed relaxed, but he knew she was on guard with him.

Looking at her fully, he wanted to give her anything she asked for. But he knew from experience that she could decide to cast him and his business empire in a negative light. He valued his privacy and allowing any type of media in the door was the same thing as inviting disaster. “Why the Santoro Quarry? What do you hope to accomplish with this film?”

Isabel decided to just share her thoughts freely. “The Santoro Quarry is one of the oldest and most respected quarries in Carrara. Filming there will allow me to have access to generations of quarry workers. For this film to be compelling, I need to find a range of stories.”

He met her gaze. “Do you think your documentary will have a wide appeal with audiences?”

“Carrara has a fascinating history. Most people can relate to the history that is depicted in marble statues and art. But there is almost no documentation of the grit and skill of the quarry worker. I want to film the hard work along with the beauty of the natural environment. I think many people would find that interesting.”

Isabel noticed his eyebrows lift but plowed on. “I know there have been drastic changes since my grandfather’s time and without interviewing that generation, the stories will be lost.”

She could see his eyes growing colder. “Is this about Alberto? Does he have a need to memorialize himself?”

Isabel carefully kept her voice neutral as she answered his question. “It’ll bring a certain amount of joy to my grandfather, but in the larger context, the stories will be important to generations of people. Stories help shape our experience of life and examining a way of life that has been lost can provide a very tangible connection to the past.” She could feel a nervous tension vibrating along her spine and tried to relax her tense muscles.

She couldn’t tell if he was bored or interested in the conversation as he asked her, “What do you find interesting about Carrara?”

Isabel reminded herself to not let him rattle her. “When I was a child my grandfather and his friends would tell stories about the quarry and the men who worked there. They often said the men were like a close-knit family.”

His eyes pierced hers. “Your father and his brother were absent in the trade. They had no interest.”

Isabel considered how much to reveal. “It caused issues within my family. My father wanted a different life for his children.”

Marc waved his hand dismissively. “Working in an eatery?”

Her chin lifted slightly and she looked directly into his eyes. “My parents didn’t have many skills when they came to this country. They worked in the restaurant business until they could scrape together enough money to open their own deli.”

His gaze settled on her. “So if something is difficult, it should be abandoned.”

He was being unfair. She couldn’t possibly answer for her father, but she also wouldn’t be disloyal. “No. But I think it is acceptable to make a different choice.”

“Alberto Neri was a major figure in the marble business. I grew up respecting his knowledge and work ethic. It’s surprising that his family spurned the trade. Maybe if his sons stayed involved, the outcome would have been different.”