“The picture in the paper,” he said as she continued to think over their meeting so far. “I don’t know who sold it to the paper, but I hope it hasn’t caused you any problems.”

Oh, why did he have to bring that up today? The whole idea that some reporter had linked them together embarrassed her. “It shocked me, but it hasn’t caused me any problems.”

As he moved his hand, he gave her a smile and once again her stomach did a little shimmy. There was no mistaking why women around the world threw themselves at him. Not only did he have an overabundance of money and charm, but he was drop dead gorgeous to top it off. In many ways it struck her as unfair that one man would have so much going for him.

Holding up her electronic tape measure she pushed back her chair. “Once I get some measurements I can create some models based on your preferences.”

Next to her, Trent stood as well. “Excellent. How long does that generally take?”

“It varies. Did you have a specific time frame in mind?” She crossed to the opposite side of the office to measure the width between the office door and the windows.

While she took measurements, he remained near the table, but his eyes followed her. Or at least she thought they did. The hairs on the back of her neck said they did. You’re imagining things. While she waited for an answer, she returned to her computer and typed in the measurements.

“The sooner the better, Addison.” The sound of her name in his deep sensual voice washed over her like a warm caress.

“I could have some preliminary designs for you by Friday.” It would require a late night or two, but she could get it done.

“Friday, my day is booked solid until about six o’clock. Would that work for you?”

She’d have to ask Chloe to cover her shift at the bakery, but that shouldn’t be a problem. She’d covered for her cousin more than enough in the past. “I’ll have some ideas ready for you by then.” She powered down her laptop prepared to leave.

Trent smiled. “I look forward to seeing what you come up with and perhaps we can discuss another project then.”

It took all her will power to push down the excitement surging forward. He’d not even seen her work yet, but already had another project in mind. She couldn’t screw this opportunity up.

“I understand you do interior design work as well as decorating,” he began.

Addie nodded. “Yes, although lately I’ve done more decorating and staging.”

“Last year I purchased a home in Newport. I’m interested in having it redesigned. If you’re interested I’d like to get your ideas for it as well.”

Her hands shook as she slid her laptop into her bag and she bit down on her lip to keep from blurting out an answer. While she wanted the project he proposed, she didn’t want to come across as too eager.

“I’d need to see the home first, but I’d be happy to come up with some designs. I have some agreements with contractors who do fabulous work. Just so you know, a project like that involves much more than this one. There are building codes that need to be adhered to and structural attributes that come into play sometimes making certain things impossible.

Trent nodded when she finished. “When we meet on Friday we can agree on a time for you to see the house.”

Trent saw her eyes light up the moment he mentioned his home in Newport, but much to her credit she didn’t overreact. Rather, she remained polite and professional, if not a bit restrained. Perhaps a bit too restrained. He’d enjoyed her sense of humor the other day in the bakery and hoped to see more of it today. He’d tried to coax it out of her, but all he’d managed was a smile from her. He figured that made sense. This was a business meeting not a casual conversation.

With her bag packed up, she slipped its straps over her shoulder and pushed her chair in. “I’ll see you on Friday night.” She crossed to the door, but he got there first and opened it for her.

“I’ll walk out with you. I need to grab a quick lunch before my next meeting. Would you care to join me?” Only twelve o’clock, he figured she’d not had a chance to eat yet either.

She fiddled with the strap of her bag. “Thank you for the offer, but I have an appointment in Warwick at one.”

He walked alongside her and into the elevator. “Some other time perhaps.”

She gave him a small tentative smile as the elevator doors closed behind them and it began its decent. When they reached the ground floor he allowed her to exit first and then followed her outside.

“Enjoy your lunch. I’ll see you on Friday,” she said before heading down the sidewalk, the sun glittering off her chestnut-colored hair.

For a moment he remained in place, his eyes following her as she walked away. When she turned the corner and disappeared from view, he crossed the street toward the Indian restaurant, which, in his opinion, served the best Indian cuisine he’d tasted outside of New Delhi.

“Mr. Sherbrooke, it’s so good to see you again,” the restaurant owner said, his voice heavily accented. “Please follow me.” The restaurant owner led him to a corner table and handed him a menu.

Trent didn’t bother to look at it; he already knew what he wanted. As he waited for his waiter, he mapped out his plan for winning over Ms. Addison Raimono. From their few meetings so far he’d learned much about her. She had a witty sense of humor but strived to maintain a professional appearance. She didn’t seem taken by his family name or reputation. Despite the invasion of privacy the pictures in the paper had caused, she hadn’t lashed out or pointed fingers in his direction.

His instincts told him a subtler, gradual approach was the way to go with her. On Friday after their meeting he’d invite her out for dinner. That would be a good way to start his pursuit in earnest. Then he’d invite her to visit his home in Newport on Saturday or Sunday. The more time they spent in each other’s company, the better.