Since his cousin and her husband built the estate in Connecticut he’d visited just once. For the most part, Callie and Dylan still spent most of their time in New York City where the headquarters for Sherbrooke Enterprises was located. According to Dylan, however, they’d started to stay at the estate more and more as of late. While that meant more of a commute for him every day, Dylan said neither he nor Callie wanted the baby to grow up in the city. Trent could understand their sentiments. If and when he had children he wasn’t sure he’d want them spending all their time in the city either. While the city, especially one like New York, provided a lot in terms of culture and activities, there was something nice about having acres and acres of land as your own personal playground. When the time came, he’d have to give the matter some serious consideration.

“Did they design this house themselves?” Addie asked as they waited for someone to open the front door.

They’d parked inside the large detached garage designed for visitors. From the moment they’d stepped from the car, he’d sensed Addie’s designer’s brain kick in. She’d paused to admire the interior and exterior of the garage as well as the flower gardens they passed as they followed the walkway to the house.

“Yes. Callie joked it took them longer to design it than it took for the actual construction. To some extent they based it on Dylan’s father’s estate in England.”

A woman, perhaps his stepmother’s age, dressed in black slacks and a white top, answered the door not long after they rang the bell. “Good morning, Mr. Sherbrooke,” she said in a pleasant voice before smiling in Addie’s direction. “Ms. Raimono, please come in.”

The same woman had answered the door on his previous visit, but he had no idea of her name. His father and uncles would be disappointed in him. They all made it a point to remember the names of everyone that worked within the family homes.

“Please follow me. Mr. Talbot is in the back living room.” The woman closed the door, then started down a hallway, her sensible black shoes silent on the gleaming floors.

“You weren’t kidding when you said it was modeled after an English estate,” Addie whispered into his ear as they walked. “I feel like I’ve just walked onto a PBS set.”

Trent laughed. “I’ll have to tell Dylan you said that.”

Addie stopped and released his hand. “Don’t you dare. He may take it the wrong way.” Her glare, meant to reinforce her words, only made him laugh harder. “I mean it, Trent.”

He took her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. “I promise, not a word. I was joking anyway.”

“No you weren’t. I know you better than that by now.” She gave him a halfhearted smile. “I do love it in here. It’s just not what I expected.”

“You’re right, I wasn’t joking. But if it’s that important I won’t say a thing.” He took her hand so they could catch up to the older woman again. “What did you expect?”

“Something more, I don’t know, modern I guess is the right word. Maybe more along the lines of your apartment.”

The woman in front of them turned down another hallway. “Their place in New York is more like my apartment. Dylan bought it before he met Callie. I think he likes it more than she does. I know they remodeled the apartment recently.”

When they reached the large entryway, the woman who greeted them stopped just inside. “Mr. Sherbrooke and Ms. Raimono have arrived, Mr. Talbot. Does anyone require anything before I leave?”

Trent passed into the large room. Despite its size, it’d been laid out and furnished in such a way to give it a comfy and intimate atmosphere. Next to him, Addie’s hand gripped his a smidge tighter.

“We’re fine, Ester. Thank you. Enjoy your day off,” Dylan answered. Seated in an arm chair, he had his long legs stretched out and a baby dressed in some kind of blue one-piece sleep outfit resting with his head on Dylan’s chest. On the floor by his feet Lucky, Callie’s dog, sat.

With a nod, Ester smiled. “Thank you, Mr. Talbot. Cora is in the kitchen if you require anything. I will see you tomorrow.”

When Ester exited leaving the family alone, Trent crossed to his long-time friend, Addie’s hand still attached to his. The last newborn he could recall seeing was his youngest brother Alec, and that had been a long time ago. He’d forgotten how tiny newborns were. “Congratulations, again.” Trent extended his hand, his eyes still glued to the tiny infant. His brain found it difficult to process the sight of the baby on the chest of the once-confirmed bachelor. Yet, the now happily married husband and new father looked about ready to explode with pride.

Dylan shook with his right hand, his left never leaving the baby’s back. “Thank you. I’m glad you could both make it.” Dylan looked toward Addie. “It’s nice to meet you, Addison. Please forgive me for not getting up.” Always the proper English gentleman, Trent had never seen Dylan not stand to introduce himself to anyone. “My wife should be down soon.”

Addie extended her hand in Dylan’s direction. “Please call me Addie, and

I understand. Your son is beautiful.”

Although he doubted it possible, the pride and happiness on Dylan’s face increased at Addie’s words.

“Thank you. I would offer to let you hold him, but he just fell back asleep.”

“Don’t feel bad. I’ve barely gotten a glimpse of my nephew since I got here,” Jake said from the sofa where he sat. “If he’s not eating or getting a diaper change, he’s attached to Dylan.”

Not about to get in the middle of friendly family squabble today, Trent touched Addie’s elbow and led her to the sofa. “Addie, my cousin Jake. And over there is my brother Derek.” He nodded in his brother’s direction as he sat. “Where are Charlie and Courtney?”

“Charlie went upstairs with Callie in case she needed any help getting in and out of the shower,” Jake answered referring first to his wife. “Courtney went to answer a phone call from a friend.”

“Allison called. She’ll be here around six or so tonight,” Derek added, referring to his twin sister. “Dylan’s father decided to stay a few more days, too.”

Trent had only met his friend’s father once, the day Callie and Dylan married. The Viscount spent most of his time in England.