Charlie didn't bother to stifle her laugh. It seemed as if she and Jake had a least one thing in common. They were both addicted to coffee. “You're as bad as me. Ma just made some more.” She pointed to the coffee urn on the sideboard. “She made some muffins too.”

She knew it was rude to stare, but that didn't stop her from following Jake with her eyes as he walked across the room. His dark blond hair was still damp from his shower and tiny droplets of water trickled down his neck. Her fingers itched to walk up behind him and wipe the water away. Balling her hands into tight fists, Charlie waited for the irrational thought to disappear.

After he poured himself some coffee and picked out a muffin Jake took the seat across from her. “I'm glad you're here. After I meet with the engineers working on the dam problem, I'm heading over to visit Mr. Quinn. I thought you might like to join me”

As feared Mr. Quinn broke both his hip and left arm in the fall. On the bright side however, he hadn't done any damage to his back or neck.

“When I stopped in to see him yesterday he asked about you, Doc.”

Charlie knew Jake had stopped in to see Mr. Quinn every day since the accident. Jessica had told her when she called the day before. But she hadn't visited him yet herself.

“I'll be down at the high school. Pick me up before you head over.” She'd volunteered to help keep an eye on the town's children so that their parents could start salvaging what they could from their homes and take stock of the damage, two tasks that would be nearly impossible with children in tow.

Jake stood and grabbed another muffin from the basket. “Your mom should open her own bakery. Her baking is incredible.”

“I've told her that, but she doesn't believe me. Maybe you should tell her.”

“Next time I see her I will.” Jake put his empty coffee cup down on the table. “I'm heading out now, but I will see you this afternoon probably sometime after lunch.” Without waiting for a response, he disappeared out the door.

Charlie sat staring at the door long after it closed. Images of him standing there in his well-worn jeans and dark blue polo shirt filled her mind. No matter what the guy wore he seemed to look incredible. He was the kind of person who could throw on a potato sack and still look ridiculously sexy. Without intending to she started to imagine just what he looked like without his clothes on. His shoulders were broad and his arms well-defined and tanned. Thoug

h she didn't have any proof, she envisioned him with powerful pecs and a sculpted six-pack. Propping her head up against her hand she mentally sighed at the vision in her head.

“Thought you were heading over to the school for nine?” Her mom's voice cut through Charlie's daydream and her vision of Jake naked evaporated. “What?” she asked whipping her head around.

“A little distracted this morning? Everything okay?” Concern laced her mother's voice.

“Just zoned out for a minute. I have a lot on my mind. Yeah, I am going to the high school. I want to grab some coffee first.”

Her mom pointed to the freshly baked muffins. “Take one with you. Who knows when you'll get lunch.”

Charlie didn't argue. Her mom was right and besides her mom's banana nut muffins were to die for. The only person who made muffins nearly as good was her friend and roommate Beth. Jake hadn't lied. Her mom should open her own bakery. “I'll see you later.” Charlie started towards the door, but then stopped. “Call me if you need anything.”

“Don't worry. Your brother is here.”

The comment was innocent enough but it still felt like a tiny knife to her heart. Her mom never needed her. As long as she had Sean around, her mom was fine. How different things might have been if her father hadn't walked out on them and forced Sean to become the man of the house. Would this invisible gap exist between them? There was no way to know for certain but Charlie didn't think so. After all it had only developed after her father left and her mom started to depend more and more on Sean.

“Love you, Ma.” The words flew out of her mouth before her brain realized it. She didn't say it often but it was true.

“I know. I love you too Charlie.” Maureen put down the dirty dishes she held and wrapped her arms around her daughter. “I'm glad you’re home.”


Jake entered the high school just before one o'clock. The meeting with his engineers had gone well. The river's water level was receding; and the engineers had completed their assessment and were developing a plan for rebuilding the dam. The head of the highway department had also called him to set up a meeting about repairing the parts of the roads that had buckled from the onslaught of water.

Yet his good mood wasn't purely due to the progress that was being made. A big part of it was due to the unusual sense of anticipation that coursed through his body. It'd been with him since his run-in with the good doctor that morning. Most people, especially women, jumped at the chance to be with him in the hopes of gaining some of his fame or fortune. Captain Charlotte O’Brien was not one of these women. She was making him work for her respect. While she'd thawed toward him, she hadn't tried to get to know him. And for reasons that were not entirely clear to him, he wanted to get to know her better. True friends were hard to come by and he got the impression that with some work she could be one.

Or maybe something more, his body suggested when he walked into the school's auditorium. About ten children of various ages were running around playing an indoor version of tag while another ten or so were listening to a story on the stage. Charlie sat in the middle, dressed in a pair of loose-fitting well-worn jeans and a tank top. Typically he didn't find anything attractive about the tomboy look. He'd always preferred a more sophisticated look on women. Yet on the good doctor it looked natural and he found it to be a real turn-on.

When no one noticed his entrance, Jake leaned against the wall and watched Charlie as she interacted with the children gathered around her. Her voice was strong and confident as she read from the picture book she held. The children around her hung on her every word, captivated as much by the story as by her voice. Jake found himself content to just stand there and listen.

It wasn't until she read the last page and closed the book that she noticed him. A small tentative smile spread across her face as she waved in his direction and immediately Jake felt his body respond.

What the hell? She smiled at you. She didn't get naked. Jake mentally shook his head in amazement. Since when did a simple smile turn him on? Maybe it was true what they said about there being a first time for everything.

“All set to go, Doc?” Jake kept his gaze focused on Charlie, determined to ignore the glances the other two women in the room were throwing his way.

Charlie nodded as she stood. “Just let me tell Lizzie I'm going.”