Should she read those? Addie chewed on her nail and eyed the stack. They might contain the same kind of personal information her file did. “They’re none of my business,” she said even as she picked up the top one and studied the cover. A picture of an attractive twenty-something-year-old woman with dark brown hair occupied the corner space, the name Serena Tasca underneath. Neither the name nor the face rang any bells, but the picture on another one did. Miranda Bergman, a woman close to Addie’s age, had begun to hit media headlines when Addie had been in high school. The sole heiress to an international restaurant chain, her father also owned a professional sports team, and for a short time she’d been engaged to a wealthy Gre

ek businessman’s son. With slow movements, she opened the binder. The first page was similar to the one in her file. It contained Miranda’s birthday, parent’s name, and several address around the country. The binder also went on to list Miranda’s educational background and hobbies. Unlike her own, Miranda’s credit score and driving record were not mentioned. Instead, her estimated net worth glared back at her. What surprised Addie more than anything else in the report was the benefit analysis near the end. She’d never seen anything quite like it and the more she read it, the less it made sense.

Curious if the other two binders contained a similar analysis, she reached for Serena’s file again. This one too contained a boatload of information as well as the same bizarre analysis. Addie skipped the third one altogether. Even without looking she knew what she’d find. Her hands shaking, she stacked everything back up only then noticing the date in the bottom right hand corner of the cover page, July 8 one week after he bumped into her outside the bakery. In fact all three had the same date, killing her idea that these were all women Trent had dated in the past.

Did the pages in her folder have a date on them? She grabbed her own folder back. Sure enough, the cover page was dated one day after her and Trent’s picture showed up in the paper. The blueberry muffin she had after her nap rolled in her stomach, and she thought she might be sick.

There had to be a reasonable explanation for all this. There just had to be. Addie took in a deep breath, exhaled and repeated a few more times until the queasiness in her stomach went away. Think. What purpose could he have for this information? Determined to come up with something, she propped her chin up in her hands. As the seconds ticked by nothing came to mind that could explain what she’d stumbled upon. Her only option was to ask him.

Talk about a great conversation opener. “Hey, Trent, why do you keep personal dossiers of women in your desk?” Not only that, what if she didn’t like the answer? This wasn’t just some client she worked for. She loved him and he loved her. Or did he? For the first time since he’d said the words, she doubted him.

Knock it off. Hear what he has to say first. She repeated the sentiment at the same time her phone rang, Trent’s ring tone filling up the room. After a moment’s hesitation she answered it.

“Are you home yet?” he asked after they exchanged greetings.

“I left work early. Right now I’m just doing some work in your office.” She looked at the files before her, the women on each cover starring up at her.

“Are you okay? You’re not getting sick again are you?” His voice took on concern.

Not anymore. “No, I’m fine. Just tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.” Weeks earlier she’d had strep and it had drained her.

“Me either. I missed you next to me,” Trent answered. “Did you get the flowers I sent?”

“They’re beautiful. I left them on my desk.” Should she question him now? She wanted answers more than anything, but a face-to-face conversation might be better. “When do you think you’ll get home tomorrow?” With any luck he’d get back early.

“If everything goes as planned, by nine.”

She stifled a groan. Of all the nights for him to get home on the late side. “Do you expect any problems?” Unable to look at the women’s faces any longer, she stuffed the binders back into the drawer.

“No, but you never know. Then there’s traffic. If you have plans or want to work late go ahead. I’ll text you when I’m half an hour from home.”

“Okay, sounds good. I do have a lot of work.” She heard the uncertainty in her voice. How she wanted to question him now. She didn’t know how she’d ever make it through the whole day tomorrow without knowing the truth.

“Get as much done as you can. I don’t want anything distracting you when I get back.” Unlike most times, his sexy voice didn’t set her pulse racing.

Addie focused on making her voice sound as normal as possible. “Will do. I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you.”

“Love you too, sweetheart. Get a good night sleep.”

She hung up the phone knowing one thing: she’d not be getting a good night’s sleep tonight.

Chapter 16

The living room looked perfect and the music in the background added the final romantic touch. Now he just needed to arrange the food for dinner. Addie would be home any minute. As promised, he’d sent a text telling her he’d be home in thirty minutes, but while she’d believed he’d been in the car when he sent the message, he’d been home arranging the living room for a romantic dinner. Tall, white taper candles flanked a flower arrangement on the round kitchen table he’d moved into the living room. While he’d considered using the dining room, he wanted the table he set to be intimate. The overhead lights were dimmed as low as possible. Additional candles flickered around the room adding to the atmosphere. An open bottle of wine stood ready near his wine glass. All in all, he’d done a good job in his opinion. Addie or perhaps his sister would’ve done even better, but this was his first attempt. In the past when he’d wanted a romantic setting for dinner, he’d pick up the phone and make a reservation. Tonight, though, he didn’t want an audience, just his Addie. The two nights he’d gone without her had been two of the longest he’d ever experienced.

Back in the kitchen, he opened the first takeout container from Lucerne. Although the restaurant didn’t offer takeout service, they’d agreed to prepare meals for him. They’d even had one of their employees deliver it. A young man perhaps seventeen or eighteen who most likely bused tables had arrived right on time and Trent had given him a generous tip.

Thinking about all the meals he’d eaten there, Trent tried to arrange the plates of the food the way they did. When the containers were empty, he eyed the plates. They were close but not quite as nice as when the restaurant served them. For tonight they’d have to do. Using the plate covers provided by the restaurant, he covered the food as the front door opened.

“What’s all this?” Addie’s voice reached him.

Right on time. “A surprise.” He walked over and greeted her with a kiss. “For our anniversary.”

“Anniversary? What are you talking about?” Addie eyed him as if he’d lost his mind while away. “If you mean of our first date that’s not today.”

Trent slipped his fingers under shoulder bag and slipped it off her arm. Then he took her hand and led her to the table. “Four months ago today, I bumped into you outside the bakery.” How that one day had changed his life. “If not for that accident, I wouldn’t have met you.” He pulled out a chair and gestured for her to sit. “Don’t move; I’ll be right back.” Addie nodded but rather than smile at him, she frowned.

When he returned with the prepared plates, she remained where he’d left her, the frown as well as another emotion he couldn’t label on her face.