He almost told the advisor to shut his mouth, but he managed to keep silent. Instead, he took a seat across from Marty, ready to work.

“A source of mine at Today Magazine informed me the chief editor sent Marcy Blake out to interview her.”

This time no amount of self-control could hold back his groan. Marcy Blake was well known for her celebrity pieces. In fact, she’d done multiple ones on his cousins Jake and Sara in the past, both times manipulating or plain old making up facts so the stories were juicer.

“But before we get into the specifics of your relationship, I want to focus on your likely competition as of now.” Marty pulled a laptop from his brief case. “I know for a fact Daniel Potter has hired Roberta Featherton as his advisor. In case you haven’t heard of her she worked on Governor Wentworth’s campaign and Senator Lockhart’s.”

While not well, he knew Daniel Potter. They’d attended Harvard for a year together; Daniel had been a senior the year Trent started.

“Potter possesses no political experience either,” Marty continued. “However, he does have a wife of three years and a one-year-old daughter. As of yet I’ve been unable to uncover anything that would tarnish his reputation, but I have people digging.”

Trent doubted Marty’s search would dig anything up. The Daniel Potter he remembered was a decent guy if not a bit full of himself.

Marty powered up his laptop. “Of course he doesn’t have the same financial resources as you or the same family clout.” When the screen lit up he brought up a file and then pushed the laptop off to the side. “I’ve also heard, although it hasn’t been confirmed, that Harry Thatcher intends to run as an independent. Thatcher himself isn’t a concern, but he might pull just enough votes away from you, allowing Potter to win.”

Trent agreed. There was next to no chance that Thatcher could win. He’d run in the past two elections and lost. His entry into the race as a third party candidate, however, could affect his own chances at election. “What are the chances he’ll run?”

“Not sure. I’ve heard a rumor from another source that his health is failing. If that’s true, a run for Senate might be too much for him. We’ll have to keep an eye on things.” Marty paused for a drink of water. “Now there are some upcoming functions you need to attend. I’ve prepared a spreadsheet for you listing them in order of importance, who’ll be in attendance that you need to connect with, and when they are. I’ve already procured the necessary invites. I need you to decide which ones fit your current schedule.” He turned the laptop so Trent could see the screen. “The Charity Auction for the Providence Children’s Hospital is in my opinion the most imperative at present. Agatha Beland, Vincent Beland’s wife, is on the board of directors and this is her baby. She oversees this auction every year.”

Trent recognized the name. Vincent Beland, a former Rhode Island governor and wealthy businessman, remained well respected in Rhode Island politics.

“In the past five years no candidate with Beland’s backing has lost an election. You want him on your side.”

As Marty spoke, Trent scanned the list of various events ran

ging from fundraisers to house parties. For now, he’d commit to the hospital fundraiser. Later he’d go through the list in more detail and pick and choose what events he and Addie wanted to attend. “I’ll take care of this before the weekend is over.”

“I emailed you a copy already. Now let’s discuss your personal life. I’m pleased to see you’ve kept away from other women, or at least haven’t been seen with any. And thus far the media has only had positive things to say about your relationship with Addison.”

At Marty’s words, Trent’s instincts went into defensive mode. The idea of discussing something so personal with the advisor left a sour taste in his mouth. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any way around it. He’d just make sure to keep it from getting too personal. “We’ve been spending a lot of time together.”

“Good. I assume that means you’ve moved past the just holding hands stage.” Marty gave him a knowing look, and Trent ground his teeth together to keep from saying something he’d later regret.

In the past he’d shared the details of his sex life with friends, yet now Marty’s question caused his anger to flare. The already present need to protect what he shared with Addie kicked itself up a few more degrees. “You don’t need specific details. All you need to know is we’re happy together,” Trent answered his voice cool and controlled.

“In that case do you think we can manipulate the time table? Is a marriage proposal in the next two months or so possible? Perhaps a wedding by spring—and who knows— maybe a baby on the way next year at this time when the real campaigning starts?”

He pictured Addie in his life on a permanent basis with no problem, but he despised the planned and calculated way Marty mapped it out. “I see no reason to rush everything.” When his fingernail bit into his palm, Trent realized he’d clenched his fist and relaxed his hands. “Let’s leave everything as planned.”

Across the table Marty’s eyes narrowed. “You hired me to win. The sooner you turn into a happily married man the better,” Marty said, his southern drawl becoming more distinct. “And if there is the possibility of making you a happily married family man, all the better. Especially now that we know Potter will be your main competition.”

He had hired Phillips because of his track record of getting candidates elected. Back then he hadn’t considered the guy’s methods, or Addison, for that matter.

“I don’t see the problem. The end result will be the same anyway, you’ll just make the trip down the aisle sooner rather than later.” Marty’s expression relaxed. “Either way, you still end up with the old ball and chain.”

He’d never considered Marty’s marital status, but judging by his words, the guy thought little of marriage. “Marty, I can’t make any promises, but I’ll think about it. Can we move on?”

The advisor looked displeased but perhaps realizing who wrote his paychecks, he nodded. “You need to convince Addison to leave the bakery soon. A potential United States Senator in Washington may have a girlfriend with a professional career, but not one who pours coffee as a part-time job.”

Trent counted to ten before answering. “I have considered it, but not because I mind that she pours coffee,” he said through clenched teeth.

“Whether you have a problem with it or not, other people may not see it that way. You know as well as I do that politics is as much about image as it is about the issues.”

It rubbed him the wrong way, but again Marty had hit the nail on the head.

“And she doesn’t have to quit tomorrow, just soon.”

His brain reverted back to the ideas he’d come up with over the past week to help her financially. “I’ll work on it.”