No, she needed the whole truth. Any lies might come back and haunt him later. “After that picture showed up in the paper, Marty checked into you and you reminded him of my cousin Callie and Jake’s wife, Charlie. America loves both of them. He decided that you were the perfect woman for me.” Trent avoided Marty’s exact words that day.

“And you agreed?”

“Yes and no. I tried to convince him otherwise at first. When he wouldn’t budge I told him I would consider it but made no promises.”

Addie’s eyes became glossy. “Why?”

“Those other women knew what they were getting into with me. They understood we’d only date and marry because I needed a wife, not because I loved them. You wouldn’t have known any of that.”

“So you never would’ve asked me on that first date if Chloe hadn’t sent in that picture and caught Marty’s attention.” She wiped a tear from her cheek.

“I don’t—”

“Be honest for once, Trent. Would you have asked me out?” she asked in a harsh raw voice.

He hung his head, unable to meet her eyes. “No. I would’ve picked one of those women and after you finished decorating my office, we probably never would’ve seen each other again.” He didn’t want to see her reaction, but he had to make things right so he looked up.

She’d clenched her jaw tight and tears streamed down her cheeks. “So all of this,” she gestured around with her hand. “Our time together and this proposal are part of a plan to fix your reputation.” Her voice broke but she didn’t look away.

Her words and reaction chilled him to the bone. A tense silence enveloped the room as he searched for the right words. When he settled on his words, he reached for her hand, but she pulled it away crossing her arms over her chest.

“When I first asked you out, it was because of Marty’s plan.” Cold sweat trickled down his back as he started. “But almost right away, I forgot all about it. When we were together, it was because I wanted to be with you, not because I needed a wife.” Addie’s expression remained the same. “The day I told you I love you, I meant it. Addie, I love you and want to marry you because of you, not Marty or some half-ass plan.” Panic rose inside him.

“No. When I said I love you, I meant it. You’ve just been using me for your own goals,” she said, bitterness lacing her every word.

Afraid of where the conversation was headed, he stood and walked around the table. Taking her by the shoulders, he turned her toward him. “That’s not true. Every word I’ve said, I have meant. Addie, I love you.”

She sniffled and wiped another tear away. “I don’t know if I can believe you.” She slipped the ring off her finger. “I know I cannot accept this.” The ring hit the table as his heart hit the floor. “I do love you, Trent, but I need to go.”

“Don’t leave like this.” Tears gathered in his eyes, and he gripped her shoulders tighter.

“Please, let me go.”

Other than physically keeping her there by force, he couldn’t think of any way to make her stay. “Not until you promise to think things through. Consider giving me another chance.” He’d envisioned this night so much differently. Right now they should be wrapped up in each other’s arms, talking about wedding dates.

Addie took hold of his wrists and pulled at them. “I can’t make any promises.” She stood when he released her shoulders. “I’ll get my stuff some other time.” She went toward the door without looking at him again.

He couldn’t move his feet; they were cemented in place. “Where are you going?”

She continued walking, answering him as she went. “My house or I guess Chloe’s house.”

He watched in silence as the door opened and closed, sending a single teardrop down his cheek.

She made it into her car before the dam broke and tears poured down her face. How could it have all been fake? She’d been confident that his feelings matched her own. And what kind of a person manipulated another like he had?

Addie dropped her head against the steering wheel, sobs racking her entire body. She’d been sure that he was the one despite the differences between them. Never in her wildest imagination had she expected their relationship was a ruse, a plan to fix his reputation.

For quite a while she gave her emotions free reign. Then when her head began to pound she sat up. Ignoring the burning in her eyes, she took several deep gulps of air and wiped the tears with the sleeve of her sweater. Confident she’d make it home in one piece, she started the car and headed for Chloe’s.

When Chloe opened the door, she took one look at her cousin and hugged her. Neither remembered that just days earlier they’d argued. Instead, Chloe led her into the kitchen, dropped a full container of mint chocolate chip ice cream in front of her and waited.

Addie’s first instinct was to tell her cousin everything, but she held back. How much should she share? She loved Chloe much like a sister. However, now she wondered if she could trust her with the whole truth. She’d didn’t fear she’d leak the story the way she had the picture. Chloe wasn’t cruel, but what if she said something to a friend? Who knew what her friends would do with the information?

“Do you want to talk?” Chloe asked, well into her own ice cream container. “If not, that is okay.”

The cold ice cream soothed her achy throat brought on by all her sobbing. “We had a big fight. Do you mind if I stay here for awhile?”

Chloe gave her a hug. “Of course. Technically, this is still your house,” she reminded her. “And if you need me later, I’m here.”