“I doubt you’d get him to admit it, but I don’t think two days with his first grandson were enough,” Jake added.

“Are you sure Callie’s up for all these guests? Addie and I can head home and come back next weekend.”

“Oh, no. You’re not leaving before I get a chance to have a nice, long conversation with Addie, just like you and Charlie had at Cliff House. I’ll need some time to share some embarrassing stories about you, and next weekend we have Maureen’s wedding to attend so I can’t come back and do that.”

Trent held back his reaction. He’d told his cousin’s wife a few funny stories about Jake in private. He’d also shared a few more than embarrassing tales his cousin would’ve rather kept a secret. “You’ll have to get her alone first and that’s not happening.”

Jake looked at Derek, who nodded, and then back at him. “Trust me, that won’t be a problem. I have reinforcements.”

Most times Jake’s banter wouldn’t faze him. His cousin was one of his closest friends and they’d grown up teasing each other. He also realized that he’d never tell Addie anything that would affect their relationship. Still, that didn’t mean he wanted his girlfriend to know he’d slept with a bedroom lamp on until he was seven or that he’d had a favorite stuffed dinosaur named Rex that he’d slept with until his eighth birthday. His parents thought he’d thrown it away when he turned six, but he’d hidden it and just taken it out after going to bed. In fact, even after he’d stopped taking it to bed every night, he hadn’t been able to part with it. Instead, he’d stashed it in his closet where it had stayed until he stumbled upon it when he was packing for his first year at Harvard.

“You have reinforcements for what?” Courtney Belmont, his cousin, asked as she entered the room and sat in an empty armchair.

“Our dear cousin was kind enough to share some of my embarrassing childhood memories with my wife,” Jake answered. “I thought I’d repay the favor.”

His younger cousin considered Jake’s answer, then looked at him. “Don’t worry, Trent. I have your back. I’ll let Addie get to know you better before I let Jake expose her to all your secrets.”

“Traitor,” Jake teased.

“Now you have me intrigued. Maybe I should give you my phone number, Jake. Then you could call me and share these stories with me,” Addie said, joining the conversation.

Immediately, Jake pulled out his phone. “Great idea. What’s your number?”

“Whose side are you on away?” Trent asked. While pleased that she felt comfortable enough to join in the conversation, he didn’t relish the idea of her calling his cousin to discuss his secrets.

“In this case, your cousins,” she answered and then proceeded to give Jake her phone number.

The easygoing banter continued as they changed topics, and perhaps twenty minutes after they arrived Callie and Charlie joined them. Other than the small amount of weight she still carried from her pregnancy, his cousin looked great. In fact if not for the baby still asleep on Dylan’s chest, he never would’ve guessed she’d given birth just a few days earlier. Next to her, Charlie looked as relaxed and friendly as the last time he’d met her.

“Have you and James been like that since we left?” Callie asked after she greeted Trent and Addie.

Dylan readjusted his outstretched legs before he answered. “I didn’t want to wake him. Did you have any problems upstairs?”

“Of course not. I told you I would be fine. Charlie stayed in the bedroom and looked at a magazine while I showered. I didn’t need any help.”

“But you may have.” Trent heard the concern in Dylan’s voice and understood it. Although he’d never witnessed it, he knew childbirth was hard on a woman’s body.

“Dylan, I’m okay. I had a baby not a heart transplant. Women do it all the time. I’m tired and sore, but not about to collapse on the floor. You need to relax a little.” Callie placed her hand on her husband’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

“She’s right, Dylan. Callie’s doing well,” Charlie said. “But she does need to take it easy.”

Trent watched in fascination as Callie scooped up her son, who’d just yawned and moved a tiny leg. “Would you like to hold him now that he’s awake, Trent?”

“Wait a minute,” Jake said, sounding put out. “Shouldn’t his uncle get to hold him first? I saw him for five minutes yesterday before he started wailing to eat and Dylan’s monopolized him all morning.”

“I’d love to,” Trent said with more passion than necessary just to annoy Jake. Then unable to resist the opportunity, he glanced around Addie toward his cousin. “Sounds like you’re jealous. I think you need a son or daughter of your own.”

Callie handed him the tiny bundle, showing him how to hold the baby and support his neck, then she stepped back. His initial gut reaction was to hand the baby back to her. In his large hands, James looked so small and fragile. Then the infant’s little fist gripped his finger, the small gesture tugging at his heart. As he stared at the baby, he studied each perfect detail from the tiny fingers to the blue-gray eyes. And just like that he envisioned holding a baby of his own, one with Addie’s chestnut brown hair and his dark blue eyes.

“I agree with Trent, Jake. James needs a cousin.” Callie’s voice shook him from his vision.

“And he’ll have one in time for Sara’s wedding.”

Something similar to jealousy, perhaps envy, swept through him before happiness took its place. “Congratulations,” he said before anyone else in the room responded.

“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” Callie hugged first her brother, and then her sister in-law. “When is the baby due?”

Both Jake and Charlie beamed with happiness. “April 4th. About two and half months before Sara’s wedding,” Jake answered.