“It makes more sense than buying all new clothes, although I still think you’ll move back in with him soon. You love him and I saw the way he acted around you. He loves you, too.” Chloe still believed they’d had a simple disagreement, and Addie liked it that way.

Addie considered her cousin’s offer. It did make a lot more sense than maxing out her credit card. “You really don’t mind?” If she sent him a text message and told him Chloe was coming, she could avoid both seeing and talking to him.

Chloe gave her an exaggerated sigh. “Do you think I would’ve offered if I minded? If he’s around I can go tonight.”

She didn’t question her cousin again. Instead, she sent Trent a text message. As if he’d had his phone in hand just waiting for a message, he responded answering her question as well as asking if he could call her. When she thanked him for his cooperation, but ignored his question, her phone rang.

“Well, are you going to answer?” Chloe asked. “Whatever you argued about couldn’t be that bad.”

Answer and get it over with. Maybe he’ll stop calling. As the ringtone started over again, she picked up the phone. “Hello.”

“God, I’m glad you answered this time.”

The sound of his voice brought back one memory after another, each one another stake into her heart. “Don’t worry about packing my stuff. Chloe can do it. I’ll have her leave my key, too.” When she’d rushed out Friday she’d not thought about it.

“Addie, please give me a chance to make things right between us. Come over this weekend so we can talk.”

His voice bordered on begging and she wondered if maybe he did care. Just as quickly she wondered if it was all an act. Didn’t politicians act in front of the voters all the time? Perhaps this was just another performance for him.

“I can’t, Trent, not yet.”

“When then?”

The plea in his voice weakened her resolve but she pulled up the image of the documents she’d discovered. “I don’t know.” She swallowed down the sob that almost escaped her. “Chloe won’t take long tonight if you have other plans.” Addie hung up before he came back with another plea.

“Are you okay?” Chloe held out a tissue.

With a nod, she accepted it. “I’ll be fine.” Grabbing her key ring, she yanked Trent’s key off. “Most of my stuff is in the master suite and bathroom. But I left my favorite sweatshirt and sneakers in the closet right when you come in.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll get everything.” Chloe stuck the key in her jeans pocket and stood. “See you later tonight.

Grateful for her cousin’s help, Addie refocused on her work and hoped that would block out the sadness she’d heard in Trent’s voice.


The gentleman in him said he should pack up Addie’s things and make it easy for her cousin. The selfish ass in him decided the longer Chloe stayed at his place, the longer he had to enlist her help. Since the moment Addie walked out on him he’d racked his brain for ways to repair the damage. Thus far, he’d had no success on how he could reach Addie and make her believe him. Maybe once she believed him, she could forgive him. The alternative just wasn’t an option. Every time he considered that he might never talk to her or hold her again, his chest ached.

Trent stared out a window, the evening news the only sound in the apartment as he waited for Chloe, who he was still pissed at now that he thought about it. With everything else he’d forgotten about Chloe sending the picture. He didn’t believe Chloe had meant any real harm. Still, she’d violated Addie’s privacy. Tonight wasn’t the time to scold her though. He needed her on his side.

When the security panel buzzed, he told the doorman to send the guest up even before he found out who it was. Eager to speak with Chloe, he opened the apartment door and waited for the elevator.

“Thanks for letting me come by tonight,” Chloe said when she stepped off the elevator and saw him. “And before I forget here’s your key.” She pulled the key from her pocket and held it out.

He hesitated. He didn’t want the damn thing back. “Thanks. Come on in.” He shoved the key into his own pocket and closed the door. “I think all of Addie’s stuff is upstairs. I’ll show you.”

Chloe didn’t speak again as she followed him upstairs, but her expression told him she had a lot on her mind.

“Addie’s suitcases are in the closet.” He flipped on the bedroom light and walked halfway into the room. “Do you want my help?”

“Uh, no that’s okay,” she answered but didn’t start packing. “Um, Trent.” Chloe shoved her hands into her back jeans pockets. “I don’t know what you guys fought about, but I hope it’s not me.” A guilty expression clouded her face. “I never should’ve sent that picture in. I’m sorry.”

Had Addie not told Chloe the truth? From the sound of it Chloe believed her confession caused their breakup.

“I know you care about my cousin, and she loves you. Is there any way I can help you two work this out? I hate seeing her like this.”

He almost laughed. He’d hoped she’d have some ideas. “If you can think of a way, I’m open for suggestions. Just so you know, Chloe, you didn’t cause this. I did.” Well, maybe her confession had but not in the way she thought. If not for the picture he never would’ve gotten to know Addie or fallen in love with her. No, all blame for the collapse of their relationship rested on him and Marty.

On the other side of the room, Chloe dropped a suitcase on the bed. “I wish I had some ideas.” She grabbed a bunch of skirts from the closet and placed them in the suitcase as he stood by and watched the final remnants of his relationship disappear. “She won’t even talk about you. I’ve never seen her so upset.”