“Trent, I’m serious. I won’t sign unless you agree.” She crossed her arms across her chest and stared at him.

“Fine, as long as you quit the bakery as soon as possible. And just for the record, I don’t like it.”

Addie nodded. “I’ll give my two week notice tomorrow when I go in.”

Marty wanted it sooner than that, but it would have to do. Convincing Addie not to give a sufficient notice would never happen. “And I’ll arrange to have your office moved.” She opened her mouth prepared to argue, but he didn’t give her a chance. “Since this is my idea, I’ll pay for it. If it makes you feel better consider it partial payment for the work you’re doing on my house.” Trent pulled a pen from his jacket pocket. “Why don’t you sign now and then show me the new designs you told me about?” He wanted it a done deal before she thought more about it and changed her mind.

Accepting the pen, she smoothed out the papers, her eyes reading them one last time. Trent watched as she touched the pen to the signature line, then paused and glanced up at him one more time. When she signed her name across the line, he let out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.

“This will be good for both of us.” Trent took back the papers. “Just think about the fun lunch breaks we can have together.” His tone of voice let her know that those lunch breaks wouldn’t involve any actual food. Once the agreement was safely back in his pocket, he moved toward her. “Maybe we should look at those designs before we get distracted with other activities, sweetheart.” He kissed her, just a gentle press of his lips against hers.

Addie’s entire face lit up with excitement. “I think you’ll love the designs for the bathrooms.” Standing, she tugged on his hand. “Let’s go sit in my office. My computer is in there.”

In her office, she nudged him toward the only chair in the room. “Sit. I’ll get another chair from the kitchen.”

“No need.” Trent dropped into the office chair and then pulled Addie into his lap. “Okay, let’s see what you came up with.”

Trent kissed her neck as she pulled up the files, more than content to spend the entire evening doing just that.

“This is my plan for the wife’s bathroom.”

Trent looked over her shoulder at the computer screen. In the pictures, the claw foot tub remained as did the separate room for the toilet, but that was all that looked the same. In what had been an empty wall, she’d added two windows that cast light into a custom- built shower stall large enough for two. The old pedestal sink had been replaced with an extra long vanity that blended with the built-in makeup table making it look like one solid piece. Blue gray granite topped the vanity. Two additional mirrors hung over the long vanity in addition to the one already over the makeup table. Wall lights were positioned on either side of the mirrors. A chandelier hung from the ceiling and all new tiles lined the floor.

“It’s gorgeous.”

“Is there anything you’d change?”

He assumed since she’d come up with the design, she must like it and he planned on it being her personal space someday soon. “Not a thing. Let’s see the other one.”


Opening her eyes, Addie lifted her head and looked at Trent. His eyes remained closed, his breathing even. Careful not to wake him, she lowered her head back to his chest, a small sigh of contentment escaping her. Long before tonight she’d suspected that she loved him but kept the knowledge locked away, afraid that if she slipped it would send him running for the woods. Never in a million years had she expected him to blurt it out. While a part of her would’ve liked it to happen in a more romantic way, it didn’t change the fact. Trent loved her. Joy bubbled up inside her. She’d already known he cared. Every one of his actions showed it. Love, though, she’d not anticipated, especially at this point in their relationship.

For a while she remained in bed cuddled up next to him, more content then she’d been in a long time. Outside she heard a car stop and a door slam. Not long afterward she heard a knock on her front door. With Trent looking so peaceful, she moved slowly, not wanting to wake him. Once free of his embrace, she grabbed her clothes from the floor. A quick peak out her bedroom window revealed a blue Ford she didn’t recognize parked behind Trent’s car.

Since Marcy Blake’s visit no other reporters had stopped by, but Trent had warned her more would likely follow. With that thought in mind, Addie peeked out the peephole drilled into her front door. Then with a squeal of joy, she pulled open the door. “Oh, my God. I can’t believe you’re here,” Addie half shouted, half cried when her brother, Rock, walked in. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” Tears of happiness coursed down her face as she hugged him.

Rock wrapped his arms around her. “I wanted to surprise everyone.” He pulled back and kissed her cheek. “I stopped here first.”

Unable to contain her surprise and happiness, she hugged him one more time and kissed him back. When she pulled away, Rock’s eyes scanned her hair and face. “Whose car is that in the driveway?”

Heat climbed up the back of her neck. She could just imagine what her hair looked like, and with a car in the driveway her brother knew she wasn’t alone. “That’s—” Addie began, but before she could finish, Trent appeared at the top of the stairs wearing nothing but his suit pants.

“Why didn’t you wake me... ” Trent’s voice trailed off.

Embarrassment like she’d never known exploded inside her and her face burned as Trent came down the stairs half-naked as if he lived there.

“I guess I should’ve called first,” Rock said from next to her. “I’m Rock, Addie’s brother.” Rock extended his hand when Trent stopped in front of him.

Addie watched Trent shake her brother’s hand, still as cool as a cucumber. For a moment she wondered if he often greeted his girlfriend’s family members like this. “Trent Sherbrooke,” he said with no hint of embarrassment even though any idiot could figure out what they’d just been doing. “Your sister’s boyfriend.”

Rock held Trent’s gaze and Addie held her breath. Her brother had hated her last boyfriend though she never knew why; they’d only met once. She didn’t want that to be the case now. She might not see her brothers often, but they were an important part of her life. She valued their opinions. After a few seconds, Rock looked over at her again. “I saw pictures of you two together on the cover of some magazines at the PX. Not exactly the way a guy wants to learn about his sister’s new boyfriend.”

She could imagine how shocked she’d be if the tables were reversed. “Sorry. I meant to call you; I’ve just been busy.”

Rock shot a look in Trent’s direction then back at her. “I can see that,” Rock said, always one to give her a hard time.

Another flame of heat burned her face. “Why don’t you go in the kitchen? There are some leftovers from dinner. We’ll be there in a minute.”