Trent sat up straight and looked at her. “I’m not saying we should get started now, but that’s how I see you. Where I want us to be someday.”

“Me, too,” Addie said around the lump in her throat. He hadn’t proposed or anything, but he’d made his intentions crystal clear.

The serious expression on his face faded. “Of course if you want to practice, I’m all for it. We could head upstairs right now.”

“You’re impossible,” she said tickling his side.

“What? It’s not like anyone would notice.”

She tickled him again. “We can start practicing all we want when we get home tomorrow. Believe it or not I’d like to spend more time with your family.”

Chapter 15

“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Trent asked as he added another undershirt to his suitcase.

“Positive. I’ll use the time to get some extra work done. Besides, you’ll only be away two nights. We’ll both survive.” Three weeks had passed since their weekend in Connecticut and in that time they’d not spent a night apart.

After adding some underwear and socks to the bag, he zipped it up. “If you say so.”

“Just think how happy I’ll be to see you when you get back.” The security panel near the bedroom door beeped and Addie hopped off the bed to answer it. “I bet that’s Chloe. She’d said she’d stop by.” Pushing the answer button on the panel, she greeted the doorman downstairs. As she suspected, her cousin had arrived. “Please send her up.”

“Now I get it. While I’m gone you two are going to party,” Trent said, his lips turned downward in a frown as he took her into his arms.

She pasted on her best guilty look. “You guessed it. While you’re up in Vermont, we’re going to prowl the city for men.”

Trent’s eyes grew wide. “I thought you just had a big house party planned. But if that’s the case you’re definitely coming with me.” They both knew full well she had eyes only for him. “I might even handcuff you to my side.”

“If anyone should be worried, it’s me,” Addie said. “With all those beautiful, rich women running around.” The purpose of Trent’s trip was to meet with the managers of an exclusive ski resort and spa that Sherbrooke Enterprises had just acquired. The resort, located on Stratton Mountain, had been visited by big name celebrities and an heiress. From the little she’d read about it, the resort wasn’t the type of place you took the family for a ski trip unless your yearly income included seven figures or more.

Trent’s expression became serious, his eyebrows coming together and he gripped her shoulders. “You have nothing to worry about. I love you.” From the hallway the doorbell rang, but he kept his hands on her shoulders. “Addison.”

“I was teasing, Trent. I’m not worried.” She didn’t lie. Thus far he’d given her no reason not to trust him and believe that he loved her. “And I love you.” The bell rang again. “Come on, let’s go downstairs.”

Before he released her, he kissed her. “Go ahead. I’ll be right down.”

Chloe looked poised to ring the bell again when Addie pulled open the door. Still dressed in the clothes she’d worn to the bakery, she had a large canvas bag slung over one shoulder and held a pastry box in her hands. “You did say to come over after work, right?” She followed Addie into the living room. “I can come by tomorrow otherwise.”

“I was upstairs helping Trent pack.” She accepted the box and turned, intent on going to the kitchen.

“Actually, I brought those for Trent,” Chloe said before Addie moved another inch.

“Brought what for me?” Trent entered the room, his leather jacket on and his suitcase in hand.

“Uh, some cannoli. Addie told me how much you like them.” She toyed with her gold hoop earring as she spoke.

Trent didn’t hesitate. He moved in and removed the pastry box from Addie’s hands. “Fantastic. These babies are coming with me.” He dropped his suitcase and opened the box. “I don’t know if these will last the whole ride up.” He looked in Chloe’s direction. “Thank you, Chloe,” he said before he turned back to Addison. “I need to go. I’ll call you tonight.” He kissed her as if her cousin didn’t stand just feet away. “I love you.”

Despite all the kisses they’d shared, he still somehow managed to take her breath away. “Love you, too. Have a safe trip.” She watched him leave before collapsing into a chair. It was going to be a long two nights.

“Oh, my god! How do you live with him and get anything done?” Chloe said, her voice animated and full of excitement. “I’d sit around here all the time and just look at him.”

Addie laughed and tossed a pillow at her cousin. “You’re nuts, you know that.”

In return Chloe tossed the pillow back, aiming for Addie’s head, but she ducked and it sailed right over the chair. “It’s true. The guy is crazy hot.”

Rather than admit she did find herself just staring at him from time to time, she jumped to her feet. “How about a tour before we look at those paint samples you brought?”

Ready for a place of her own, Chloe decided to move out of the apartment she shared with two roommates and rent Addie’s place with the plan to buy at some point.